Friday, July 31, 2009

Canadian Cosmetic Dentistry Prices

Raves (1st part)

Luigi Roccaforte era stanco di quella vita monotona. Non ne poteva più di recarsi, ogni santo giorno, a scuola per impartire lezioni di aritmetica a un branco di idioti che non avrebbe mai combinato nulla.
Certo, in qualche maniera avrebbe pure dovuto guadagnarsi la pagnotta. Ma, a suo avviso, stare appollaiato behind a desk, in front of unruly kids and spoiled, it was a real waste of time. He sighed and his memory took him back to those carefree days of his adolescence, spent in his room, leafing through magazines and dreaming of becoming, one day not far away, a reporter assault. He took another long sigh, and thought that if he could realize his dream, he might not ever lived in that rat hole and was never hungry. It must be recognized, however, that a salary of twelve hundred euro per month was not too bad. But among the various expenses to be incurred, to pay the rent and the thousands of tasks always remained in my pocket only three hundred euro. A small amount money, then. Back to reality, Luigi threw a quick glance at his wristwatch. The 7:56. He should start in high school if you do not want to risk being late and do, then scold the president for the umpteenth time. The Mancini had threatened to fire him if it happened again, but he did not care. Indeed, he could not wait to quit that job. He leaned toward the table that sat in the room, grabbed a remote control, pointed it towards the TV and on. He made a little 'zapping and tunes on Channel 5, which at that time gave the Tigga. He watched with eyes off the reporter that excited tone in announcing the murder of a young women occurred in the province of Agrigento, Ribera. Louis put his hand to his lips and swore. Then he shook his head. He could not believe that a murder had consumed right there in his city. A moment later he arose to his feet, his eyes bulging, face contorted. Took a few steps toward the dresser beside the TV spot. He went to the phone that there was rested and lifted the receiver. Dialed a number and, after a couple of rings, a hoarse voice said. "Hello?". "Julia, oh my God did you see the Tigga? One woman was .... " The voice on the other end abruptly interrupted. "She is a friend of Miss Julie Roccaforte?". "I his father, "said Louis, his voice suddenly cracked. "Um, sir, here ... I do not know how to tell him, but I have to. The mysterious woman killed this morning in Ribera is ... his daughter. I am a cop and we were to contact .... " The man let out the phone from his hands, which came to earth with a thud. No, not possible. I do not. It's a nightmare. My daughter can not be dead. Now I wake up, and I will see that none of this really happened. slowly opened her eyes, she bent over to grab the receiver and held it to his ear. Silence. A smile emerged on the trembling lips. Luigi not understand that his little there was, she was dead and that nothing could bring her back. He preferred to believe that none of this was true. When he heard a knock at the front door, walked in the large hall with walls covered with paintings and went to open it.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Some Nice And Easy Hairstyle

cold as hell (the magazine scans Series)

Friday, July 17, 2009

Used Zodiac Boats For Purchase

Cold as hell (Series Magazine, July / August 2009)

Lilly Rush is ready to thaw a new era of forgotten cases Andrea Cinalli Once again our beloved detective in Philadelphia back on television with an amazing heart-pounding season. Ah, yes: the new series promises to be full of mysteries and - above all - intricate investigations, which only star in this gripping procedural drama will be able to accomplish. Cold Case, after receiving numerous awards and nominations (including an Emmy Award in 2005), is now in its sixth season, the series that consists of 23 different episodes. The show's creator, Meredith Stiehm, denied rumors long ago that claimed that the same TV show coming to an end, adding that the American network CBS has confirmed the TV series for another round of episodes, the seventh, which airs in the U.S. starting in September. The fifth season had ended with a complicated mystery that our integerrima Lilly Rush (Kathryn Morris), assisted by trusty Scotty Valens (Danny Pino), was cleverly managed to unravel: the disappearance of little Max Chapin, who was abducted by the mother and therapist found dead in an arson fire in 2005. In season we have not yet published, will be entrusted to officers of the series of cases of difficulty and will again contend with barbaric murder and unsolved mysteries. In the first episode, titled "Glory Days", which aired September 28, 2008, investigators in Philadelphia will to do with the murder of Mike McShane (Aaron Hill, best known for the interpretation of sweeper in Greek - The Brotherhood), a promising football player shot dead in 1973. Guest star of the exception of the sixth series is Cassidy Freeman, the attractive Smallville Tess Mercer, who took part in the second episode ("True Calling"), which plays the role of Laura McKinney, professor of literature at a high school City, killed in 1991. His murder was filed in haste by the local police as attempted robbery escalated into murder ... Now it's up to Lilly Rush reveal the culprit. The most important news cycle is found in the seventeenth episode, titled "Officer Down" for the first time Lilly and her team does not investigate a real cold case, but will dedicate themselves to a very recent case, 2009. In this special episode Will Jeffries (Thom Barry) will be involved in a shooting in which the life of a MILKMAIDS (played by Pancho Demmings, who plays Gerald Jackson in Navy NCIS) will be cut short. But the case will obviously be more complicated than the double-episode that will close the season. Here agents protagonists of the serial will unmask the culprit of the murder of a woman consumatosi in a military school in 2005. In these episodes the unflappable Lilly Rush correrà seriamente il rischio di lasciarci le penne…

