Saturday, April 10, 2010

How Long Does It Take Erythromycin To Work?

The symbol of the cross

No imposed on the crucifix ... but the cross is a different reality ...

Beyond all the rants that are made these days about the symbol of the cross, rants that inevitably arise as a result of misuse of this symbol that has been done historically and, even more, beyond the reasons puerile that the church gives this symbol and that it even makes us see how, even though it has this symbol, in fact none has ever grasped the meaning than to flaunt as a symbol of redemption that brings up the crucifix as the one who with his sacrifice has freed the world from the evil (yes, the great theological flaw that generates obsessional neurosis), well beyond all these considerations, in my view insufficient to demolish this symbol, I would try to give a meaning of this sign which is the result of what the cross really is.

Meanwhile this is the oldest symbol of the crucifix itself, and of Christianity itself. And 'the symbol of the three dimensions of infinite space, if prolonged, in fact, the two lines cross, they have no end.

But the most important thing is that the cross is geometrically the intersection of two diameters of a sphere, in this case appropriately chosen to create a perfect perpendicularity. We take as a reference but in fact only two in the same sphere diameters are endless. Two signify, as already mentioned, the perfect perpendicularity that within an infinite sphere, cosmic symbolism, the endless lines may be present in it.

Ultimately if we think of the cross as the set of infinitives energy ties between the two cross into the cosmic sphere, which hold together the Cosmo stesso, allora il tutto assume un significato di Unità.

Immaginiamo una Sfera e al suo interno gli infiniti diametri esistenti.

Ebbene questi infiniti diametri presenti nella Sfera cosmica avranno tutti i propri corrispettivi che si incroceranno in modo perpendicolare, formando così una perfetta rete energetica che tiene unito il Cosmo in modo tale da farlo risultare perfettamente sferico.

E' dunque inutile denigrare la croce facendogli assumere ad esempio la forma di una svastica: In questo caso è l'uomo che ha aggiunto ad ogni estremo della croce, dei piccoli segmenti che ne snaturano la forma naturale.

Voglio solo affermare che se spiegassimo ad ogni uomo-donna, credente o meno, che the cross is what I just said, no one would dare call into question the validity of the cosmos. A Muslim because he hates the cross? Simple: because the cross was the symbol of those who were killed. The atheist because he hates the cross? Why not accept the right meant that the church gave her hanging a man who has come through the cross to redeem us (sign macabre).

The cross, therefore, WITHOUT THE CROSS, is in itself a sign of unity of the cosmos, the same way, should symbolize the unity of humankind, as many small Cosmi us all.

This meaning of the cross makes it no more a sign or a sign of moral injustice, although that would already be commendable.

The Cross is, in short, the distinctive symbol of the cosmic forces that drive evolution in the Universe. E ', therefore, a secular symbol for excellence and has nothing to do with religion. The church has made it a sign of exploitation, but not for this division must be a cosmic symbol of hate just because it has been used to kill. And 'as if I hated all the trees of the earth because somebody uses the branches of trees to beat people.

If so I have no trouble keeping this symbol in my house. Indeed the cross gaurdando I remember that I'm evolving with the universe. But if we all understood keep it outside the home, in all spheres of civil life, where she reminds the viewer that we are all evolving, so to speak, and then, crossing the each other. What better symbol to describe the mutual love?


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The Immaculate Conception: the Feast of clerical sexual phobia

a mother there is only one ...

The church throughout history has raised much the figure of Mary to diminish the woman's real and the idealized to the point that Mary became the projection of the inner need that any man of maternal, so Maria replaces the true carnal mother to whom they should instead go all the attention possible. Almost all priests, exalts the figure of Mary because it replaces the role of the natural mother, having been torn, the priests themselves, with the family to let them enter the seminary at 13-14 years, their critical age when the boy needs mother. Now it happens that the priest often diverted experience also affects those who may have had a steady growth in the family. This projection reaches the climax because Mary became the "place" where are all of the emotional demands not really matured. The critical point is that, while the natural mother has a normal mother-son relationship, with Maria idealized and elevated to divine status by the church (who happens to be made up of priests and bishops who you bring into this lack maternal affection-natural) are replaced by the guilt if one does some Sgarro from both sexually, because it is as if he had a super-mother, who sees everything, even the most hidden, and for other aspects of life, which is why Mary was immaculate declared, because he has to call the faithful to be blameless and just about the sexual sphere. But life, nature does not ask anyone to make sacrifices, penance, and the like. The thing is much deeper as it really is. We must be very careful, then, because at this point already joined the deviant sexual phobia old church for the minutiae. In this case the lady becomes the one who controls us, other than the natural mother, tender, who understands the son and teaches him according to nature, while the immaculate, right to his property as a woman without sin, stands in the human gesture controller for calling for fasting sinners, not to end prayers, penance (see Fatima where the Virgin Mary asked the three children to do penance). This is inhumane. So attention to what the priests teach when it comes to the Immaculate Conception which is bullshit, for another dangerous, the greater that Christianity was never able to give birth. These priests are those who lack the affection of her mother and many of them later became bishops, and certainly not removed off this complex, in fact much worse. I think that is enough for a normal person and remains the natural mother. This is my thinking but also the reality of a psychoanalytic clergy lack of the female figure. Then when you have to do with bishops who had clearly demonstrate these shortcomings to be blocked at the narcissistic stage of development pscichico which, coincidentally, it was just at the age of 13-14 years, then of course everything else .... that the Immaculate Conception. But as immaculate. On the one hand you laugh at the chickens, on the other are dangerous to the distortion of sexuality created in the boys in the middle of psychic development.


