Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Pretty Little Liars Sayings


A little 'light weight because the media does not want ... just give us respite
So why not go back to talking about the Oscars, even the post-Oscar and the most frivolous and glamorous party of the year rightly held by Vanity Fair.

True Vanity Fair in which, as usual, marched several celebrities from the world of entertainment that were added to the protagonists of the ceremony.
There was in fact the most beautiful couple of the evening, Portman-Millepied, and the two actors in the respective Network Justin Timberlake and Andrew Garfield achieved by their girlfriends,
appointments Amy Adams (The Fighter), Hailee Steinfeld (The Grit) and Michelle Williams, who seems more intimate than usual with that which has disappeared since Heath has become his usual companion, which is the former co-star of Dawson's Creek Busy Philipps .

But above all there were a lot of singers, dall'ultracentenario Elton John at thirteen Justin Bieber , accompanied by his playmate Selena Gomez (do not ask who he is, I do not even know Bieber but I know that America has an incredible crowd of fans and has even made a 3D movie that has dug out the box office).

Molti cantanti si sono portati dietro i rispettivi figli o genitori, come Kelly Osbourne, Steve Tyler con l’ancora bellissima figlia Liv che un tempo era anche attrice e Madonna, che dopo aver passato gli ultimi 423 mesi in una camera iperbarica durante il giorno e aver succhiato sangue di giovani vergini di notte, si è mostrata ai riflettori che da secoli agognavano la sua presenza e, ringiovanita di almeno 197 anni è tornata a fare quello che sa fare meglio: spogliarsi.

While Lady Gaga has spent the past two years to build a career tribute and copying more or less blatantly, her teacher has seen fit to rest before the tam tam with which the media will be welcomed his new film as a director.
What better start to the promotion than to show the world that she is still the coolest and most controversial?
We got far less got far less pearls that back in 2009, but this time he definitely knew how to attract the attention of the guests due to the fact that she forgot her skirt at home, it seems to fault of her daughter Lourdes , 14 year old dragged to a party at which minors were full of rest, between Steinfeld, Bieber and Gomes.
The next day which of them went to school?

Dear Mick Jagger, please tell me that you made this picture just because you did ask for this kind bambinodall'aria or some photographers. Tell me you do not really know.

Finally marpione that Jude Law is that if the merry between Cameron Diaz and Gwyneth Paltrow.

ok to come back tomorrow with the very serious review of a very serious and very sad film. Prepare tissues.


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