Monday, August 31, 2009

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Writer's block

Ho paura della pagina bianca. Temo di non essere più in grado di riempirla come un tempo.
Non fraintendetemi: diventare scrittore è sempre stata la mia più grande ambizione, ma da quando lo sono divenuto ufficialmente, con tanto di scadenze imposte, non riesco a buttar giù neppure una riga. Molti lo definiscono blocco dello scrittore, io un bel problema.
Il mio editore non fa che dispensarmi consigli: “Leggi un romanzo, cerca di trarne ispirazione, vedrai che non è nulla di grave. Tutto s'aggiusta”.
Cazzate. Una volta preso, il “blocco” non te lo scrolli più.
Ho navigato in rete, ho cercato una soluzione. Ma niente. Dopo un'accesa argument with the boss, I was told to stay at home, placed in front of the PC and let the river flood of words that has long had curbed. I, in response, I turned on her heel and slipped away, not caring about the rest. After months and months spent starving, the editor of a prestigious national magazine, at the request of my former editor contacted me and asked me to collaborate. Enthusiastically accepted, after all, have a daughter to feed, I can not afford to hang around the house again. My fellow journalists are revealed emeritus of idiots. They give me stupid because I left the publishing house best known of the country, rejecting a large sum of money. They do not know il fatidico blocco dello scrittore, in verità non sanno 'manco cosa significhi scrivere bene.
Un giorno, davanti a una tazzina fumante di caffè, converso col caporedattore, che mi svela di aver ritrovato da poco la capacità di scrittura. Con gli occhi sbarrati rimango in religioso silenzio a sentire il racconto del collega, poi lo interrompo.
“Ma come... come ci sei riuscito?”.
Lui accenna un sorriso, con l'aria di chi la sa lunga. “Facile – si stringe nelle spalle – devi liberarti di tutto ciò che ti opprime”.

Quando torno a casa, trovo mia figlia nell'androne. Ha un ampio sorriso stampato sulle labbra.
Mi avvicino e mi chino su di lei. Le poso un tenero kiss on the cheek. She throws her arms around him and he shakes in a big hug. I take this opportunity to extract from the shoulder and plunge a knife in his back.

