Monday, December 21, 2009

Laboratory Blood Toronto

Dearest .... Radio Maria

Lettera geniale inviata a Radio Maria .

Tempo fa un NOTO RELIGIOSO, dalle onde radio di Radio Maria, ha risposto ad un ascoltatore che l'OMOSESSUALITA' E' UN ABOMINIO, perchè a dirlo è la BIBBIA (Levetico, 18,22).


10 days ago that same listener wrote this letter to NOTO RELIGIOUS ...

Letter of May 16, 2009 Dear

priest, I am writing to thank you for your educational work on the laws of the Lord.

I learned a lot from his program, and I tried to share that knowledge with as many people as possible.

Now, when someone tries to defend the homosexual lifestyle, I simply remind them that Leviticus 18:22 clearly states it is an abomination.

End of discussion.

But I need some advice from you, about other specific laws and how to apply .-

I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as provided for in Exodus 21:7. What do you think would be a good selling price? -

do when burning a bull on the altar of sacrifice, I know from the scriptures that it produces a pleasant aroma to the Lord (Leviticus 1.9). The problem is with my neighbors. Those blasphemous claim that the 'smell is not pleasant for them. I not struck? -

I know I can have contact with a woman while she is menstruating (Leviticus 15:19-24). The problem is: how do I ask if the have or not? Many women s'offendono.

- Leviticus 25:44 states that I may possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased in foreign nations. A friend of mine claims that this can be done with the Mexicans, but not with the French. Can you clarify? Why can not I own Canadians? -

I have a neighbor who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2 clearly says he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him personally?

- A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an abomination (Leviticus 11:10), it is not homosexuality. I disagree. Can you settle this?

- Leviticus 21:20 states that I can not get all 'altar of God if I have defective eyesight. I have to admit that I use reading glasses ... My vision have to be 10/10 or is there some wiggle room here?

- Many of my male friends shave their hair, including those near the temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by the Bible (Leviticus 19:27). How should they die?

- In Leviticus 11:6-8 is that touching the skin of dead pig makes me unclean. To play football so I have to wear gloves?

- My uncle has a farm. He 's gone against Leviticus 19:19, because planting two different crops in the same field, and even his wife has violated the same step, because by wearing garments made of two different kinds of thread (cotton / polyester blend). Non solo: mio zio bestemmia a tutto andare. È proprio necessario che mi prenda la briga di radunare tutti gli abitanti della città per lapidarli come prescrivono le scritture? Non potrei, più semplicemente, dargli fuoco mentre dormono, come simpaticamente consiglia Levitico 20:14 per le persone che giacciono con consanguinei?

So che Lei ha studiato approfonditamente questi argomenti, per cui sono sicuro che potrà rispondermi a queste semplici domande.

Nell’occasione, la ringrazio ancora per ricordare a tutti noi che i comandamenti sono eterni e immutabili.

Sempre suo ammiratore

Thursday, December 17, 2009

What Are Good Places To Get Dresses

Series Scans from Magazine, December 2009, No. 46

Per ingrandire le immagini è sufficiente cliccare.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

How Much Is It Worth Shining Charizard

Two of Two (from Series Magazine, December 2009)

Padre di famiglia e agente segreto. Doppia
personalità, doppia vita e doppia suspense

di Andrea Cinalli

Henry Spivey apparentemente è un impiegato ligio al dovere e un padre che antepone la sua famiglia a tutto. Ama his wife Angie (Mädchen Amick, the lovely Shelly Johnson of The Twin Peaks) and loves his children, Jack (Taylor Lautner) and Ruthy (Bella Thorne).
Edward Albright is a skilled secret agent in the service of Mavis Heller (Alfre Woodard), a seemingly cold and cynical woman who gives him assignments from time to time more and more burdensome. Two men at the antipodes, you might think. But they have something in common. What? The body. Yeah, Albright years ago at the behest of his boss, took part in a mysterious project called Janus making implant a chip that allowed him to create a second identity, the deal that Mr. Spivey and courteous. But in the pilot qualcosa va storto: gli “handlers” (gli scienziati che l'hanno sottoposto all'esperimento) non sono più in grado di gestire lo switch, il passaggio da Edward a Henry e viceversa. Ed ecco che Edward si ritrova nel letto matrimoniale del suo alter ego, accanto a sua moglie, e successivamente Henry si ritrova nel bel mezzo di una missione ad alto rischio, con un fucile imbracciato. Per non compromettere l'intero progetto e sperando che decida di collaborare, Mavis Heller rivela la verità a Henry, che, ignaro dell'esistenza di Edward, dapprima ne rimane sconvolto, poi, realizzando che la propria esistenza è frutto di un mero esperimento, inizia a scavare nel passato. Una trama ben delineata, dunque. Lo stesso dicasi per tutti other engaging characters who hover around the vicissitudes of the protagonist, including special mention meritanouna Tom Grady and Raymond Carter (both played by Mike O'Malley), the first close friend of Henry, the second smart colleague of Edward under the same experiment . Alastar should then cited Trumbull (James Cromwell, masterful interpreter of SixFeet 24 and Under), looking surly agent in charge of the Janus project, and the enigmatic psychologist Norah Skinner (Saffron Burrows, Boston Legal), who weaves a stormy relationship with Edward. As the pilot episode of My Own Worst Enemy was promising (in fact there are already those who called it a mix between Alias \u200b\u200band 24), the American public did not appreciate the intrigues and stories narrated by the ninth and final episode drops the curtain on the series, leaving many questions open. The plays disappointing (we are talking about an average of 4 million 500 thousand viewers) have, in fact, prompted the network to cancel the peacock. This, however, you should not desist from following this interesting serial, where nothing is as it seems ... So, dear readers Series, the appointment was set for Thursday at 21, on Joi.
CURIOSITY ' The serial was created by writer Jason Smilovic, best known for having created in 2006 the series Kidnapped, which Madchen Amick has participated as a guest star and where the "desperate Housewife Dana Delany has had the opportunity to show off. Smilovic is also known for his role as executive producer on the remake of Bionic Woman, the cult '70s TV series. A month after its debut on the NBC network, comes the news of the actress replacing Yara Martinez (who would play as Angie Spivey) with Amick. David Semel, executive producer, has a curriculum of respect: he was part of the creative staff of Dr. House - Medical Division, Heroes, Ally McBeal, Roswell, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Seventh Heaven, Beverly Hills 90210, The Practice and The Cleaner., a website that collects reviews of TV shows published in newspapers, gave My Own Worst Enemy a score of 61/100.
BOX: JEKYLL & HIDE CHRISTIAN SLATER street has come since, at the age of 17, he played the young Adso of Melk in the film adaptation of The Name of the Rose, Umberto Eco's novel. Already in the late 80's got a starring role in the film Heathers, in which he starred with the future mate, Winona Ryder. Among the other famous films that worked include: Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves, Interview with the Vampire, In the mind of the killer and Alone in the Dark. He made numerous appearances in West Wing - All the President's Men, My Name is Earl e Curb your enthusiasm (dove anche la Amick ha partecipato in qualità di guest star). Attualmente l'attore è impegnato con The Forgotten, il drama di otto puntate ideato da Jerry Bruckheimer per la ABC.

