Saturday, April 10, 2010

Can I Use My Bluetooth As A Microphone

The earthquake in Haiti

of the Lord's will be done ...?

Whenever there is a cataclysmic hear voices out of tune, inappropriate, outrageous, from the mouth of religious people and especially those who inject the poisonous seed of religion in the hearts of believers. "Let there be the will of God": An expression on the lips of the applicant who does not know what he is saying. Let there be God's will? This means that this is willed by God? May God, therefore, raises the children and then makes them die under the rubble? May God let so many children, youth, adults, old, live in despair? Then if you dare to tell them that God can not do this or that God does not exist, they answer with the words of Ecclesiastes: "The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away, the Lord's will be done."

I once asked who I would repeat this sentence if it was really convinced of what he was saying and he replied: "No, I think that God should not do these things, not human" I then told him: "Why not say it openly God that this is inhumane? He replied: "But the church thinks it's God because these things, who am I facing the church? "This is a dramatic example of people who, despite having just a thought, do not express it for fear of not being in line with the church. Investigate further the discussion I realized that the his fear of the church was due to the fact that if he had expressed his thought, he would feel that answer was in mortal sin. This gives us an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is unconscious but morbid bond between the church and the faithful.

On the other hand I hear swearing from the Pope, who everytime we have said publicly that this disaster will pray for the dead and the homeless, the hungry, etc..

Oh yes, a beautiful prayer in front of the cameras e i giornalisti a sventolare la notizia: "Il papa all'angelus ha pregato per i morti del terremoto". Ma chi stai pregando, quello stesso Dio che ha voluto la morte di coloro per cui preghi? Stai pregando per la salvezza di quei morti che Dio stesso ha fatto morire? Ma se Dio li ha fatti morire non penserà lui stesso a salvare le loro anime? Non ti accorgi che la tua preghiera nasconde la presunzione che siccome Dio facendoli morire, vuole mandarli all'inferno, sarà la tua preghiera che farà cambiare opinione a Dio? Ma i fedeli cattolici non si rendono conto di avere un papa così stupido e, nello stesso tempo, così presuntuoso da mettersi al posto di Dio? Ma di quale Dio? Questo è il problema. Non esiste questo dio, è una caricatura umana. Basterebbe ragionare un po' per sputtanare il papa e la sua corte di panciuti vescovi che si ingrassano a danno delle persone, incutendo loro paura e, nello stesso tempo, devozione verso un clero stupido che non sa neanche ragionare. E vogliono essere i padroni del mondo. Il fatto è che nessuno, attraverso la religione, può dare risposte a questi eventi, se non risposte che complicano ancor più il problema. La religione non dà risposte ad un bel niente perché è un sistema normativo e dogmatico che non si regge in piedi. Non so che cosa abbia detto su questa sciagura padre Livio di Radio Maria ma lo si può facilmente immaginare.

Nessuno può fare nulla e nessuno ha risposte per queste catastrofi. Invocare God? If God existed in the way and believed daii Catholic bishops in the first place and does not intervene to prevent this, then it is an inhuman monster. So do not bore your sins to God so that God does not exist.

Nature is evolving and, therefore, in later stages; exhibition, therefore, in my opinion, its dark sides and scary.

Rather if we want to go to the root of responsibility must be said that if there was justice and fairness, where every human being has everything that allows him to live in dignity and have the tools to protect themselves from disasters that we know already, maybe all this pain could be avoided. Of course we will not stop earthquakes, but at least we can defend ourselves with no suitable facilities to bring down the houses. But we know that this world is tilted in favor of the rich who can build earthquake-proof houses for the poor defenseless against suffering any kind of adversity. Obviously when you have these disasters, who pays with his life is the poor who live in houses built without the proper criteria, because they are forced to live like this, having no other means. In the end the responsibility lies with leaders who think only of themselves and leave the poor bastards at the mercy of the elements of nature. This, in my opinion, is the only answer I can give you: fighting for greater social justice and also fight in a dura per ri-bilanciare l'economia mondiale. E' inutile pregare, non serve a nulla. E poi chi preghi?

Siamo anche noi soggetti ad evoluzione. Le nostre malattie non sono forse come i terremoti ? Così come la Terra soffre per i terremoti ed altre sciagure, anche noi soffriamo per malattie, controversie, sofferenze varie. E' la logica dell'evoluzione, all'interno della quale dobbiamo far di tutto per "sopravvivere". La giustizia sociale è una forma ottima di sopravvivenza e i governanti dovrebbero adoperarsi per affermarla.



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