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Praise Praise Praise

The logical response to the dogma of everlasting Hell (II part)
taking up the theme of everlasting Hell sull'inesistenza we started to analyze in the last article and let us continue to ask unsettling questions that make us more and more sense that hell is a false history and too many even today, the "use" as a way to still have control over consciences. Enough of the delegate to others the responsibility for their own conscience. Each reason for themselves and realize, at least, that certain truths of faith can not stand the test of reason. But we continue with the questions: Assuming that Lucifer was created in an eternal hell, but the questions above convince us to the contrary, the infinite mercy of God can be reconciled with the existence of an eternal hell and a fallen angel that lives there and does everything possible to bring in more people? At the end of time when God will be all in all, as Paul assures us, God Himself will be all in hell and all except those who live there, first of all Lucifer? Can you imagine a mother and her son in heaven, perhaps criminal, to hell? How does the mother to enjoy the bliss of heaven with the thought that his son was in torment in hell and no way out? Moms, how would you feel? Still, God may allow man, throughout la sua vita, sia disturbato da un essere così cattivo al punto tale che, in determinati casi, possono manifestarsi fenomeni di possessione diabolica? Se Dio Trinità abita nel cuore di ogni Creatura, frutto, questo, dell’Incarnazione, evento fondante della fede cristiana, come può questo presunto diavolo prendere il posto di Dio nel cuore dell’uomo, dando così luogo ad una possessione demoniaca? Dio, può permettere questo? Non genera, tutto questo, una penosa consapevolezza nell’uomo? Quella, in pratica, di essere alla mercé di un essere personale malvagio, nonostante la sua fede in Dio? E tutto ciò non genera, forse, nel cuore dell’uomo, la paura che affidarsi a Dio non basti più? It may, God, let the man himself may think that God is not sufficient to ensure the happiness in this way, because of the unpredictability of the devil that would implement any strategy to fill the human heart? And God would be taken by surprise by this Lucifer, then you need to drive it out of the exorcist? Or should we believe that God first allows the devil to possess a man and then drive it out of the exorcist? But that is what God play dice with human beings? It is said often that the devil tempts and torments the most good, most holy (it is known in the literature of the lives of saints, the fierce struggle between the saint and the devil). So do not conviene essere buoni? O aspirare alla Santità? O non sarà forse vero che certe manifestazioni di lotte contro il diavolo non sono altro che fenomeni isterici o genericamente psicosomatici che il cervello umano, ancora ai primordi per quanto riguarda la manifestazione dei suoi eccezionali poteri, può manifestare all’esterno? Non ci assicura forse, la scienza, che il cervello umano, che è in Evoluzione, lavora solo ad una bassissima percentuale rispetto alle potenzialità infinite che possiede in se? Questo è il motivo per cui il cervello umano manifesta anche poteri incontrollabili e incontrollati, che spesso vengono fuori senza che ne conosciamo i meccanismi. Nel cervello c’è tutta la scienza divina “in potenza”, in other words all the potential good God, that the same human being can act out so good if you like, so bad if he is led to believe that there is a foul to be bothering him. None of us knows the power of autosuggestion, which is a powerful force that can even heal us from disease, but at the same time, if stimulated to believe in evil spirits that can take possession of a person, leads one to believe in themselves and feel evils that have an array that are mistaken for mental and possessions? The brain may also manifest absurdities as the appearance of demonic possession if someone is convinced that he possessed, as well as the exaltation mystical if someone is convinced of being the beloved of God are proof of the phenomena of mass hysteria for the visions and the phenomena of mass auto-suggestion when you attend the so-called harvest of healing. There are, therefore, also the phenomena of negative auto-suggestion, when the man is believed to be owned, just because someone with no scruples, has taught for centuries that the devil can take possession of him. And 'science should reveal that, from time to time, what happens in our brain in evolution and not the exorcist. But back to the provocative questions and at the same logic: It is often said, with regard to the devil, that God tests his. Using the devil? Then the devil is subject to the will of God? If so, why did God, then, precipitates the hell? If the devil is an instrument of God, because God will damn for ever? At this point the devil might say to God: "I have helped to grow the man through temptation and suffering that come from me. Now the man grew up as you wanted, then I will have been helpful, now it drives me to hell for all eternity? No! So do not go out. Already a matter of logic (the logic is a gift from God) we can not answer these questions without undermine the image of God, which will bear the semblance of a tyrant. D 'other hand, if we save the idea of \u200b\u200ba good God-merciful-infinite love, it automatically collapses the figure of the devil. E 'have to answer to these questions? I think not! The same questions contain the answer! The questions asked have a duty to awaken in us the critical conscience positive, asleep by now a pressing preaching and a negative mental bombardment that led, in the hearts of Christians of all time, the fear of God, the terror of the devil the fear of life itself, so all cling to the figure of the Mother of God as one who alone can save us from this state of affairs. But I refer you to the next article, where we will continue our analysis in the third and last part.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

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Scans from Magazine Series No. 43

Saturday, August 29, 2009

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Back to the Past (Series Magazine article No. 43) Magazine

continued the grueling search for the truth of the detectives in Philadelphia
di Andrea Cinalli