Quando il primo viene a conoscenza della sua doppia personalità, cerca streanuamente un modo per rimuovere il chip. Ma, come un vecchio compagno di collage - ora stimato neurochirurgo - gli ha spiegato, è impossibile asportarlo. Lo stesso medico verrà poi ucciso da Edward, che non può permettere che il progetto Janus venga scoperto.
Insomma, sarà dura per entrambi: se Henry dovrà cercare di metabolizzare le rivelazioni fattegli dalla Heller, Edward dovrà accettare che il chip inizi do not fire.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Nintendo Coin Generator

Cases warm (Magazine Scans Series No. 45)

Monday, November 2, 2009

How Long And Colon Infection

Cases warm (from Series Magazine n ° 45 )

One of the best seasons of Without a Trace. The smell of Malone in these episodes not denied
Andrea Cinalli
S u Mamma Rai continue the investigation of the most popular detectives of the small screen, those of "Without a Trace" detective della CBS che per sette lunghi anni ha narrato le vicissitudini di persone scomparse. Storie assurde, commoventi, a volte terrificanti, che hanno tenuto incollati al televisore milioni e milioni di telespettatori, alcuni dei quali non si danno ancora per vinti e non si rassegnano alla chiusura del telefilm. Già, “Senza Traccia” ha chiuso i battenti al termine del settimo ciclo, spiazzando i fan e il cast artistico della serie, che mai si sarebbe aspettato di venire accantonato per far posto a una nuova stagione di “Cold Case – Delitti Irrisolti” (i due serial venivano mandati in onda sullo stesso network, ndr).
Fortunatamente non è ancora giunto il tempo degli addii per i telespettatori del Belpaese, che questo mese are preparing to follow the remaining episodes of the sixth season, given by the same creator, Hank Steinberg, one of the best. So once again the detective Malone (Anthony LaPaglia), Spade (Poppy Montgomery), Johnson (Marianne Jean-Baptiste), Taylor (Enrique Murciano), Fitzgerald (Eric Close) and Delgado (Roselyn Sanchez) will be called to investigate the mysterious disappearances occurred in New York City area, and once again will get their teeth victims with a dark past that troubles hiding shameful secrets, reluctant witnesses to talk. And in each episode, the truth will always be there, around the corner, ready to be revealed, however uncomfortable it may seem. Why agents FBI Missing Persons Division are equipped with skills not common, a good guessing that, in the worst cases (murders, kidnappings ...), will lead them straight to a fault. So unusual for this point we can expect the same winning mix of yellow and black humor that made the series a quality product, worthy of being followed and appreciated by all lovers of the genre. But now we come to the juiciest news of the season. Samantha Spade is pregnant and in the episode aired in November, we will first address the problems due to unexpected pregnancy. Worry, though: the detective will not abandon all your teammates, will remain in place, ready to show off his skills as a detective. On the guest star we should instead announce a welcome return. James Marsters (Spike in the Buffy The Vampire Slayer unforgettable and the supervillain Brainiac in Smallville) will return to play as Detective Grant Mars in the ninth episode, "One Wrong Move", in which agents protagonists of the serial will be involved in the search for Lindsay Bynum (Catherine Dent, familiar face of Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles), a very caring mother who, while paying their debts, go back to selling drugs in the city, regardless of the needs of children. The story has an epilogue unexpected. In this sequel, "Claus and Effect", Malone & Co. will be on the trail of Glen Beckett (Josh Heine), a brilliant university student who dreams of a different life less hectic. His unselfishness will bring you to lend a hand to the neediest, but will be hampered by a mother who wants a future for him only certainties. While in the "4G" The team will be looking for Scott Lucas (Danny Nucci), a private detective with a heart of gold who will defend a high school student by a bunch of thugs and then suddenly disappear. What will become of him? In the twelfth episode, you will then have to solve the riddle of the disappearance of Laura Richards (Erin Chambers), taking place health worker recently taken to a hospital for soldiers. Everyone knew her, ma nessuno, in verità, aveva un buon rapporto con lei.
Adesso non resta che chiedersi se i nostri beniamini saranno ancora in grado di trovare una traccia...