Cold Case si annovera fra le serie tv più seguite: pensate che in madrepatria la nuova serie è stata vista da circa 13 milioni di telespettatori e che nel corso dei cinque anni di programmazione su Rai Due il telefilm è stato seguito da ben 3 milioni di italiani.
Noi siamo certi che anche questa sesta stagione, ricca di suspense e colpi di scena, non deluderà il pubblico nostrano. Parola di Series.


È nato a Miami, nel 1974. Ha frequentato la prestigiosissima Miami Coral Park High School (Together the fascinating Tessie Santiago, the interpreter of The Queen of Swords!) And in 1996 he enrolled at Florida International University, where he attended the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity. Among the most important roles assigned to stand Desy Arnaz, who starred in the TV Movie Pino of CBS, Lucy: The Lucille Ball Story, and the Armadillo Quintero, the actor has played the detective FX, The Shields. In 2003, in the middle of the first season, he joined the permanent cast of Cold Case, filling the void left by Justin Chambers, who plays the young and inexperienced Chris Lassing. In 2006 he starred in the movie Flicka alongside actors such Maria Bello and Tim McGraw and soon after decided to start a family: Lilly and his wife gave birth to Luca Daniel and Julian Franco. Scotty Valens has entered the scene in the sixth episode of the first round of the series. He is the youngest member of the team, but it comes with great acumen. Right now it shows loyal to Lilly Rush and other teammates and trying to solve cases assigned to it using all the elements at their disposal. At first it seemed hard, cold and distant, then we have learned to appreciate the irony inherent in his lines. In the show is also revealed part of his private life during the first series we learn that he was born in the 70s and we meet his brother Mike (Nestor Carbonell, well-known face of the sitcom Susan) in the following season his girlfriend, Elisa, commits suicide and then has a stormy relationship with Christina Rush (Nicki Aycox), because which its relationship with Lilly broke. In this season's unprecedented back to support our beloved detective, offer advice and suggestions and support in difficult times.
BOX: WHO IS LILLY RUSH? LILLY RUSH (Kathryn Morris) has experienced a traumatic childhood, far from being peaceful and carefree, that certainly has marked and made it a strong woman, always aggressive that we worship Moreover, episode after episode. He never had a good relationship with his mother Ellen and has always been at odds with her sister Christina (who has appeared frequently as a guest star in the second season). Lilly has consistently worked hard and has always shown an admirable determination, which led her to conclude the investigation of more complicated that no one expected to solve. Unprecedented in the beautiful country in the cycle (warning, spoilers ahoy!) Finds himself lost his father, with whom he will again make an ironclad bond.
BOX: NEWS The famous band Pearl Jam was formed in the 90s ha curato la colonna sonora degli ultimi episodi della nuova stagione: sedici suoi brani fanno da sfondo alle vicende che concludono questo sesto capitolo.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Drawing Dunebuggy Free

passed off as truth Lies Lies

How did the myth of the devil (part two)