Non tutte le domande trovano una risposta. Alcuni enigmi sono destinati a rimanere tali per sempre. Solo con un intuito infallibile e una grande determinazione si può far luce sulla verità, quella a lungo taciuta, sepolta dal tempo. Lo sa bene Lilly Rush (Kathryn Morris), che da oltre cinque anni lavora ai casi freddi, mandando in gattabuia sadici killer il cui unico scopo è insabbiare la realtà dei fatti. Ora, a dieci mesi dal termine del quinto ciclo, la detective protagonista di Cold Case – Delitti Irrisolti torna a far capolino sugli schermi di RaiDue, a partire da sabato 12 settembre, in prima serata, con un’entusiasmante sesta stagione. Nella season premiere gli agenti del serial, dopo essere stati contattati da un amico di vecchia data di Will Jeffries (Thom Barry) col pallino per il calcio, riaprono il caso dell’omicidio di Mike McShane (Aaron Hill), affabile giocatore di football considerato dai suoi coetanei una vera e propria star. I protagonisti del telefilm ci trascinano con le loro meticolose indagini in un 1973 dove la passione
per lo sport e la lotta per il successo la fanno da padrone. Ci si interroga, dunque, sul movente che ha spinto l’assassino a far fuori un ragazzo onesto come pochi, che non si faceva vanto dei privilegi ricevuti in cambio delle performance in campo. Nella puntata seguente, i detective
di Philadelphia cercano di venire a capo del mistero che grava sul brutale omicidio di Laura McKinney (Cassidy Freeman), giovane e impacciata docente ventiduenne, il cui cadavere è stato rinvenuto nel ’91 in una pozza di sangue, accanto all’auto regalatale dal padre. Ma delle chiavi della vettura nessuna traccia e il mistero s’infittisce. Al centro del terzo episodio c’è l’intricato caso della morte di Miriam Forrester (Alexandra Lydon), una donna apparentemente fragile che celava dentro di sé una grandissima forza d’animo. Forza che l’ha portata ad adoperarsi nella strenua lotta contro il razzismo. Difatti, la vittima, poco prima di venire assassinata, nel 1964, aveva preso part in Wednesday's Women, an association of only women who undertook to give practical help to the persecuted minorities of the South to solve the case Detective Vera (Jeremy Ratchford), along with Kat Miller (Tracie Thoms), makes even a trip to Mississippi. The fourth episode, Roller Girl, it's all focused on the mysterious death of Missy Gallavan (Holland Roden), a fifteen with a passion for skating, other than a frivolous young girls whose interests range from designer clothes to show off the tricks in public. In '78 her body was found lifeless at the bottom of a precipice and has never been established who was the author of the crime. The episode Shore Leave it opens with the discovery of human remains in some cans abandoned in Philadelphia. Scotty (Danny Pino), there is also a tattered military uniform that belonged to Jimmy Tully (Wilson Bethel), a marine who fled the day before embarking for Korea in 1951. Investigating, the Cold Case team discovers that the boy died to save a close friend, who also enlisted in the U.S. Army. In The Dealer, Lilly and Valens with the help of other members of the team investigates the murder of Donna D'Amico (Frankie Ingrassia), an attractive single mother who was trying to make ends meet working at a car dealership. And cold has been an ex-boyfriend jealous? Or maybe tired a colleague of his brusque? Rush will judge the detective! Box: THE CHARACTER OF THE MONTH NICK Vera (Jeremy Ratchford) will be printed for that sly smile perpetually on her lips, her face to be fat or thin for the sarcasm that characterizes his jokes. The fact is that Nick Vera is the nicest part of the team. In the first season we saw him groped in every way to save your marriage. Unable to have children, even tried to persuade his wife to adopt a child. But there was nothing to do. During the fourth season, Vera began to live in a cramped basement, next the house of a woman with whom he had an affair. In the episode "A glow in the night" we learned that Vera is a big fan of "Rocky Horror Picture Show" and in the eighth episode of the season we will discover novel that has an excellent command of Russian.

CURIOSITY '. At the end of the fifth season, has introduced a new character, Eddie Saccardo (Bobby Cannavale, known for his role as guest starring in the sitcom Will & Grace), which should be the love interest of our beloved Lilly Rush in this thrilling sixth season.
Kathryn Morris was born in 1969 in Cincinnati, Ohio. In '91 he got his first real role in the drama Long Road Home aired in the States on the peacock network, NBC. In 1999 she took part as a guest star in two episodes of the fourth season of Xena - Warrior Princess, where he played the intrepid Najara. Among his appearances on television, we must mention the role of Charlotte in Richmond show The Magnificent Seven, a remake of the movie of the year 60, and the role of Molly, who played Morris in an episode series "Providence." Finally we should mention "Cold Case - Unsolved Crimes," the show that made her famous overseas in the role of Lilly Rush, who plays the role since 2003.
Lilly Rush is the undisputed star of "Cold Case", the procedural drama of the U.S. network CBS. In the series, we see the intricate conduct investigations of cases, investigations that only a mind as his is in excellent position to take. Lilly is a strong woman, but sensitive. Sometimes you take leaves a bit 'too much from his cold cases: at the end of some episodes, in fact, the detective has a vision of the victims of killings which indagato. A causa del suo lavoro, la detective Rush ha rischiato spesso di morire: come dimenticare la puntata conclusiva del secondo ciclo, “Il bosco”, e l’epilogo della quarta serie, in cui noi poveri telespettatori pensavamo che Lilly non ce l’avrebbe fatta? Invece ci siamo dovuti ricredere, perché la Rush è un’investigatrice dalle mille risorse. E, fidatevi, ci stupirà ancora…

