Saturday, July 31, 2010

1 Percent Of Body Fat In Pounds

Memories of the future

Andrea Cinalli

October 6, 2009. It's a hot day in Los Angeles, where the summer has not yet given way to autumn. There are those who take advantage of the blazing sun to get a tan, I do not pay for the summer season. Some, armed with courage (and patience), takes two steps sull'affollatissimo waterfront. And there are also those who are found to work tirelessly, ignoring the heat.

The portrait of the monotony of the West Coast.

What could one day mutate into a hellish nightmare so calm? A storm? A tornado? A tsunami? Not at all.

At eleven o'clock all the inhabitants of the planet's faint for two minutes and seventeen seconds. When they come, an apocalyptic scenario appears before their eyes: skyscrapers falling, explosion, accident chain, crashed aircraft, streets teeming with dead bodies thrown out of the car destroyed. It's not all in that time frame, every human being had a vision for a precise day of the future, April 29, 2010.

reactions of the survivors can imagine. Joy, confusion and fear. Everyone must come to terms with what they saw, and deal with its vision is by no means easy, especially if it promises nothing good.

The viewpoint chosen to narrate the facts on their knees the entire human race is to Mark Benford, reckless federal agent. In his vision is in the office, at losagelina FBI. Immersed in silence and darkness, fixed exacerbated bulletin in which they are preserved for clues to the blackout, when a stroke of steps attracted his attention. Men in black dress and masked faces burst into the offices a rifle. Who am I? What do they want?

flash From this simple beginning the investigation of the disaster coordinated by Mark himself. He and his team, consisting of trust and Demitri hacker Janis, the arduous task to trace the culprits. I doubt about it, however, are numerous and not insignificant, and if it were a punishment from God? And if the world you were "rebelling" to us?

A barrage of questions in the episode episode keep the attention of the viewer, which comes to empathize with weaknesses and frailties of the characters and gets involved from the great mystery that rests in all the twenty-two episodes that make up the series. The story, although obviously enriched by the flash-forward, clear and straight runs to the end credits: not even a scene stride with the rest to slow down the fast pace that characterizes the show.

evident was the hallmark of David S. Goyer. A name, a guarantee.

The visionary author of "Batman Begins" was able to give "FlashForward" aura of mystery and sacredness of the typical range for a rise of Olympus supercult serial. The pilot episode witty dialogue, sharp veiled irony, are a clear hallmark of his undoubted talent, not to mention the apocalyptic scenes that are launching the intricate plots.

On the web, and before that during the campaign to promote the ABC, the combination is surfaced with another mystery serial that has made a go-go and narrative richness of his heart. <<“Lost” ha trovato un degno erede>> months ago, the U.S. tabloid headlines. And indeed, the show put together by JJ Abrams wizards that some points of contact with "FlashForward" have it: two faces of the historic series, there were hired (Sonya Walger, the wife of Desmond, and Dominic Monaghan, the rock star Charlie) and two minutes and seventeen seconds of the total black-out seem to coincide with the duration of the earthquake that devastated the island in the infamous fourth season. Little gem: the face of this bizarre coincidence, there are those who even suggested that "FlashForward" it was the spin-off (the show was born as an offshoot of another series). In common the theme of redemption, of the unknown and - above all - the predestination, true cornerstone of FF.

pity that the premises have not been compelling enough to revive the fortunes (uncertain since March) and to ensure a second round of episodes. Fans, however, are in revolt, and not give up, confident that sooner or later Starz TV ABC or yield to the pressing demands of a new season.

never will assist the worthy culmination of the story? Maybe it's fate.

Driver Para Xp Extigy

fiction only Fiction

Andrea Cinalli

Let's face it: the Italian series are worth and there is Cesaroni che tenga dinanzi all'accuratezza e all'attenzione per i particolari della serialità d'oltreoceano. Lo so, potreste ribattere che si tratta solo di un insulso luogo comune e additarmi come snob. Ma è la pura verità.

Denominate fiction da chissà chi per distinguerle dalle serie estere, i prodotti nostrani sembrano raccontare storie reali, che parlano di persone comuni. Sembrano, appunto.

Basta prestare attenzione ai dialoghi per comprendere che in realtà i personaggi sono stereotipati e incarnano gli stessi ruoli alla fin fine. C'è l' ammmore, quello vero (sostiene la voce fuori campo nei promo) che unisce i soliti lovebirds. She is the notice that thirty to forty years he waits expectantly Prince Charming, he's the handsome round of adventures that always in the mood for a day and the note - toh - sparks. Just when the two are to cap their dreams of love, that's another tick or pretending to have her or his own. But thanks to the timely intervention of a loved one (preferably an old shrew), they manage to dispel the threat to that relationship "troubled" and all end up happy and radiant ("Love always triumphs!", "E 'the strength of 'love! " for the" long live the rhetoric! ").