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thirst for supremacy

John Paul II school ...

You may have noticed the tactics of this pope, which is aligned in a clear manner in the footsteps of John Paul II, as all the popes in history, with very few exceptions. A devious tactics cloaked by false and hypocritical gooders. After his election, Ratzinger goes in Regensburg, Germany and delivers a poisonous trial of Muhammad, even though we know that Muslims, when you question their prophet, rage to such an extent as to create concern. What does as a second step? The visit to the Muslims, which causes discontent and dissent in Islam itself.

Lately Ratz announces intention to canonize Pius XII, creating scomnpiglio and divisions not only in the Jewish world but also among Catholics. Even here, what is the second step? The visit to the synagogue in Rome and again, inevitably, arise in the same divisions Jewish world.

These two acts of defiance to two religious worlds such as Islam and Judaism are the tip of the iceberg of a situation of real hatred towards other religions, already expressed in the days when the Ratz was prefect of the Holy office. I remember that the then Cardinal Ratzinger clearly expressed his dislike of other religions several times through written categorical imperative and the inferiority of other faiths, even those closest to the church as the Waldensians and other Protestant denominations. I remember the document "Dominus Jesus" is said to have been written by John Paul II, who signed it anyway and so in co-responsible, but in fact the author was there and he is clearly said that there is no salvation outside the church, the old Tridentine dogma that had been canceled by the Council Vatican II and that this pope has taken over and made the basis of its medieval theology. Long ago, the pope already said that the Protestant churches could not be called sister churches because they did not exist in the apostolic succession. I would remind the dear Ratz (?!?) that if you support the apostolic succession in order to assert his claim to superiority over the world, it seems inevitable as his church is based on an inhumanity unparalleled who shed rivers of innocent blood. I do not understand how they did the popes to establish their authority on a subject such as apostolic succession. If we look at who these apoostoli throughout history there is to shudder. Hitler and Stalin in the face of so much inhumanity on the part of the Catholic Church are PIVELLINA.

The leopard can not change its spots. The Catholic church was rebuilt the trick but his hypocrisy is manifested by these inhuman acts of alleged superiority towards other religions. And the pope has achieved its purpose, to be invited first by Muslims and Jews today. And so it will be beatified Pius XII and the Jewish community mocked. This pope does not seek dialogue but the overpowering, sweet, subtle, painless and invisible. They had understood the teachers and students of Wisdom. And it's always like this, where there is human wisdom has no place for religion


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The earthquake in Haiti

of the Lord's will be done ...?

Whenever there is a cataclysmic hear voices out of tune, inappropriate, outrageous, from the mouth of religious people and especially those who inject the poisonous seed of religion in the hearts of believers. "Let there be the will of God": An expression on the lips of the applicant who does not know what he is saying. Let there be God's will? This means that this is willed by God? May God, therefore, raises the children and then makes them die under the rubble? May God let so many children, youth, adults, old, live in despair? Then if you dare to tell them that God can not do this or that God does not exist, they answer with the words of Ecclesiastes: "The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away, the Lord's will be done."

I once asked who I would repeat this sentence if it was really convinced of what he was saying and he replied: "No, I think that God should not do these things, not human" I then told him: "Why not say it openly God that this is inhumane? He replied: "But the church thinks it's God because these things, who am I facing the church? "This is a dramatic example of people who, despite having just a thought, do not express it for fear of not being in line with the church. Investigate further the discussion I realized that the his fear of the church was due to the fact that if he had expressed his thought, he would feel that answer was in mortal sin. This gives us an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is unconscious but morbid bond between the church and the faithful.