Recall the argument that we started in the previous article to show how even when talking about the term " Satan ", while present in the Hebrew Bible, we are faced with false translations where it is altered "sense" originates from the same deadline. This literature has generated in us, with the march of history, because it is difficult to modify thought patterns, rooted in human consciousness, leading the individual to constantly be afraid of this supposed evil spirit that once lived in sharing with God That is why we think that the man, but inhabited by God, is constantly disturbed by this evil creature which, under certain conditions, may also possess it. As stated for the "daimon," foundation of this distressing situation For the believer there are misinterpretations by translators. I mean when I speak of translators to translate the Bible into Italian CEI. The very fact that today, if I say to someone "Satan", immediately to the person who feels pronounce this word, it frightens, it must give us pause. Why? Because in our thought patterns is immediately the association of ideas: Satan = evil spirit. Why this? Because throughout history the term has come to assume a different meaning from what was originally (hence the importance of "sense" that the original term carries). "Satan" in Hebrew would mean "avversario in guerra" . Dov'è, dunque, il satana come lo concepiamo noi e di cui, ad esempio, Padre Livio, direttore della più grande stazione radio religiosa al mondo, Radio Maria, si fa assertore, tormentando gli ascoltatori e spaventandoli? Il Satan Ebraico non esiste, per la Bibbia, come spirito personale maligno ma solo come persona fisica che combatte contro un'altra persona fisica. Il Re Davide viene chiamato "satan" dai suoi nemici. Lo stesso dicasi per Re Salomone. Gesù stesso chiama Pietro "Satanas" (una variante di satan ma il significato non cambia) ma è Pietro, cioè in quel momento un avversario del progetto di Gesù di andare a Gerusalemme. Figurarsi se Gesù si permette di chiamare “Satana” un suo apostolo, intendendo con questo nome uno Spirito Maligno. Se Gesù lo chiama in questa maniera è per fargli capire che, in quel momento, Pietro è un uomo che avversa un progetto; il progetto di Gesù di andare a predicare a Gerusalemme, nella tana del lupo. Oggi, però, il “Satan”esiste ancora, per noi, come un essere spirituale ma solo perché ci hanno fatto credere, lungo la storia, che egli è uno spirito maligno e qui si realizza la più grande falsificazione mentale; infatti, questo inquietante personaggio, noi lo portiamo dentro, non come spirito maligno personale ma come “idea”. E sappiamo bene che, per la psiche umana, quando si ha paura di un’idea, la stessa idea può essere percepita come realtà concreta, anche se dimostrata immaginaria e può creare delle autentiche nevrosi ossessive. Lo sa bene chi soffre di fobie. L’oggetto della fobia è immaginario eppure se ne ha paura come se fosse reale. Cambiando, dunque, il “senso” ai termini in gioco, gli stessi termini possono assumere parvenze reali che disturbano la mente. Il potere religioso ha bisogno di questo stato di cose per mantenere inalterata la propria supremazia sulle Coscienze. A chi di noi,quando era bambino, non è stato detto: "Fai il buono altrimenti chiamo l'uomo nero" ? Attenzione, dunque a non farsi plagiare.
Nel tempo queste tre figure (daimon, satan e diabolos) hanno assunto tutte lo stesso significato: Un essere spirituale malvagio. Si assume una gravissima responsabilità chi spaccia per vere delle realtà che vengono fuori da grossolani errori di traduzioni e da cambiamenti dei “sensi originari” dei termini in questione. Il “diabolos”, poi, è la traduzione greca del satan ebraico, significa la stessa cosa. Ma qualcuno può dire: E le tentazioni di Gesù? Altro falso storico e teologico. Gesù è diviso in se stesso, quando sta nel deserto e si chiede: “Come devo esprimere il mio messianismo? Come vogliono i miei connazionali, combattendo i Romani o alla maniera del servo del Signore, profetizzato in Isaia, che cambia the human heart from the inside? At a time when Jesus chose for the second messianic vision, the one intended by the Father, then the "satan", that is attacking that part that distinguishes the heart of every man , he departed from him. Jesus is right in trying to put into practice his messianism: Glorious or helpful? Includes in itself to be the Messiah who brings to the world the selfless love and free. E 'into itself, then, that by this temptation. Now, since we still carry in our minds, the idea of \u200b\u200bthis evil spirit, does not exist, what does the Catholic institution? Create exorcists who try to drive out the door a reality themselves are then back through the window, proclaiming their presence. These beliefs are not out of the wrong translation from the original texts but who have been given "meaning" other as they were originally. In the next article will address the topic of hell is also non-existent in the Gospels written in greek.


