Friday, October 30, 2009

Chunky Discharge In Urine

Series Preview Magazine (November 2009) ... with a small news

The band Malone
Without a Trace, season 6 on Rai Due

Editore: My Way Media.
Viale Sarca, 235, 20126 Milano
SERIES - Tutti i telefilm in TV, Satellite & Digitale Terrestre

È in edicola il numero 45 di SERIES – TV & Home Video

Un numero tutto autunnale quello di novembre: i colori di questa stagione e i suoi umori si riflettono nella Cover Story di Series, Senza Traccia (il mio è proprio l'articolo di copertina!) , e nell’altrettanto avvincente Criminal Minds, che la segue a ruota.Come Anteprima una doppia intervista: la cheerleader, now grown, Hayden Panettiere and Masi Oka nice, show us some background of Heroes.La season 2 of True Blood and the sixth of the inevitable return to Desperate Housewives Series between the heads, we get into the intricate FlashForward live, already a cult series ; delights us with an interview with the lovely Lisa Edelstein, Dr. Cuddy to Dr. House, and we plunge back into the world of Chuck. To complete this space we think the third season finale of Dexter, not to be missed! Among the networks we have another show in the very first, The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency, original series set in Botswana, and then the film 24: Redemption, the Walker family on Brothers & Sisters Season 4, and the brilliant Life on Mars legally gag Boston Legal. Cult Series as an overview of Alias, the series revealed that the genius of JJ Abrams to viewers. EDITOR: "My Way" Media "is a Milan publishing house specializing in quality journals, which are addressed to an attentive audience and are always looking for insights about their own interests. Exclusive agency for advertising: Hachette Rusconi SPA Advertising General Management - Viale Sarca, 235-20126 Milan tel. 02/6619.1

a "taste" of my piece on the magazine's website:

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Using Lush No Shit Hair Dye

The blog is one year old!

Trovo doveroso ringraziare tutti coloro che in questo primo anno mi hanno seguito assiduamente, che hanno letto pazientemente i miei pezzi, i miei racconti. E per festeggiare ho deciso di riproporre il primo, mitico post.

La Gelmini e la scuola

Desidero parlare, anzitutto, di una questione alquanto spinosa che tiene col fiato sospeso milioni di ragazzini (incluso il sottoscritto): l'istruzione e il suo futuro. Chi ha avuto modo di guardare i tg o di sfogliare i quotidiani avrà già capito cosa sta accadendo all'istruzione del Belpaese e sarà già al corrente del fatto che Mariastella Gelmini voglia ridimensionare il school personnel (it is rumored, in fact, a return to the single teacher primary schools). Now I will not speak as a journalist, but as a student. In the classroom, the corridors of the high school that I attend, I noticed a great ferment. Kids happy and smiling and shouting to the impending strike and girls, on the contrary, his fists clenched and his face was livid with rage, because of the changes made by the minister. Many have posed the following question: "Do you agree with the minister Gelmini?". And many I have received a negative response. Then, when I asked "Do you think that education will be in Italy?", No one has been able to give a comprehensive answer. In your view, will be resolved as the "affair"? We students will never find a point of meeting with the minister of education??
(28 / 10 / '08)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

How Many Players On A Basketball Team Wii


the Buffyverse fanfiction
'Every night the same shit' , Annie thought it took a long drag on cigarette that veered between the toes.
Al Bronze no one was interesting, even if he could give it to Frank, the bartender, the one that drooled back. But the last thing he wanted to appease those occasions was a man under stress, tired of life tedious and monotonous, who for years led.
He leaned against the fence that surrounded the room and looked up at the sky dotted with stars. He pulled his coat and shivered.
suddenly had the feeling that someone was watching the air and looked around in alarm.
A dull thud behind her startled and made out a little cry of surprise. A boy with sunken eyes and hollow cheeks approached slowly, stealthily.
Annie recognized him instantly: "Dean, are you? What are you doing here?"
Dean was his ex. Their relationship, dating back five years ago, was very stormy, characterized da frequenti tira-e-molla. La giovane, però, aveva nutrito un amore sincero nei suoi riguardi e aveva deciso di darci un taglio solo quando si era resa conto che non sarebbero mai approdati a nulla.
Annie gettò il mozzicone sull'asfalto e lo calpestò. Incrociò le braccia sul petto. "Ehi, ma che ti prende? Sei sordo?"
Mosse alcuni passi verso Dean e si fermò di colpo quando notò il suo viso pallido e il ghigno stampato sulle labbra che metteva in mostra i denti aguzzi.
"Oh, cazzo". La donna indietreggiò lentamente e spiccò un salto nel tentativo di darsi alla fuga. Ma il ragazzo fu più rapido: la raggiunse e affondò i canini nel suo collo smagrito.
Annie offered no resistance and died with the knowledge that it was unwise: it was not wise to wander through the deserted streets of a city teeming with vampires.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