BOX: Jekyll & Hide
Nel 1989, l'attore ha conseguito una laurea in comunicazione presso la University of Southern California, dove ha preso parte alla confraternita Sigma Chi. Nel '95 è convolato a nozze con l'attuale moglie Keri, da cui ha avuto ben due figlie, Katie ed Ella. La sua più grande passione – come potete intuire – è la recitazione. Il suo primo vero ruolo gli fu affidato nel lontano 1992, nel lungometraggio “American Me – Rabbia di Vivere”. Dodichè iniziò working on several television series that met with some success around the globe: Santa Barbara (soap that allowed Leonardo Di Caprio to take the first steps in acting), Sisters (aired from '95 to '96), Dark Skies - Manor, The Incredible Michael, The Magnificent Seven and Taken (only ten episodes of the serial created by wizards that Steven Spielberg). MARTIN FITZGERALD Join the team in the pilot episode of the show. At first it is frowned upon by Danny Taylor as the son of a senior federal police in New York. But gradually wins the confidence of his colleagues show friendly and willing to do anything to accomplish le indagini dei casi intricati a cui lavora. La sua competenza e la sua affabilità conquistano subito la fascinosa detective Spade, che, dopo una burrascosa relazione con Jack Malone nella first season (a causa della quale moglie e figlie lo abbandonano), decide di tornare in gioco e di lasciarsi andare proprio con il bel Martin. La storia d'amore, però, non ha un lieto fine e termina nella diciannovesima puntata del terzo ciclo, “Oltre lo sguardo”, andata in onda da noi nel 2006. Della sua vita privata sappiamo ben poco, ma è noto che tra lui e il padre non scorra buon sangue, nonostante gli abbia affidato un lavoro di tutto rispetto nella sede newyorkese dell'FBI. I fan sfegatati del telefilm, inoltre, ricorderanno vividamente the accident of the fourth set in which Fitzgerald has seriously threatened to leave the skin. BOX: THE CHARACTER OF THE MONTH VIVIAN "VIV" JOHNSON (MARIANNE JEAN-BAPTISTE) E 'agent a formidable place to better his position, never complains about anything and it's always nice to everyone (and guilty not). The touch and the ability to listen to whoever is nearby also make a good friend. During the third series, has had serious heart problems, of which only Samantha initially knew.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Chunky Discharge In Urine

Series Preview Magazine (November 2009) ... with a small news

The band Malone
Without a Trace, season 6 on Rai Due

Editore: My Way Media.
Viale Sarca, 235, 20126 Milano
SERIES - Tutti i telefilm in TV, Satellite & Digitale Terrestre

È in edicola il numero 45 di SERIES – TV & Home Video

Un numero tutto autunnale quello di novembre: i colori di questa stagione e i suoi umori si riflettono nella Cover Story di Series, Senza Traccia (il mio è proprio l'articolo di copertina!) , e nell’altrettanto avvincente Criminal Minds, che la segue a ruota.Come Anteprima una doppia intervista: la cheerleader, now grown, Hayden Panettiere and Masi Oka nice, show us some background of Heroes.La season 2 of True Blood and the sixth of the inevitable return to Desperate Housewives Series between the heads, we get into the intricate FlashForward live, already a cult series ; delights us with an interview with the lovely Lisa Edelstein, Dr. Cuddy to Dr. House, and we plunge back into the world of Chuck. To complete this space we think the third season finale of Dexter, not to be missed! Among the networks we have another show in the very first, The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency, original series set in Botswana, and then the film 24: Redemption, the Walker family on Brothers & Sisters Season 4, and the brilliant Life on Mars legally gag Boston Legal. Cult Series as an overview of Alias, the series revealed that the genius of JJ Abrams to viewers. EDITOR: "My Way" Media "is a Milan publishing house specializing in quality journals, which are addressed to an attentive audience and are always looking for insights about their own interests. Exclusive agency for advertising: Hachette Rusconi SPA Advertising General Management - Viale Sarca, 235-20126 Milan tel. 02/6619.1

a "taste" of my piece on the magazine's website:

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Using Lush No Shit Hair Dye

The blog is one year old!

Trovo doveroso ringraziare tutti coloro che in questo primo anno mi hanno seguito assiduamente, che hanno letto pazientemente i miei pezzi, i miei racconti. E per festeggiare ho deciso di riproporre il primo, mitico post.

La Gelmini e la scuola

Desidero parlare, anzitutto, di una questione alquanto spinosa che tiene col fiato sospeso milioni di ragazzini (incluso il sottoscritto): l'istruzione e il suo futuro. Chi ha avuto modo di guardare i tg o di sfogliare i quotidiani avrà già capito cosa sta accadendo all'istruzione del Belpaese e sarà già al corrente del fatto che Mariastella Gelmini voglia ridimensionare il school personnel (it is rumored, in fact, a return to the single teacher primary schools). Now I will not speak as a journalist, but as a student. In the classroom, the corridors of the high school that I attend, I noticed a great ferment. Kids happy and smiling and shouting to the impending strike and girls, on the contrary, his fists clenched and his face was livid with rage, because of the changes made by the minister. Many have posed the following question: "Do you agree with the minister Gelmini?". And many I have received a negative response. Then, when I asked "Do you think that education will be in Italy?", No one has been able to give a comprehensive answer. In your view, will be resolved as the "affair"? We students will never find a point of meeting with the minister of education??
(28 / 10 / '08)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

