Thursday, October 22, 2009

How Many Players On A Basketball Team Wii


the Buffyverse fanfiction
'Every night the same shit' , Annie thought it took a long drag on cigarette that veered between the toes.
Al Bronze no one was interesting, even if he could give it to Frank, the bartender, the one that drooled back. But the last thing he wanted to appease those occasions was a man under stress, tired of life tedious and monotonous, who for years led.
He leaned against the fence that surrounded the room and looked up at the sky dotted with stars. He pulled his coat and shivered.
suddenly had the feeling that someone was watching the air and looked around in alarm.
A dull thud behind her startled and made out a little cry of surprise. A boy with sunken eyes and hollow cheeks approached slowly, stealthily.
Annie recognized him instantly: "Dean, are you? What are you doing here?"
Dean was his ex. Their relationship, dating back five years ago, was very stormy, characterized da frequenti tira-e-molla. La giovane, però, aveva nutrito un amore sincero nei suoi riguardi e aveva deciso di darci un taglio solo quando si era resa conto che non sarebbero mai approdati a nulla.
Annie gettò il mozzicone sull'asfalto e lo calpestò. Incrociò le braccia sul petto. "Ehi, ma che ti prende? Sei sordo?"
Mosse alcuni passi verso Dean e si fermò di colpo quando notò il suo viso pallido e il ghigno stampato sulle labbra che metteva in mostra i denti aguzzi.
"Oh, cazzo". La donna indietreggiò lentamente e spiccò un salto nel tentativo di darsi alla fuga. Ma il ragazzo fu più rapido: la raggiunse e affondò i canini nel suo collo smagrito.
Annie offered no resistance and died with the knowledge that it was unwise: it was not wise to wander through the deserted streets of a city teeming with vampires.


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