% Of People Who Masterbate

Scans from Magazine Series No. 44

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Canada Cancer Wristbands

fleeting moments (from Magazine Series No. 44) Magazine

No mission is impossible for the baddest of the good guys
Andrea Cinalli There is no rest for Jack Bauer. After returning to the U.S. and have faced against the allegations made against him by Senator Blaine Mayer (Kurtwood Smith), back to a time, willing to do anything to avert the looming threats and dangers of his country. This time, however, does not work on behalf of the CTU, the anti-terrorist agency dismantled following the events of the sixth chapter, but is working with the FBI. Yeah, and alongside him in the new mission impossible, at least in the early episodes, and Renee Walker (Annie Wersching), shrewd federal agent able to maneuver skillfully in the most extreme. Together, the two caught Tony Almeida (Carlos Bernard), guilty of having breached the firewall of the CIP (the system that has full control of U.S. infrastructure), and induced him to empty The bag, called out the names of those behind the operation. When, however, Bauer manages to get in touch with Chloe O'Brian (Mary Lynn Rajskub), the attacker smarter than I've ever worked with, learns of the plan Almeida and Bill Buchanan (James Morrison) to meet the massacre that General Benjamin Juma (Tony Todd) is making in Sangala. Jack, therefore, free Tony, and together they flee by stealth to rejoin former colleagues in the CTU. To continue investigations required permissions that only the president can grant. So Bauer and company make a detour to the White House, revealing to Allison Taylor (Cherry Jones), their intentions and advise of the situation disastrous situation in terms of its administration, composed mainly of moles of Juma. Meanwhile, the president must come to terms with the death of her husband Henry (Colm Feore), taken hostage by Ike Dubaku (Hakeem Kae-Kazim), one of the most ruthless and trusted allies of General Benjamin. Dubaku also the intimate immediately to withdraw its troops from Sangala and threatened to kill thousands (if not millions) of Americans. With absolute calm and cool leader of the U.S. must, therefore, think of a solution that solves the whole issue, it must consider every single possible option. It involves taking the difficult choice of course of the consequences, that the president ever further from its family ... In short, even for this seventh-awaited cycle of 24 writers have spared no plot twists and cliffhanger, which, combined with the fast pace and relentless series, midseason us a way of really explosive final: Mrs. Taylor will eventually come face to face with his arch enemy, Juma, and the question that will leave us in suspense, but only for a short time, will be "Which one will win the day?". Box: JEKYLL & HIDE KIEFER SUTHERLAND has certainly inherited the sacred fire of acting from both parents, very much appreciated and esteemed actors around the globe. His father - but surely you notato dall'impressionante somiglianza – è Donald Sutherland, che ha impersonato Merrick, il primo osservatore di Buffy nell'omonima pellicola del '92, e interprete di Patrick “Tripp” Darling IV nello sfortunato serial Dirty Sexy Money, che ha chiuso i battenti dopo due sole stagioni. La madre, Shirley Douglas, è famosa per aver preso parte a diverse produzioni note in tutto il mondo: Il Mago di Oz, Singin' in the Rain, Flash Gordon, Wind at My Back, Made in Canada...
Ma torniamo a Kiefer. Nel 1972, i suoi hanno divorziato e ed è andato a vivere con la madre a Toronto, dove ha avuto l'opportunità di frequentare alcune fra le più prestigiose scuole del Paese. Il suo debutto sul grande schermo risale al 1983 with the feature film Max Dugan Returns, in which he starred as Bill with his father. Then he took part in the cast of the TV show Amazing Stories (conceived in the '80s by His Majesty Steven Spielberg for NBC) and Trapped in Silence (where he played Kevin Richter). Among the other leading roles assigned to him, we must mention to Sam Stanley in the movie "Fire Walk With Me," prequel to the cult series "The Twin Peaks" and that dell'inossidabile Jack Bauer, who played in 24 since 2001, Fox TV's weblog. (C) JACK BAUER Duro, deadpan, aggressive and contemptuous of danger. The most apt adjective to define the best agent of the CTU is not any. For years we have visto lottare strenuamente contro uomini corrotti e senza scrupoli e fermare con ogni mezzo a propria disposizione i loro tentativi di mettere in ginocchio gli Stati Uniti. Bauer, nel corso delle sette stagioni, ha dovuto fare i conti anche con numerose perdite, a partire dai suoi colleghi, per non parlare della moglie, Teri, uccisa brutalmente al termine della primissima serie. Nel Day 7 cerca in ogni modo di sottrarre il suo Paese dalle grinfie di Benjamin Juma e Ike Dubaku e anche stavolta si troverà in grosse difficoltà. Che dite, riuscirà ancora a cavarsi d'impaccio? Per scoprirlo basta sintonizzarsi ogni venerdì sera alle 21.00 su FX. (a.c.)

ANTHONY “TONY” ALMEIDA (Carlos Bernard) Tony did not make the bad end that we have shown in the thirteenth episode of the fifth cycle, indeed. In the first episodes of new series, when Jack is in front of Chloe O'Brian and Bill Buchanan, said to have been rescued from a certain David Emerson (Peter Wingfield), a mercenary in the service for which the Juma Almeida worked for three years. Now, realizing the deaths and the horrific acts committed, decide to frustrate the evil plans of Emerson, ordendo a strategy with his former colleagues in the CTU. (C)