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Series No. 43 (September 2009)

Lucido Folle Dexter

La stagione 3 al via su FX

Vacanze finite e Dexter, Cover story di questo numero di settembre, è l’accompagnatore perfect for recording the pace of work. The preview, however, plunges us into the second, equally bloody, season of True Blood. In Series heads have an interview with Matthew Fox, Jack Shephard on Lost, that our partnership has met at the Festival of Monte Carlo. Following an article on Knight Rider, the sequel / remake of Knight Rider, a special on 24: Redemption, the film, and on the seventh season. Then again Dollhouse, NCIS and Cold Case (my article) . In the network make their appearance slasher thriller Harper's Island, and the glamor of Trust Me, with Eric McCormack of Will & Grace. Back also Nip / Tuck, with the fifth season, and, directly dagli anni ’70, in riferimento al nuovo canale satellitare FoxRetro, la scoppiettante coppia di Attenti a quei due.
Per concludere non può mancare la Cult Series, che questo mese è dedicata a E.R., il medical drama di Crichton e Spielberg, che, giunto alla 15esima stagione, ha definitivamente chiuso i battenti.

“My Way Media” è una casa editrice milanese specializzata in periodici di qualità, che si rivolgono ad un pubblico attento ed in continua ricerca di approfondimenti circa i propri interessi.
Concessionaria esclusiva per la pubblicità: Hachette Rusconi Pubblicità S.P.A.
Direzione Generale – Viale Sarca, 235 – 20126 Milano

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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

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the logic of the logic

The logical response to the dogma of eternal hell (part I)
Christians today more than ever, when it deals with the devil and hell, will inevitably pose reasonable questions that undermines that vision yet of medieval Christianity, which acknowledges the presence within it of the alleged spiritual being (Lucifer), who became evil because he wanted to be equal to God and God himself would have fallen into hell. But even more problem involves the issue of hell forever. Republic was reported long ago on a sentence of the Pope who said: "He who sins and repent not end up in hell, which is eternal." Apart from the fact that an expression so hard, that would seem to put the pope himself away from this possibility of a failure of his life, is an indication of poor human sensitivity from those who should care about the dignity of exaltation ' man, the thing that most offends you say with a real presence that dogmatic truth is not so. These statements border on plagiarism and ruin the consciences already starting from a very young age. In My experience of listening to children, young people, graduates or not, I saw their great discomfort rather than a negative theology, founded on terror and that leads them to move away from the Christian community. The questions that I will soon try to interpret the feelings of these young people who have a very open mind and reject categorically the Christian faith to them to say "dark, full of pitfalls and into your soul just sadness." In our analysis of this very sensitive issue, let us ask now the logical question is, suppose for a moment, even absurdly, that there is that infamous Lucifer which we have already demonstrated the lack of it. We will explain una volta per tutte l’infondatezza, prima logica e poi teologica, dell’esistenza dell’inferno e, di conseguenza, anche di questo inquietante personaggio che lo abiterebbe. Chiediamoci innanzitutto: Come può esistere un luogo di dannazione eterna per un angelo ribelle a Dio? Se Dio l’ha destinato all’inferno, come ci afferma la teologia cattolica (solo perché questo angelo voleva essere come Dio), significa che c’era un inferno già esistente? Ma può Dio aver creato un inferno eterno prima che Lucifero peccasse? Dio non può creare una realtà negativa. Allora dovremmo ipotizzare che possa esistere un inferno “al di fuori” di Dio? Ma nei confronti di Dio, si può dire che there is an "inside" and an "outside"? So God is the All? Or is that the rebellion of the angel (Lucifer) to generate a hell? But can a sin, even if large, against God, to create an eternal hell? Can a sin committed by an angel, which is still a creature "over" and "imperfect", to create a place of punishment "infinity", infinite as the punishment is "eternal", and also infinite? There is too much disparity between the offense committed (Lucifer is still a creature) and the eternal punishment result of such negligence? If we touch now the subject of freedom on which based around Christianity, in reference to man's faith as a response "FREE" to God that the questions, we will see that questions arise to which no response is received and understand everything. Let's see: If God gave freedom to his creatures, so they can freely decide to rebel against God but also to obey, as it is possible that, after only a rebellion against the Creator, the rebel angel no longer has the opportunity to repent to return to God? Maybe God took away the rebel angel blessings of liberty, after they sinned? But then God first makes a gift of his freedom to a creature and then takes it from him? That being the case, then, the Creator changes in her feelings to the rebellious creature? But if so, we too are doomed when we commit a grave offense? Catholic theology does not assures us, however, that every sin can follow repentance and repentance? If both things are true, then God uses two weights and two measures, condemning the rebel angel hell and forgiving, however, the man who repents? It 'possible that man should repent and not Lucifer? This means that Lucifer is no longer free to adhere to God, after having committed a sin of rebellion against Him? But if this is true, and Lucifer is deprived of the freedom to repent, is not reduced, Lucifer himself, for an automaton without freedom? At this point can no longer be called "creation", because what characterizes the state of creature it is "freedom." Now if Lucifer no longer has the freedom to repent, how does he still have the freedom of men groped? So if this is true, he is subject to God, but is subject to God because if deprived of his liberty and can not, for the same reason, the man groped by the man who is tempted? Maybe God? Let us explain: The freedom, in a creature, that allows one to itself, to have the power to do good and evil to the same extent. If God deprives him of the freedom of being able to return to Him repentant, driving them to hell which is eternal, it will mean that Lucifer will not be able to do good, but then can not do evil even if it is true that being free means being able to freely choose good or evil! Against this backdrop, how can we still say that he tries to hurt the man and, more importantly, it has a chance to have a man? If Lucifer can not do anything, good or evil, because deprived of his liberty, the man who is trying? Maybe God? Impossible. Perhaps God, using Lucifer reduced to puppet eseguitrice orders from God? So God is a tyrant? And the figure of the Father merciful end is presented to us by Jesus? Jesus, after all, he lied to us the Father? Or Jesus showed us a mercy that was hers alone and not the vote of the Father? We realize that the more we move forward in the applications and the more you hunt down a blind alley? If this were not enough, I refer you to the second part, in the next article.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