On the other hand I hear swearing from the Pope, who everytime we have said publicly that this disaster will pray for the dead and the homeless, the hungry, etc..

Oh yes, a beautiful prayer in front of the cameras e i giornalisti a sventolare la notizia: "Il papa all'angelus ha pregato per i morti del terremoto". Ma chi stai pregando, quello stesso Dio che ha voluto la morte di coloro per cui preghi? Stai pregando per la salvezza di quei morti che Dio stesso ha fatto morire? Ma se Dio li ha fatti morire non penserà lui stesso a salvare le loro anime? Non ti accorgi che la tua preghiera nasconde la presunzione che siccome Dio facendoli morire, vuole mandarli all'inferno, sarà la tua preghiera che farà cambiare opinione a Dio? Ma i fedeli cattolici non si rendono conto di avere un papa così stupido e, nello stesso tempo, così presuntuoso da mettersi al posto di Dio? Ma di quale Dio? Questo è il problema. Non esiste questo dio, è una caricatura umana. Basterebbe ragionare un po' per sputtanare il papa e la sua corte di panciuti vescovi che si ingrassano a danno delle persone, incutendo loro paura e, nello stesso tempo, devozione verso un clero stupido che non sa neanche ragionare. E vogliono essere i padroni del mondo. Il fatto è che nessuno, attraverso la religione, può dare risposte a questi eventi, se non risposte che complicano ancor più il problema. La religione non dà risposte ad un bel niente perché è un sistema normativo e dogmatico che non si regge in piedi. Non so che cosa abbia detto su questa sciagura padre Livio di Radio Maria ma lo si può facilmente immaginare.

Nessuno può fare nulla e nessuno ha risposte per queste catastrofi. Invocare God? If God existed in the way and believed daii Catholic bishops in the first place and does not intervene to prevent this, then it is an inhuman monster. So do not bore your sins to God so that God does not exist.

Nature is evolving and, therefore, in later stages; exhibition, therefore, in my opinion, its dark sides and scary.

Rather if we want to go to the root of responsibility must be said that if there was justice and fairness, where every human being has everything that allows him to live in dignity and have the tools to protect themselves from disasters that we know already, maybe all this pain could be avoided. Of course we will not stop earthquakes, but at least we can defend ourselves with no suitable facilities to bring down the houses. But we know that this world is tilted in favor of the rich who can build earthquake-proof houses for the poor defenseless against suffering any kind of adversity. Obviously when you have these disasters, who pays with his life is the poor who live in houses built without the proper criteria, because they are forced to live like this, having no other means. In the end the responsibility lies with leaders who think only of themselves and leave the poor bastards at the mercy of the elements of nature. This, in my opinion, is the only answer I can give you: fighting for greater social justice and also fight in a dura per ri-bilanciare l'economia mondiale. E' inutile pregare, non serve a nulla. E poi chi preghi?

Siamo anche noi soggetti ad evoluzione. Le nostre malattie non sono forse come i terremoti ? Così come la Terra soffre per i terremoti ed altre sciagure, anche noi soffriamo per malattie, controversie, sofferenze varie. E' la logica dell'evoluzione, all'interno della quale dobbiamo far di tutto per "sopravvivere". La giustizia sociale è una forma ottima di sopravvivenza e i governanti dovrebbero adoperarsi per affermarla.


Constitutional Democracy Definition

Exceptional archaeological discovery: the ossuary of James the Just

Cade il dogma dell'Immacolata concezione e quindi tutto l'impianto dogmatico cattolico-Romano

By courtesy Aetos

James, the brother of Jesus son of Joseph and Mary. The discovery in Israel of the ossuary of James the Less, one of the brothers of Christ. Article in Biblical Archaeology Review. The Gospel of Thomas. Jesus' brother James and written in stone ossuary. James brother of Jesus' father Joseph, Christian Church in Jerusalem James ossuary Most important find in New Testament history of archeology. Andre Lemaire notes James ossuary inscription on the tomb of the son of Joseph and brother of Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus' brother James and flesh and blood. Jesus Christ, the true story of Jesus Christ


ossuary c ' is an entry that does not leave much doubt:
"James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus"

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The announcement of the outstanding discovery was made in Washington October 21, 2002 at a press conference organized by the "Biblical Archaeology Review. An important discovery

The funeral urn was discovered in Israel appears to provide a material trace of the existence of Jesus of Nazareth.