How Many Players On A Basketball Team Wii


the Buffyverse fanfiction
'Every night the same shit' , Annie thought it took a long drag on cigarette that veered between the toes.
Al Bronze no one was interesting, even if he could give it to Frank, the bartender, the one that drooled back. But the last thing he wanted to appease those occasions was a man under stress, tired of life tedious and monotonous, who for years led.
He leaned against the fence that surrounded the room and looked up at the sky dotted with stars. He pulled his coat and shivered.
suddenly had the feeling that someone was watching the air and looked around in alarm.
A dull thud behind her startled and made out a little cry of surprise. A boy with sunken eyes and hollow cheeks approached slowly, stealthily.
Annie recognized him instantly: "Dean, are you? What are you doing here?"
Dean was his ex. Their relationship, dating back five years ago, was very stormy, characterized da frequenti tira-e-molla. La giovane, però, aveva nutrito un amore sincero nei suoi riguardi e aveva deciso di darci un taglio solo quando si era resa conto che non sarebbero mai approdati a nulla.
Annie gettò il mozzicone sull'asfalto e lo calpestò. Incrociò le braccia sul petto. "Ehi, ma che ti prende? Sei sordo?"
Mosse alcuni passi verso Dean e si fermò di colpo quando notò il suo viso pallido e il ghigno stampato sulle labbra che metteva in mostra i denti aguzzi.
"Oh, cazzo". La donna indietreggiò lentamente e spiccò un salto nel tentativo di darsi alla fuga. Ma il ragazzo fu più rapido: la raggiunse e affondò i canini nel suo collo smagrito.
Annie offered no resistance and died with the knowledge that it was unwise: it was not wise to wander through the deserted streets of a city teeming with vampires.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

% Of People Who Masterbate

Scans from Magazine Series No. 44

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Canada Cancer Wristbands

fleeting moments (from Magazine Series No. 44) Magazine

No mission is impossible for the baddest of the good guys
Andrea Cinalli There is no rest for Jack Bauer. After returning to the U.S. and have faced against the allegations made against him by Senator Blaine Mayer (Kurtwood Smith), back to a time, willing to do anything to avert the looming threats and dangers of his country. This time, however, does not work on behalf of the CTU, the anti-terrorist agency dismantled following the events of the sixth chapter, but is working with the FBI. Yeah, and alongside him in the new mission impossible, at least in the early episodes, and Renee Walker (Annie Wersching), shrewd federal agent able to maneuver skillfully in the most extreme. Together, the two caught Tony Almeida (Carlos Bernard), guilty of having breached the firewall of the CIP (the system that has full control of U.S. infrastructure), and induced him to empty The bag, called out the names of those behind the operation. When, however, Bauer manages to get in touch with Chloe O'Brian (Mary Lynn Rajskub), the attacker smarter than I've ever worked with, learns of the plan Almeida and Bill Buchanan (James Morrison) to meet the massacre that General Benjamin Juma (Tony Todd) is making in Sangala. Jack, therefore, free Tony, and together they flee by stealth to rejoin former colleagues in the CTU. To continue investigations required permissions that only the president can grant. So Bauer and company make a detour to the White House, revealing to Allison Taylor (Cherry Jones), their intentions and advise of the situation disastrous situation in terms of its administration, composed mainly of moles of Juma. Meanwhile, the president must come to terms with the death of her husband Henry (Colm Feore), taken hostage by Ike Dubaku (Hakeem Kae-Kazim), one of the most ruthless and trusted allies of General Benjamin. Dubaku also the intimate immediately to withdraw its troops from Sangala and threatened to kill thousands (if not millions) of Americans. With absolute calm and cool leader of the U.S. must, therefore, think of a solution that solves the whole issue, it must consider every single possible option. It involves taking the difficult choice of course of the consequences, that the president ever further from its family ... In short, even for this seventh-awaited cycle of 24 writers have spared no plot twists and cliffhanger, which, combined with the fast pace and relentless series, midseason us a way of really explosive final: Mrs. Taylor will eventually come face to face with his arch enemy, Juma, and the question that will leave us in suspense, but only for a short time, will be "Which one will win the day?". Box: JEKYLL & HIDE KIEFER SUTHERLAND has certainly inherited the sacred fire of acting from both parents, very much appreciated and esteemed actors around the globe. His father - but surely you notato dall'impressionante somiglianza – è Donald Sutherland, che ha impersonato Merrick, il primo osservatore di Buffy nell'omonima pellicola del '92, e interprete di Patrick “Tripp” Darling IV nello sfortunato serial Dirty Sexy Money, che ha chiuso i battenti dopo due sole stagioni. La madre, Shirley Douglas, è famosa per aver preso parte a diverse produzioni note in tutto il mondo: Il Mago di Oz, Singin' in the Rain, Flash Gordon, Wind at My Back, Made in Canada...
Ma torniamo a Kiefer. Nel 1972, i suoi hanno divorziato e ed è andato a vivere con la madre a Toronto, dove ha avuto l'opportunità di frequentare alcune fra le più prestigiose scuole del Paese. Il suo debutto sul grande schermo risale al 1983 with the feature film Max Dugan Returns, in which he starred as Bill with his father. Then he took part in the cast of the TV show Amazing Stories (conceived in the '80s by His Majesty Steven Spielberg for NBC) and Trapped in Silence (where he played Kevin Richter). Among the other leading roles assigned to him, we must mention to Sam Stanley in the movie "Fire Walk With Me," prequel to the cult series "The Twin Peaks" and that dell'inossidabile Jack Bauer, who played in 24 since 2001, Fox TV's weblog. (C) JACK BAUER Duro, deadpan, aggressive and contemptuous of danger. The most apt adjective to define the best agent of the CTU is not any. For years we have visto lottare strenuamente contro uomini corrotti e senza scrupoli e fermare con ogni mezzo a propria disposizione i loro tentativi di mettere in ginocchio gli Stati Uniti. Bauer, nel corso delle sette stagioni, ha dovuto fare i conti anche con numerose perdite, a partire dai suoi colleghi, per non parlare della moglie, Teri, uccisa brutalmente al termine della primissima serie. Nel Day 7 cerca in ogni modo di sottrarre il suo Paese dalle grinfie di Benjamin Juma e Ike Dubaku e anche stavolta si troverà in grosse difficoltà. Che dite, riuscirà ancora a cavarsi d'impaccio? Per scoprirlo basta sintonizzarsi ogni venerdì sera alle 21.00 su FX. (a.c.)