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Raves (2nd part)

Marco Travaglini si svegliò di soprassalto con la fronte madida di sudore. Si volse in direzione del comodino di fianco a lui e accese l’abat-jour. Capì che non era stato l’irritante trillo della sveglia a destarlo, ma una strana melodia che proveniva dal suo cellulare, che agguantò con un movimento meccanico della mano destra e si portò all’orecchio. Pigiò a button and activated the call. "Who the hell is it?" Articulated thickly. "Travaglini, and must put an immediate Via Money." Commissioner Marks was one of the most honest police officers that he had ever known. Her voice was imperious, obviously needed a hand. "Has something happened?" Said Marco, snorting and ruffled his thick black hair with one hand. The commissioner had a moment's hesitation. After a moment he decided to speak. "A woman was taken out with a dagger. I'll tell you all the details when you're here, okay? ". At these words the agent gasped and pulled down. A shiver creeps down my spine. "O ... okay," he stammered. Then he stopped calling. When Louis opened the front door, the imposing figure of a man is the first parried. The gaze of the teacher paused for a long time on that fat face, then paused on those expressionless eyes. "Who are you?" He asked, his voice breaking with tears and her eyes clouded by bitter tears. The big man leaned his head on his chest and fish from the back pocket of his faded jeans a card that gave him. Louis took it, looked quickly and returned it to him. "So she's an agent. I guess it is here for my daughter. " "Exactly," he began the policeman. With a kind of grin painted on his lips, the man went to him and grabbed him by the lapels of his sports jacket he wore. "Please, I beg you: take me to the scene of the crime, I want to see it." The agent shook his head with a unique, imperceptible nod and exhaled a deep breath. "I'm sorry, I'm not allowed to accompany her." At that point Louis was unable to restrain the tears began to gush copious from his eyes. "At least tell me what happened exactly. Tell me about the way she was murdered. Do you have any suspicions? "Burst out. The policeman gave a nod to more denial and raised his hand in the air, intimandogli di tacere. “Signore, sono qui solo per mostrarle una cosa”.
Detto questo, si mise a frugare nella tracolla che aveva con sé e dopo un lasso di tempo ne estrasse un sacchetto di plastica trasparente che conteneva un pugnale insanguinato. Glielo mostrò.
E con aria interrogativa gli fece: “L’ha mai visto in precedenza?”.