The limestone ossuary, which archaeologists have dated to 63 after Christ (remember that James called "the Less" stoned to death in 62) shows a surprising inscription in Aramaic:

"James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus"

Andre Lemaire - a French historian specializing in ancient inscriptions - speaks to not only clear references to Jesus, but his brother James.

In support of the thesis of Andre Lemaire, say other experts, is the fact that an inscription of that kind would be unusual if it were not referring to a famous individual, who certainly was Jesus of Nazareth. Besides that type of burial was practiced by Jews only in the time frame that goes from 20 to 70 AD

Authenticity the finding has been verified by the most qualified experts in the field tests carried out by both the limestone ossuary that the excess soil and other elements found in it. In addition to Dr. Andre Lemaire - epigrapher internationally famous and a specialist in ancient inscriptions - Experts from the Geologic Survey of Israel and researchers at Johns Hopkins University. No artifact

tie back directly to Jesus of Nazareth was never found, the historical evidence in our possession were so far related only to the Gospel writings, this factor gives the James ossuary great cultural importance, at all levels, historiography, Christological , archaeological, theological or religion in general.

The Rev. Joseph Fitzmyer, a Bible scholar, professor at Catholic University, after studying the ossuary was found completely agree with André Lemaire stated that the ossuary inscription "corresponds perfectly to the style of other examples of the first century "and that" the combination of the three famous names engraved in addition to being obvious is extraordinary. " Many

Apocrypha thus exposing the truth that has always rejected institutional Christianity: Jesus had brothers and sisters, born of the normal relationship between Mary and Joseph. A truth so natural and evident, however, that the churches reject institutionalized for reasons of mere survival, for understandable instinct for preservation ... the privilege ...

dismay and anxiety especially in the Catholic world, who not by chance from day one has tried to minimize or pretended to ignore the extraordinary discovery.

Besides the strong concerns of the Catholic world is more than justified: an important (miraculous birth, the divine nature of Jesus and the condition of "perpetual virginity" of Mary) Catholic tradition on which rests the foundation, waver and dissolve after a the other, without truce, the tangible reality of ungovernable revelations. Objectivity, it seems, do not look upon anybody.

Tests in recent centuries by historians, archaeologists and lay theologians in favor of the "earthly nature" of Jesus, more and more overwhelming. The accusations leveled against the Church of having "built the gods 'relation to the' man Jesus" (originally proclaimed in the Council of Constantinople in 325, then again in 680, against Monothelitism, and gradually confirmed in later) on the shoulders of the charismatic leader virtuoso just a community - and doing so on the basis of irrational, exploiting popular myths and superstitions before - now seem incontrovertible.

On the one hand, therefore, the discovery of the ossuary of James represents the first direct evidence of tangible the existence of Jesus, and the other to confirm that Jesus of Nazareth was not begotten, nor had otherworldly nature: Jesus, although authoritative and worthy of praise, was a man among men.

But let us go deeper .....

The close family relationship with Jesus Christ - bond that goes far beyond the spiritual brotherhood - and the importance of James (Iácobos Minor, said "... the Just, son of Mary and Joseph, brother of the Lord who will go out in death, but will be found alive ...") in the early church for decades are the subject of protracted political and religious disputes, yet are confirmed in several documents ...
... here are some below

Josephus 'Jewish Antiquities' XX, 9, 1
"... called a meeting of the council, and there did appear that the brother of Jesus, called Christ, whose name was James ..." Paul's Epistle to the Galatians

I 19 (letter to the churches of Galatia, controversy Judaism)
"... and I did not see any of the other apostles, but only James, the brother of the Lord ..."

Mark VI 2-3 "... he began to teach in the synagogue. And many who heard him said, is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James ... and her sisters are not here in we ?..."

Matthew XIII 55 "... It is not this the carpenter's son? Is not his mother called Mary and his brothers, James ...? And his sisters are not all of us ?..."

IX 1 Corinthians 5 "... we do not have the right to drive around a wife who is a sister in faith, as do also the other apostles, brothers of the Lord and Cephas ?..."

