Saturday, April 10, 2010

Signs Of Infection In A Burn

The Immaculate Conception: the Feast of clerical sexual phobia

a mother there is only one ...

The church throughout history has raised much the figure of Mary to diminish the woman's real and the idealized to the point that Mary became the projection of the inner need that any man of maternal, so Maria replaces the true carnal mother to whom they should instead go all the attention possible. Almost all priests, exalts the figure of Mary because it replaces the role of the natural mother, having been torn, the priests themselves, with the family to let them enter the seminary at 13-14 years, their critical age when the boy needs mother. Now it happens that the priest often diverted experience also affects those who may have had a steady growth in the family. This projection reaches the climax because Mary became the "place" where are all of the emotional demands not really matured. The critical point is that, while the natural mother has a normal mother-son relationship, with Maria idealized and elevated to divine status by the church (who happens to be made up of priests and bishops who you bring into this lack maternal affection-natural) are replaced by the guilt if one does some Sgarro from both sexually, because it is as if he had a super-mother, who sees everything, even the most hidden, and for other aspects of life, which is why Mary was immaculate declared, because he has to call the faithful to be blameless and just about the sexual sphere. But life, nature does not ask anyone to make sacrifices, penance, and the like. The thing is much deeper as it really is. We must be very careful, then, because at this point already joined the deviant sexual phobia old church for the minutiae. In this case the lady becomes the one who controls us, other than the natural mother, tender, who understands the son and teaches him according to nature, while the immaculate, right to his property as a woman without sin, stands in the human gesture controller for calling for fasting sinners, not to end prayers, penance (see Fatima where the Virgin Mary asked the three children to do penance). This is inhumane. So attention to what the priests teach when it comes to the Immaculate Conception which is bullshit, for another dangerous, the greater that Christianity was never able to give birth. These priests are those who lack the affection of her mother and many of them later became bishops, and certainly not removed off this complex, in fact much worse. I think that is enough for a normal person and remains the natural mother. This is my thinking but also the reality of a psychoanalytic clergy lack of the female figure. Then when you have to do with bishops who had clearly demonstrate these shortcomings to be blocked at the narcissistic stage of development pscichico which, coincidentally, it was just at the age of 13-14 years, then of course everything else .... that the Immaculate Conception. But as immaculate. On the one hand you laugh at the chickens, on the other are dangerous to the distortion of sexuality created in the boys in the middle of psychic development.



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