ANTHONY “TONY” ALMEIDA (Carlos Bernard) Tony did not make the bad end that we have shown in the thirteenth episode of the fifth cycle, indeed. In the first episodes of new series, when Jack is in front of Chloe O'Brian and Bill Buchanan, said to have been rescued from a certain David Emerson (Peter Wingfield), a mercenary in the service for which the Juma Almeida worked for three years. Now, realizing the deaths and the horrific acts committed, decide to frustrate the evil plans of Emerson, ordendo a strategy with his former colleagues in the CTU. (C)

Monday, September 28, 2009

Joby Talbot, The Kiss, Sheet Music

Series No. 44 (October 2009)

has finally arrived and is the Cover Story in the October issue, on sale since 2: FlashForward, the long-awaited series created by David Goyer, formerly called the heir of Lost. Following the seventh, or the Final Act of tostissimo The Shield, and then pierce the screen with the 3D preview of the episode of Chuck. In Test Series celebrates the twentieth anniversary of The Simpsons. Homer and family celebrate the anniversary with the release of season 12 DVD. Back again with the CIS interview Eric Szmanda and continue to follow the story lines of the seventh season of 24 (my article!) , the third of Dexter and Dollhouse. It also makes its first appearance Lie to Me, with the great Tim Roth. Among the master network are The Cleaner, a new serialized story of redemption and salvation, the detective writer Castle, and the second series of psychoanalytic In Treatment. Back to another writer, the most critical of the small screen, Hank Moody, a hero of the second season of Californication. Finally, in the Cult Series, the series that changed TV: Lost. EDITOR: "My Way" Media "is a Milan publishing house specializing in quality journals, which are addressed to an attentive audience and are always looking for insights about their own interests. SERIES ON N. 44 It is on sale from October 2 Frequency: Monthly SIZE: 20.5 X 28 cm, 5 PAGES: 100