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Intel 4500 Second Life

passed off as truth

How did the myth of the devil (part one)

In the last article, speaking of Socrates, we anticipated the Message of Love Christ invites us to know God present in everyone, to be free and responsible persons. We must, however, keep in mind that live in our consciousness monsters induced by education received religious since childhood. We must therefore get rid of these presences negative impact on our search for God in the depths of ourselves. Now, the real problem is whether or not the demon born of ignorance of the Gospels. If you can prove, as demonstrated in the Gospels, that what we call Satan, the devil, the devil, in the original greek text not have the same meanings that were attributed by the translators in the Italian language, faith in Christ given new force and becomes what it really was originally: A message of universal love. Let there, then, the field of false translations. Let's start by understanding how they came out of these terms daimon, satan, diabolos, in the translation of the LXX, from Hebrew into Greek for the Old Testament and then directly consider the Gospels written in Greek. If we take for granted that the devil exists is easy to attribute all the evil in this world, though, honestly and using logic, it seems absurd that the Almighty will allow this work to be filthy alleged to harm human beings and He will not move a finger to defend them. So how did this primarily the term "daimon"? What did it mean in the Old Testament the word "satan"? And the word "diabolos" (which is the Greek translation of satan) that really what it meant in the Gospels in Greek? I take a practical example to show that the Gospels should be read in light of historical time in which they were written: When you read in the Gospel that some disciples of Jesus come to him to tell him that Herod look, well, Jesus says, "Go and tell that "fox" that I must preach today and tomorrow ......" In Italian we find the translation "fox" and, in fact, the translation is good, Jesus has just appointed the fox. The problem is not the word that Jesus uses but the "sense" that this term forward to our mind. Today we think of the fox when we think of a clever-clever person . Not so at the time of Jesus Jesus said "fox" of course, the fox, however, at the time of Jesus was synonymous with "criminal." see how the difference in meaning likely to change the meaning of the term ? The same applies to "daimon". We must see what it means for us today but what it meant for Jesus and his contemporaries. When the LXX translated the Bible from Hebrew into Greek, since they were in a foreign land ( Alexandria, Egypt), found in the Torah (Jewish law), many non-Jewish terms, become part of Scripture e che ormai facevano parte della tradizione ebraica della diaspora, dopo l’ultimo esilio in Babilonia . I LXX tradussero questi termini incomprensibili (fauni, centauri, sirene: presenze immaginarie) con "daimon". Non solo. Daimon a quel tempo aveva un significato positivo. In Socrate il daimon aveva significato di spirito umano buono, nume tutelare, spirito divino guida. Gli autori ebrei però, pur avendo fede nel Dio di Abramo, Isacco e Giacobbe, ritenevano che tutti gli altri esseri fossero opposti al Dio del bene. Era dunque, per loro, di facile deduzione che questi termini tradotti con daimon-daimonion descrivessero una sorta di semidei cattivi da opporre all’unico Dio. Non dimentichiamo che gli ebrei oltre a credere in God, not only believed in other gods, but believed that extra-Biblical, however, were necessarily inferior in power, the God of Israel. From this conception of the God of Israel, which are subject to the other gods of the peoples and they are saddled with extra-Biblical, the LXX, the word "daimon," the idea of \u200b\u200ban evil spiritual being, of course, opposed to God's mind Jewish, therefore, also present in the LXX, the term becomes negative daimon which in itself was positive. In other words, if the gods of other peoples, in the sacred writings are translated "daimon" and if, at the same time, objected to the good God of Israel, This suggests that these "daemons" are evil beings opposed to God The problem is exacerbated when St. Jerome approached this term referred to his mysterious Lucifer in the Hebrew Bible there is no trace. But it is Jerome who translated Isaiah 14.12 evil, to believe that one who has fallen from the sky (as Isaiah said of Nebuchadnezzar) actually is an angel rebelling against God before the Creation. Understand the catch? Isaiah speaking sarcastically said to Nebuchadnezzar: "You fell from heaven, morning star"? (Hellel). Isaiah simply wanted to tell King that his kingdom was in decline. The LXX translate "eosforos" (light-bearer) but Jerome ago born here "Lucifer" which literally means light-bearer, but just gives this be a bad connotation, saying that it is a fallen angel, using the daimon of the LXX, while Isaiah was referring to Nebuchadnezzar, and not to an alleged rebel angel in God's fallen angel So the story comes from Jerome. Later, the daemon will be matched with Lucifer. That is why today when we speak of Lucifer is thought the devil. The same thing goes for "satan" and "diabolos ". In the next article we will talk.