Saturday, July 31, 2010

4 Seaters Dune Buggy Blueprints

When lies have legs sexy

di Andrea Cinalli

Prendete le quattro Casalinghe Disperate e toglietele di torno i rispettivi mariti con la prole. Allontanatale dai fornelli e fatele tornare teenager. Privatel torn clothes and put on trendy clothes. Well, if you performed all the operations, step by step , you front of you haunting the protagonists of "Pretty Little Liars", the new serial weblog ABC Family debut at home on 8 June. The first few episodes introduce us to a world artifact, light years away from our everyday life. But nothing that has not already seen in the series stars and stripes. is immediately clear, in fact, that the serial is the result of a mix of various genres that have made the fortune of very well known television products. The classic themes of teendrama mixed together in stile “Veronica Mars”, con le tinte cupe del mystery, un genere che in Italia scarseggia persino nelle fiction. L'ostentazione dello sfarzo e dell'incantevolezza dell'ambientazione (apparentemente) paradisiaca ricorda il mondo patinato dei “characters” di “Gossip Girl”. Mentre personaggi e dialoghi (oltre che la sigla di apertura) sembrano ricalcati pari pari da “Desperate Housewives”, con il quale le analogie sembrano infinite. Stavolta la ABC Family è voluta andare sul sicuro prendendo spunto dai serial in voga. In fin dei conti non la si può certo biasimare: dopo le deludenti performance, sulla ABC generalista, di “FlashForward” (andato incontro a un'emorragia the public from first to last episode) and "V" (which to the average of 6 million viewers struggling to take off), could not afford further experiments in the series. Here are baked then a serial of the key points that made the acclaimed TV series from the general public his battle cry. The pilot episode part with so much abused flashback, in which they proudly displayed the vain Air (Lucy Hale, "Privileged"), Hanna (Ashley Benson), Spencer (Troian Bellisario) and Emily (Shay Mitchell). A stand out in the group of young wives, however, Alison (Sasha Pieterse). Will it brings to mind the typical blonde to cry of B-horror series, bold and confident, will look for magnetic - rumor - has made slaughter in the heart of high school in the country, the fact is that she was the one with the charm and verve of the leader. Yeah, it was. At the end of the closing credits (accompanied by the ear "Secret", sung by The Pierces) we ferried in the present, a year later, and immediately the viewer is put before the harsh reality: Alison disappeared the same night in which was in the company of friends and, at the end of the series premiere, it was found the mangled body in the basement of his home. The former friends find themselves banned from the unexpected turn in the investigation and, aided by the funeral of Alison, put aside old grudges and disagreements, reviving the old relationships. If at this point you thought that the show revolves around the only mystery that hovers about the death of a girl "nice", you'd be wrong. The strength of "Pretty Little Liars" is quite different: the main storyline revolve around the multitude of subplots, all focused on the murky secrets of the four girls. Affair, Sapphic kisses and extramarital affairs of their parents may soon be on everyone's lips due to a mysterious A. (Alison?) That the anonymous threat via SMS. Applications chase: "If only the dead friend was aware of these secrets, then Alison is alive? But if she was alive because her friends torment? ". Many, therefore, the issues that - hopefully - find an explanation with the season finale scheduled for next autumn. Otherwise we'll have to wait a probable second round, which, according to the "ratings" (broadcast ratings) , will soon have a confirmation and an order of twenty-two episodes. TV adaptation of the homonymous literary saga of Sara Shepard, "Pretty Little Liars" bears the signature of Marlene King, a screenwriter making his debut in a TV series, known for directing “Baciati dalla sfortuna” (2006) e “Amiche per sempre” (1995). Tra i membri del cast emergono nomi tutt'altro che nuovi agli aficionados delle serie statunitensi: Holly Marie Combs, qui nelle vesti della madre “cornuta e mazziata” di Aria, era la Piper di “Streghe”; Laura Leighton era la perfida Sidney di “Melrose Place”; e Alexis Denisof impersonava l'Osservatore sia in “Buffy” sia in “Angel”. Firme autorevoli e giovani talenti che promettono scintille per una serie di indubbio appeal.

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