What kind of show are those who, without even adequate and realistic plots, ending with prevedibilissimo happy ending? Is this really a portrait of Italy? The life that we are all pink and flowers? Yet it seems to me that straripino daily news of massacres, genocide, mothers, patricide and suicide. Why on tv generalist missing?

Or why not put in a scene inspired by events that reduce corrupt politicians to ruin our country (and names is better to fly over)?

annotating television executives: " People want to watch TV when you switch off, forget the corruption that surrounds us. " True. But equally true that the usual end to the" and they lived happily ever after "would be really appreciated if the plots were adequately developed. I mean the viewer should really suffer the fate of the protagonists reached what the writers call "the point of death, especially when all seems lost. Only then will the happy ending would be appreciated fully, built almost a sense of relief.

explains Giancarlo Deploy, (ir) responsible Mediaset fiction:" We focus on quality (?) with competitive products and high-impact (?). We love experimenting (???) ". Strano, però, che questa voglia di dar vita a serial sensazionali non si evinca dando una scorsa ai palinsesti. Sempre che con “sperimentare” non alluda alla realizzazione di quelle accozzaglie di assurdità come “Due Mamme di troppo”, storia di due suocere iperprotettive che intralciano la relazione dei loro figlioli sulla scia del più classico dei cliché. Forse sarebbe il caso di far consultare il dizionario a Schieri e compagnia bella alle voci “sperimentazione” e “innovazione”...

Per fortuna qualche magra consolazione arriva da Sky, che viene in soccorso dei serial-addicted elargendo veri gioiellini seriali. Primo fra tutti “Boris”, originale and hilarious parody of the fiction more embarrassing, those who boast record plays but in terms of script, acting and directing, they literally put their hands on the hair. Followed by "Do not think," hilarious surreal comedy (and if there is a hand of Vanzina we can already breathe a sigh of relief) focuses on the vicissitudes of the Nardini family, which owns a factory of cherry liqueur on the brink of crisis. Worthy of mention as well: "Romanzo Criminale", adapted for the small screen by Giancarlo De Cataldo's novel, "The Monster of Florence" inspired by real events that for more than twenty years have held our country with fiato sospeso; e “Donne Assassine”.

Di questo passo, certo non potremo lamentarci e con la fine della tv analogica e l'arrivo di quella digitale (sinonimo di un'infinità di reti televisive) la speranza si fa più concreta: l'audience chiaramente verrà ulteriormente frazionata e sarà allora che i canali punteranno alla qualità. Forse.

4 Seaters Dune Buggy Blueprints

When lies have legs sexy

di Andrea Cinalli

Prendete le quattro Casalinghe Disperate e toglietele di torno i rispettivi mariti con la prole. Allontanatale dai fornelli e fatele tornare teenager. Privatel torn clothes and put on trendy clothes. Well, if you performed all the operations, step by step , you front of you haunting the protagonists of "Pretty Little Liars", the new serial weblog ABC Family debut at home on 8 June. The first few episodes introduce us to a world artifact, light years away from our everyday life. But nothing that has not already seen in the series stars and stripes. is immediately clear, in fact, that the serial is the result of a mix of various genres that have made the fortune of very well known television products. The classic themes of teendrama mixed together in stile “Veronica Mars”, con le tinte cupe del mystery, un genere che in Italia scarseggia persino nelle fiction. L'ostentazione dello sfarzo e dell'incantevolezza dell'ambientazione (apparentemente) paradisiaca ricorda il mondo patinato dei “characters” di “Gossip Girl”. Mentre personaggi e dialoghi (oltre che la sigla di apertura) sembrano ricalcati pari pari da “Desperate Housewives”, con il quale le analogie sembrano infinite. Stavolta la ABC Family è voluta andare sul sicuro prendendo spunto dai serial in voga. In fin dei conti non la si può certo biasimare: dopo le deludenti performance, sulla ABC generalista, di “FlashForward” (andato incontro a un'emorragia the public from first to last episode) and "V" (which to the average of 6 million viewers struggling to take off), could not afford further experiments in the series. Here are baked then a serial of the key points that made the acclaimed TV series from the general public his battle cry. The pilot episode part with so much abused flashback, in which they proudly displayed the vain Air (Lucy Hale, "Privileged"), Hanna (Ashley Benson), Spencer (Troian Bellisario) and Emily (Shay Mitchell). A stand out in the group of young wives, however, Alison (Sasha Pieterse). Will it brings to mind the typical blonde to cry of B-horror series, bold and confident, will look for magnetic - rumor - has made slaughter in the heart of high school in the country, the fact is that she was the one with the charm and verve of the leader. Yeah, it was. At the end of the closing credits (accompanied by the ear "Secret", sung by The Pierces) we ferried in the present, a year later, and immediately the viewer is put before the harsh reality: Alison disappeared the same night in which was in the company of friends and, at the end of the series premiere, it was found the mangled body in the basement of his home. The former friends find themselves banned from the unexpected turn in the investigation and, aided by the funeral of Alison, put aside old grudges and disagreements, reviving the old relationships. If at this point you thought that the show revolves around the only mystery that hovers about the death of a girl "nice", you'd be wrong. The strength of "Pretty Little Liars" is quite different: the main storyline revolve around the multitude of subplots, all focused on the murky secrets of the four girls. Affair, Sapphic kisses and extramarital affairs of their parents may soon be on everyone's lips due to a mysterious A. (Alison?) That the anonymous threat via SMS. Applications chase: "If only the dead friend was aware of these secrets, then Alison is alive? But if she was alive because her friends torment? ". Many, therefore, the issues that - hopefully - find an explanation with the season finale scheduled for next autumn. Otherwise we'll have to wait a probable second round, which, according to the "ratings" (broadcast ratings) , will soon have a confirmation and an order of twenty-two episodes. TV adaptation of the homonymous literary saga of Sara Shepard, "Pretty Little Liars" bears the signature of Marlene King, a screenwriter making his debut in a TV series, known for directing “Baciati dalla sfortuna” (2006) e “Amiche per sempre” (1995). Tra i membri del cast emergono nomi tutt'altro che nuovi agli aficionados delle serie statunitensi: Holly Marie Combs, qui nelle vesti della madre “cornuta e mazziata” di Aria, era la Piper di “Streghe”; Laura Leighton era la perfida Sidney di “Melrose Place”; e Alexis Denisof impersonava l'Osservatore sia in “Buffy” sia in “Angel”. Firme autorevoli e giovani talenti che promettono scintille per una serie di indubbio appeal.