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Bebe The Cheapest Outlet


The logical response to the dogma of eternal hell (part III)
Preaching by the Catholic institution, urgent and systematic, the presence of an eternal hell, now for centuries, has become one of the pillars of Catholic doctrine and, even more disconcerting, has filled the minds of generations of men and women, inculcating them with the fear of life itself. This distorted view of faith in Christ has been and will, if not immediately corrected, the source of many forms of obsessive compulsive neurosis. Just consider the repetitive gestures liturgical formulas di preghiera da recitarsi pena il peccato mortale, le giaculatorie ossessive e tutte quelle forme di devozione da ripetersi per aggraziarsi Dio. Dio non si merita per le cose ripetitive che facciamo per lui ma Dio si ama come Egli ci ama. La fede è una risposta all’Amore di Dio e si esprime amando e non facendo gesti ossessionanti fino a crearsi scrupoli a non finire se quei gesti, per i più svariati motivi, dovessero essere disattesi.
Bene. Certa predicazione, avendo svalutato in pieno la figura del Padre, che lavorerebbe a braccetto con il demonio, di cui si serve per mettere alla prova gli uomini, avendo svalutato la stessa figura del Figlio, che obbedendo al Padre ne fa un giudice severo che ricalca le orme del Padre, ha generato un attaccamento morbid to some alleged Marian apparitions, where the lady would encourage men to trust her (see the incessant pressures of Radio Maria in relation to this matter.) Do not take the tasks that do not belong. If we do this what sense the gospel? In the Gospel, Mary is great because it is a few words. With the passage of time has reached the point of projecting the protective mother figure, of which every man needs to the Mother of God, which alone can "stop the arm of her Son" angry with humanity. In certain alleged apparitions (especially the much-vaunted Medjugorje, even in this Radio Maria is a teacher), the lady would say just this nonsense. One might ask: But the good lady is more of God the Father and the Son? Can a creature as big as Maria, the most good of his Creator? The questions we asked are also responsible to make us cry once and for all: NO MORE! What we have learned to deal with the constant questions that rational logic suggests the human spirit. The awareness of what we just thinking logically, without consulting the Holy Scriptures. Another mistake was made by Jerome in translating the Greek word "Hades", it has been translated from the Hebrew "Sheol," the Latin word "hell". The "Sheol" for the Jews was the symbolic realm of the dead, as was the 'Hades' for the Greeks. Now, Jerome translated "hell" instead of "hell" and this was the last consideration of the dead in Latin. Not only that, but gives the word "hell" that negative characteristic of the place where he was, inevitably, that Lucifer invented by relegating him to gross errors of translation. It must be borne in mind, however, that in the Gospels speak of "hell" but only in Italian. As we have already stated, the greek text speaks of "Hades." Many say that Jesus spoke of hell in molti suoi discorsi. Qui entra in gioco un’altra questione importante: Gesù, quando parla della condanna di chi non agisce bene in questo mondo, usa la parola “Geenna” e non “Ade”. La Geenna è il luogo dove si bruciavano i rifiuti di Gerusalemme; Gesù introduce questo termine, nei suoi discorsi, a puro scopo pedagogico. L’Incarnazione presuppone un’identificazione anche linguistica, da parte di Gesù, con la cultura del tempo. E’ inevitabile, quindi, che Gesù usi il linguaggio del suo tempo anche riguardo a questo spinoso argomento, seppure in pochissime occasioni, ma lo fa soprattutto a scopo educativo. Per Gesù c’è il rischio reale che l’uomo possa fail in his relationship with God, if you insist on hating, despite the pressing invitation to love one another. In this instance, Jesus provides for the "possibility" of a total failure of the person which, while created to love and despite having the knowledge, persists to hate. In this instance, Jesus speaks of hell and it's like saying, "If you persist in doing evil to your neighbor, your life has no meaning, you get stuck in the drive towards life and your existence is turned off slowly. At your death you will be cast into hell for not having given to your consciousness can evolve into the well, were you just "flesh and your flesh, death, decomposition and your existence will vanish in the total destruction, as happens in hell when you burn the garbage. " E 'the total annihilation. It is not hell, it is only a possibility of failure with regard to the salvation of the person after death, for the simple fact that this person has not experienced any positive development towards the good. But, again, is only a possibility, Jesus speaks of the possibility of failure, but it is said that to happen, and surely the divine Trinity is doing everything to avoid this from happening, continually stimulating the consciousness of the Man-Woman at the Well. I think that is it enough that I have given, at least to understand our contemporary Christians that the Christian revelation is not much more than the result of translation errors being passed to the truths of faith but, more importantly, to the Christians say it's time to open our eyes and ears for reason according to their conscience that, as the Second Vatican Council, is the most important human Shrine, where dwells the DIVINITY 'itself and that no one has the right to break in, because that's where God speaks to every man-woman-creature, without any human intermediary.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Best Rock Climbing Brands

Under the sky of Mexico

Under the sky of Mexico, Pino Cacucci (ed. Photology)

The narrative recreates scenes and dialogues for the life of Tina in Mexico between 1923 and 1930, the climate and environment of that memorable period, with some jumps back in time, both of California bohemian San Francisco and Los Angeles, which in Udine beginning of the century, apart from sporadic moments of his return Mexico in the early forties, by which time the dream has turned into the nightmare of communism staliniano, e lei ci lascia nell’enigma: fino a che punto fu complice o soltanto vittima del suo tempo, di quel periodo travagliato eppure intrigante, irripetibile?Tina Modotti ha precorso il “reportage sociale” che l’Agenzia Magnum avrebbe reso immortale, ha attraversato da protagonista gli eventi che hanno fatto la Storia del XX secolo. E la sua bellezza malinconica ha suscitato l’amore di tanti, e il rimpianto di chi non è riuscito a capire quanta sensibilità racchiudesse dentro di sé.

Acquista qui

Monday, August 31, 2009

Pain Inlower Part Of Fore Finger And Thumb

Writer's block

Ho paura della pagina bianca. Temo di non essere più in grado di riempirla come un tempo.
Non fraintendetemi: diventare scrittore è sempre stata la mia più grande ambizione, ma da quando lo sono divenuto ufficialmente, con tanto di scadenze imposte, non riesco a buttar giù neppure una riga. Molti lo definiscono blocco dello scrittore, io un bel problema.
Il mio editore non fa che dispensarmi consigli: “Leggi un romanzo, cerca di trarne ispirazione, vedrai che non è nulla di grave. Tutto s'aggiusta”.
Cazzate. Una volta preso, il “blocco” non te lo scrolli più.
Ho navigato in rete, ho cercato una soluzione. Ma niente. Dopo un'accesa argument with the boss, I was told to stay at home, placed in front of the PC and let the river flood of words that has long had curbed. I, in response, I turned on her heel and slipped away, not caring about the rest. After months and months spent starving, the editor of a prestigious national magazine, at the request of my former editor contacted me and asked me to collaborate. Enthusiastically accepted, after all, have a daughter to feed, I can not afford to hang around the house again. My fellow journalists are revealed emeritus of idiots. They give me stupid because I left the publishing house best known of the country, rejecting a large sum of money. They do not know il fatidico blocco dello scrittore, in verità non sanno 'manco cosa significhi scrivere bene.
Un giorno, davanti a una tazzina fumante di caffè, converso col caporedattore, che mi svela di aver ritrovato da poco la capacità di scrittura. Con gli occhi sbarrati rimango in religioso silenzio a sentire il racconto del collega, poi lo interrompo.
“Ma come... come ci sei riuscito?”.
Lui accenna un sorriso, con l'aria di chi la sa lunga. “Facile – si stringe nelle spalle – devi liberarti di tutto ciò che ti opprime”.

Quando torno a casa, trovo mia figlia nell'androne. Ha un ampio sorriso stampato sulle labbra.
Mi avvicino e mi chino su di lei. Le poso un tenero kiss on the cheek. She throws her arms around him and he shakes in a big hug. I take this opportunity to extract from the shoulder and plunge a knife in his back.