Matthew XXVII 56 "... among them was Mary Magdalene. Mary mother of James ... "

Mark XV 40" ... among them were also Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James the Less ... "

Mark XVI a" ... the past week Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James ... "

Luke XXIV 10" ... Or those who reported these things to the apostles were Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary mother of James and other women ... "

a very special bond, obviously fraternal, between James and Jesus is also apparent in loghion 12 of the Gospel of Thomas (other documents considered by burning churches institutionalized) showing:

Gospel of Thomas § 12 -
The disciples said to Jesus: "We know that you left us. After you, who will guide us?"
Jesus answered them, "When you reach that point you go to James the Just, which entitled to anything dealing with heaven and earth "

This loghion the Gospel of Thomas makes it clear that the will of Jesus it was under a system of leadership to his brother James and not Peter as some mistakenly continue to believe. In addition, numerous documents - including the Book of Acts and the Epistles of Paul - James was the head of the Church of Jerusalem.

is finally further brief information on the figure of James, the brother of Jesus, its importance in the early Christian community of scholars and opinions

Epistle of James to James the Just, brother of the Lord - I remember he was stoned in 62, at the instigation of the high priest Ananias II, called "the Less" for distinction from James the Greater, who was martyred under Herod Agrippa in 44 instead - is also credited with an Epistle, written around the year 60, which consists of five chapters.

In it are initially exhortations to perseverance and the importance of faith accompanied by works and later reflections on the true and false wisdom, peace, harmony and plenty of warnings to the rich heartless.

Acts XII in paragraph 17 which states "... this related to James ..." it is clear that Peter feels a duty to inform James of his first release, confirming the supremacy of the brother of Jesus on the Christian community.

Also more about James, and Peter Saul, are expressed as the authors of "The Hiram Key", Robert Lomas and Christopher Knight:
"... the claim made by Paul to enjoy the support of Simon Peter was only one component of the scaffolding of lies that he was increasing, because it was the same Peter to warn the disciples against the emergence of a 'from other authorities the Nazarite: "So you are absolutely prudent to any teacher who only has to give credence to those who go with him to the recommendation of James, brother of the Lord in Jerusalem" .. .. The interpretations of the Dead Sea Scrolls Robert Eisenman attributed to succor the hypothesis of the identity of Paul with the "source of lies" that collided with James, the "Teacher of Righteousness" .. .. The manuscript entitled pesher on Habakkuk alludes to an individual that "Israel did pour water on lies" and "the faithful away from the straight path, leading them into a wilderness without roads, where the play on words built on the word" road "refers to" transgression of the terms of the border "of the law. We give credit to the hypothesis that identifies the enemy of Paul James. Paul is the "liar" who uttered the false self-righteousness about their education, who invented the mission of Christ who preached the provisional operation of the Act and authorized access to the church to individuals uncircumcised ...».

Louis Moraldi notes: "... to emphasize the extraordinary importance given to the person of James, one of the" brothers of the Lord »..."
Craveri writes interpreting loghion 12 of the Gospel of Thomas:
"... the pace reminiscent of the discussions among the apostles, about who was to be considered the biggest [...] * The tradition of the primacy of James, the brother of the Lord Jesus, or at least its authority equal to that of Peter, is confirmed by the Acts, from Paul's letters, from the Gospel of the Hebrews, by Jerome (Comm. in Mich. VII 7), by Eusebius (Hist. Eccl. II 3), by Philosophumena V 7, and, of course, the Gnostic texts ... "

Mark IX * 34 "... and they were silent, because it had argued about who among them was the greatest ..."

Luke IX 46 "... then began to discuss which of them was the greatest ...."

Luke XXII 24 "... Among them was also the contention: which of them was considered the greatest ..."

Galati II 9 " ... James, Cephas and John, who are considered the most authoritative, they recognized that God had given me this assignment so it was decided that we would go among the Gentiles and Jews among them ... "

Galati II 11 "... when Peter came to Antioch chided him because he was wrong [...] came from those who were part of James ..."

An absolute primacy of Peter is actually questionable, since there are 33 plus in Mark VIII " ... But he turned and looked at his disciples, he rebuked Peter, saying, Get thee behind me, Satan! You did not mind the things of God, but the things of men ... "Matthew reiterates that in XVI 23" ... he turned and said to Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan! You are my downfall, because you did not mind the things of God, but the things of men ... "In fairness

give space to the other party:

How can this discovery to question the divinity of the Lord Jesus?

Christian faith clearly says that Jesus was truly God and truly man.

That Jesus Christ had brothers has always been clear to all the evangelical Christian world, as clearly shown by the New Testament (Luke 2:7). The sensational discovery can not do anything for pleasure and does not undermine Christian beliefs concerning the divinity of Jesus Christ.

The certainty that Jesus had brothers and sisters, do not change the Gospel, instead profoundly change the worship of Mary Mother of Jesus (called Virgin are free of original sin), which is why the Catholic Church does not accept this discovery.

Christians who accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and redeemer without co-operators will be happy to confirm this discovery that their ideas.