Anteprima del telefilm pubblicata sul sito di SERIES:

Sunday, July 4, 2010

How To Live In A 5th Wheel

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Como Conseguir Shiny Stone Pokemon Soul Silver

The Fantastic Four Vs

An all-female procedural drama in prime time for one of the flagship Mediaset ' summer full of mystery

Andrea Cinalli

It was so that Channel 5 does not broadcast in a prime time American TV series. We had tried with "Dr. House, returned to Italy to beef up the schedule one because of a steeper drop of plays, had tried to "Dirty Sexy Money" revealed flop summer of 2008. And now he tries again by playing another card. A map depicting intriguing and compelling mysteries, murders and kidnappings. It will prove the winner?

We believe so: "Women's Murder Club" has all the right ingredients to make inroads in the heart of the Italian public, accustomed to gripping storyline and stories of broad breath.

The protagonists of this serial

original, critically acclaimed overseas as a cross between "CSI" and "Sex And The City", are four career women. Mind you: not the usual haughty lord no social life

the is constantly striving to excel in their work.

Lindsay Boxer, Claire Washburn and Jill Bernhardt and

Cindy Thomas to madness like your job, but for the world would give up an evening gossiping with each other on their neighbor across the e. .. consult each other on cases assigned to them, desiring to ensure the perpetrators to justice as soon as possible.

Yeah, because a detective, a journalist, a district attorney and a coroner, although a pleasant evening in cheerful, inevitably end up with a discussion of recent crimes that have affected the city, even if not obsessed with work. The four - as you can imagine - not only are linked by a solid friendship, but also on working relationships: cross daily in the district police clash in court and are found in hospitals.

A close-knit team so you have not seen for

time. Even Carrie & co. are joined to the point of sharing every experience both in private life, at work, and it

ffettivamente we felt a void in the varied landscape of the television series. Vacuum could be filled only by events police declined to women.

" Women's Murder Club”, però, non mette in scena esclusivamente brutali omicidi e le estenuanti indagini delle protagoniste: ampio spazio anche alle vicissitudini sentimentali.

Lindsay (Angie Harmon) scopre nella puntata pilota che il suo capo è niente popodimeno che il tenente Tom Hogan (la guest starring Rob Estes), suo ex marito che anni addietro

l'aveva abbandonata perché tutta dedita alla cattura del killer “Kiss Me Not” (in italiano “Non Baciarmi”).

Neppure l'imperturbabile Jill (Laura Harris) is not going so well: a charming fustacchione for boyfriend - and most loving - was not enough, so the head goes to bed and spend the entire season torn between remorse and overwhelming passion evidenced in latter.

For two characters crippled by heart trouble, here are two whose private life is booming. Cindy (Aubrey Dollar) has a guy that does not reveal anything, so shy and awkward, and his life seems to flow serene and happy, also taken by a passion for writing through which he chose to pursue a career as a crime reporter. Claire (Paula Newsome), in contrast, has a husband who paraplegic fills her with attention and two adorable children who have nothing in common with the pestiferous and petulant offspring of the stars of the usual fiction "Made in USA

Murders, shootings, plot twists galore, unexpected revelations and troubled love affairs: a unreleased mix, then, that ensures far too thinly for this unfortunate television gem that - alas - closed its doors at the end of the first round. But the premature closing should not be a deterrent to ignore this amazing show, a blend of love and mystery that we are sure will brighten the evenings of viewers. And who knows that sooner or later the readers do not form a club to master the secrets told in the show ...

From Wednesday, July 14 on Channel 5 "Women's Murder Club"