The Rock Deodorant Las Vegas

Praise Praise Praise

The logical response to the dogma of everlasting Hell (II part)
taking up the theme of everlasting Hell sull'inesistenza we started to analyze in the last article and let us continue to ask unsettling questions that make us more and more sense that hell is a false history and too many even today, the "use" as a way to still have control over consciences. Enough of the delegate to others the responsibility for their own conscience. Each reason for themselves and realize, at least, that certain truths of faith can not stand the test of reason. But we continue with the questions: Assuming that Lucifer was created in an eternal hell, but the questions above convince us to the contrary, the infinite mercy of God can be reconciled with the existence of an eternal hell and a fallen angel that lives there and does everything possible to bring in more people? At the end of time when God will be all in all, as Paul assures us, God Himself will be all in hell and all except those who live there, first of all Lucifer? Can you imagine a mother and her son in heaven, perhaps criminal, to hell? How does the mother to enjoy the bliss of heaven with the thought that his son was in torment in hell and no way out? Moms, how would you feel? Still, God may allow man, throughout la sua vita, sia disturbato da un essere così cattivo al punto tale che, in determinati casi, possono manifestarsi fenomeni di possessione diabolica? Se Dio Trinità abita nel cuore di ogni Creatura, frutto, questo, dell’Incarnazione, evento fondante della fede cristiana, come può questo presunto diavolo prendere il posto di Dio nel cuore dell’uomo, dando così luogo ad una possessione demoniaca? Dio, può permettere questo? Non genera, tutto questo, una penosa consapevolezza nell’uomo? Quella, in pratica, di essere alla mercé di un essere personale malvagio, nonostante la sua fede in Dio? E tutto ciò non genera, forse, nel cuore dell’uomo, la paura che affidarsi a Dio non basti più? It may, God, let the man himself may think that God is not sufficient to ensure the happiness in this way, because of the unpredictability of the devil that would implement any strategy to fill the human heart? And God would be taken by surprise by this Lucifer, then you need to drive it out of the exorcist? Or should we believe that God first allows the devil to possess a man and then drive it out of the exorcist? But that is what God play dice with human beings? It is said often that the devil tempts and torments the most good, most holy (it is known in the literature of the lives of saints, the fierce struggle between the saint and the devil). So do not conviene essere buoni? O aspirare alla Santità? O non sarà forse vero che certe manifestazioni di lotte contro il diavolo non sono altro che fenomeni isterici o genericamente psicosomatici che il cervello umano, ancora ai primordi per quanto riguarda la manifestazione dei suoi eccezionali poteri, può manifestare all’esterno? Non ci assicura forse, la scienza, che il cervello umano, che è in Evoluzione, lavora solo ad una bassissima percentuale rispetto alle potenzialità infinite che possiede in se? Questo è il motivo per cui il cervello umano manifesta anche poteri incontrollabili e incontrollati, che spesso vengono fuori senza che ne conosciamo i meccanismi. Nel cervello c’è tutta la scienza divina “in potenza”, in other words all the potential good God, that the same human being can act out so good if you like, so bad if he is led to believe that there is a foul to be bothering him. None of us knows the power of autosuggestion, which is a powerful force that can even heal us from disease, but at the same time, if stimulated to believe in evil spirits that can take possession of a person, leads one to believe in themselves and feel evils that have an array that are mistaken for mental and possessions? The brain may also manifest absurdities as the appearance of demonic possession if someone is convinced that he possessed, as well as the exaltation mystical if someone is convinced of being the beloved of God are proof of the phenomena of mass hysteria for the visions and the phenomena of mass auto-suggestion when you attend the so-called harvest of healing. There are, therefore, also the phenomena of negative auto-suggestion, when the man is believed to be owned, just because someone with no scruples, has taught for centuries that the devil can take possession of him. And 'science should reveal that, from time to time, what happens in our brain in evolution and not the exorcist. But back to the provocative questions and at the same logic: It is often said, with regard to the devil, that God tests his. Using the devil? Then the devil is subject to the will of God? If so, why did God, then, precipitates the hell? If the devil is an instrument of God, because God will damn for ever? At this point the devil might say to God: "I have helped to grow the man through temptation and suffering that come from me. Now the man grew up as you wanted, then I will have been helpful, now it drives me to hell for all eternity? No! So do not go out. Already a matter of logic (the logic is a gift from God) we can not answer these questions without undermine the image of God, which will bear the semblance of a tyrant. D 'other hand, if we save the idea of \u200b\u200ba good God-merciful-infinite love, it automatically collapses the figure of the devil. E 'have to answer to these questions? I think not! The same questions contain the answer! The questions asked have a duty to awaken in us the critical conscience positive, asleep by now a pressing preaching and a negative mental bombardment that led, in the hearts of Christians of all time, the fear of God, the terror of the devil the fear of life itself, so all cling to the figure of the Mother of God as one who alone can save us from this state of affairs. But I refer you to the next article, where we will continue our analysis in the third and last part.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Barnes And Noble Cafe Manager Salary

Scans from Magazine Series No. 43

Saturday, August 29, 2009

High, Soft Cervix, But No Egg White Mucus

Back to the Past (Series Magazine article No. 43) Magazine

continued the grueling search for the truth of the detectives in Philadelphia
di Andrea Cinalli

Non tutte le domande trovano una risposta. Alcuni enigmi sono destinati a rimanere tali per sempre. Solo con un intuito infallibile e una grande determinazione si può far luce sulla verità, quella a lungo taciuta, sepolta dal tempo. Lo sa bene Lilly Rush (Kathryn Morris), che da oltre cinque anni lavora ai casi freddi, mandando in gattabuia sadici killer il cui unico scopo è insabbiare la realtà dei fatti. Ora, a dieci mesi dal termine del quinto ciclo, la detective protagonista di Cold Case – Delitti Irrisolti torna a far capolino sugli schermi di RaiDue, a partire da sabato 12 settembre, in prima serata, con un’entusiasmante sesta stagione. Nella season premiere gli agenti del serial, dopo essere stati contattati da un amico di vecchia data di Will Jeffries (Thom Barry) col pallino per il calcio, riaprono il caso dell’omicidio di Mike McShane (Aaron Hill), affabile giocatore di football considerato dai suoi coetanei una vera e propria star. I protagonisti del telefilm ci trascinano con le loro meticolose indagini in un 1973 dove la passione
per lo sport e la lotta per il successo la fanno da padrone. Ci si interroga, dunque, sul movente che ha spinto l’assassino a far fuori un ragazzo onesto come pochi, che non si faceva vanto dei privilegi ricevuti in cambio delle performance in campo. Nella puntata seguente, i detective
di Philadelphia cercano di venire a capo del mistero che grava sul brutale omicidio di Laura McKinney (Cassidy Freeman), giovane e impacciata docente ventiduenne, il cui cadavere è stato rinvenuto nel ’91 in una pozza di sangue, accanto all’auto regalatale dal padre. Ma delle chiavi della vettura nessuna traccia e il mistero s’infittisce. Al centro del terzo episodio c’è l’intricato caso della morte di Miriam Forrester (Alexandra Lydon), una donna apparentemente fragile che celava dentro di sé una grandissima forza d’animo. Forza che l’ha portata ad adoperarsi nella strenua lotta contro il razzismo. Difatti, la vittima, poco prima di venire assassinata, nel 1964, aveva preso part in Wednesday's Women, an association of only women who undertook to give practical help to the persecuted minorities of the South to solve the case Detective Vera (Jeremy Ratchford), along with Kat Miller (Tracie Thoms), makes even a trip to Mississippi. The fourth episode, Roller Girl, it's all focused on the mysterious death of Missy Gallavan (Holland Roden), a fifteen with a passion for skating, other than a frivolous young girls whose interests range from designer clothes to show off the tricks in public. In '78 her body was found lifeless at the bottom of a precipice and has never been established who was the author of the crime. The episode Shore Leave it opens with the discovery of human remains in some cans abandoned in Philadelphia. Scotty (Danny Pino), there is also a tattered military uniform that belonged to Jimmy Tully (Wilson Bethel), a marine who fled the day before embarking for Korea in 1951. Investigating, the Cold Case team discovers that the boy died to save a close friend, who also enlisted in the U.S. Army. In The Dealer, Lilly and Valens with the help of other members of the team investigates the murder of Donna D'Amico (Frankie Ingrassia), an attractive single mother who was trying to make ends meet working at a car dealership. And cold has been an ex-boyfriend jealous? Or maybe tired a colleague of his brusque? Rush will judge the detective! Box: THE CHARACTER OF THE MONTH NICK Vera (Jeremy Ratchford) will be printed for that sly smile perpetually on her lips, her face to be fat or thin for the sarcasm that characterizes his jokes. The fact is that Nick Vera is the nicest part of the team. In the first season we saw him groped in every way to save your marriage. Unable to have children, even tried to persuade his wife to adopt a child. But there was nothing to do. During the fourth season, Vera began to live in a cramped basement, next the house of a woman with whom he had an affair. In the episode "A glow in the night" we learned that Vera is a big fan of "Rocky Horror Picture Show" and in the eighth episode of the season we will discover novel that has an excellent command of Russian.

CURIOSITY '. At the end of the fifth season, has introduced a new character, Eddie Saccardo (Bobby Cannavale, known for his role as guest starring in the sitcom Will & Grace), which should be the love interest of our beloved Lilly Rush in this thrilling sixth season.
Kathryn Morris was born in 1969 in Cincinnati, Ohio. In '91 he got his first real role in the drama Long Road Home aired in the States on the peacock network, NBC. In 1999 she took part as a guest star in two episodes of the fourth season of Xena - Warrior Princess, where he played the intrepid Najara. Among his appearances on television, we must mention the role of Charlotte in Richmond show The Magnificent Seven, a remake of the movie of the year 60, and the role of Molly, who played Morris in an episode series "Providence." Finally we should mention "Cold Case - Unsolved Crimes," the show that made her famous overseas in the role of Lilly Rush, who plays the role since 2003.
Lilly Rush is the undisputed star of "Cold Case", the procedural drama of the U.S. network CBS. In the series, we see the intricate conduct investigations of cases, investigations that only a mind as his is in excellent position to take. Lilly is a strong woman, but sensitive. Sometimes you take leaves a bit 'too much from his cold cases: at the end of some episodes, in fact, the detective has a vision of the victims of killings which indagato. A causa del suo lavoro, la detective Rush ha rischiato spesso di morire: come dimenticare la puntata conclusiva del secondo ciclo, “Il bosco”, e l’epilogo della quarta serie, in cui noi poveri telespettatori pensavamo che Lilly non ce l’avrebbe fatta? Invece ci siamo dovuti ricredere, perché la Rush è un’investigatrice dalle mille risorse. E, fidatevi, ci stupirà ancora…