Monday, March 14, 2011

Egg Plant Monatomic Gold

Italian box office: the fine film by Oscar, lily-Italian films

Let's say I caught 2 out of 10 positions, which is very little.
Box office generally positive, both for the number of collections, both for the results obtained from films of quality.
the first place it comes rank with the best collection of two million. Not surprisingly, second place Rite, while the third position an easy life, so that more than two million euro, the Italian decrees yet another successful season. Are a resounding flop 6 million gleaned from the third episode of Manual of Love 3 , given the budget and the presence of the greatest actor in international living and most famous actors Italians at the time. Veronesi's film is indeed passed, with great surprise, the King's Speech that my great surprise and operators (who have taken a lot of salt when it was in programming) maintains its position of last week recording a very high average and establishing itself to become a success in our country.
followed the two films that won Oscars for the performances: The Black Swan , down, and probably less appealing to the Italian public and The Fighter, in line with expectations. Needless to say, have had much better luck at home.
Good debut for another film Oscar, the boys are well , which, as expected, gets a very high average and ranks, this means that instead it is a surprise at number 8 in spite of the very few rooms in which has been projected.
Many more salt were prepared with the horror Piranha (the ninth, as expected), the Italian comedy All the sea terminating the Top 10 and The jewel, which despite the 130 film available, goin 'out the Top 10 and gets a very bad, but unfortunately predictable, average room. At this point, just like the other best Italian film of the season, Gianni and women, will not reach even 1 million cash, which is a shame given the quality, timeliness and high levels of investment. is to be hoped that both the Molaioli movie than to get an international distribution Di Gregorio.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

South Park Xepisodes On Iphone

Italian film of the month: Farewell to the gem

the gem
Andrea Molaioli,
ITALY, 2011

Leda is an Italian dairy that enjoys an international success and witnessed his rise to fame began in 1992. Ten years later the owner, Rastelli (Remo Girone), sends his niece (Sarah Felberbaum) in the office of chief financial crabby Botta (Toni Servillo). For the company, is a time of great crisis ...

Second round as director after the interesting and successful The Girl by the Lake Andrea Molaioli, discovered by Sorrentino, which among other uses much technical part of the cast (including the great cinematographer Luca Bigazzi, used here, however, below their potential).

After the unexpected success of the film's debut, the Indigo Films has spared no expense for the second round of this promise of the new Italian cinema that one can not describe ambitious. Promises kept, because the film is a solid example of a film of inquiry and complaint superpartes that targets the arrogance and shallowness human summarized in Figure spregevolissima Eng. Botta, that others would not be that Fausto Tonna, which comes out a really unforgiving portrait. The owner of the company, Rastelli, embodies a specific character (Tanzi) and a concept, that of superficiality, no less severe and misanthropy dell’ arroganza del suo braccio destro. La sua debolezza e la leggerezza nell’accettare illegali e gravissimi giochetti trasforma il suo ottimismo in una noncuranza pericolosissima, la stessa di tanti magnati e politici attuali che sotto l’ostentato ottimismo e battutine e atteggiamenti apparentemente leggeri e banali nascondo situazioni ben più gravi.

Spesso però chi è al potere non si rende conto della gravità delle sue azioni, delle sue bugie.

La superficialità con cui i due uomini si imbarcano in quest’avventura criminale è disarmante, ma non inverosimile: non siamo in fondo tutti molto più superficiali oggi? Pur senza commettere crimes, we often use too much superficiality in the choices we make, the compromises in the betrayal?

The film, however, also linked to another important issue: the disastrous fall of bags (see the good and underrated Wall Street: Money never sleeps ) at the end of a mali worst of capitalism has been the proliferation of titles in which unsuspecting overestimated shareholders invest their resources.

An international film then that could easily aspire to a world wide distribution because for once we are faced with an Italian job free of provincialism and winks to Italian average. The events presented here are not unique to the Italians: the collapse of Parmalat is unfortunately no different to other terrible disasters and crimes of capitalism.

Backed by a trio of valuable players (Toni Servillo in a truly thankless role, and almost inhuman, Girone rich patron in the ambiguity of humanity and the surprise Felberbaum, which embodies a rampant youth without scruples), the film has also a compelling musical score by Teho Teardo.

The direction is precise, with no authorial impulses that would make the movie jump to a higher category. Maybe he is guilty of a screenplay che non sa bene come raccontare la storia e che in alcuni punti non si capisce bene che direzione voglia prendere. La parentesi sessuale (perché non si può definire sentimentale) sinceramente non aggiunge nulla al film, oltre che all’inevitabile bella attrice di turno, qui addirittura brava.

Così come non aggiungono nulla i costosissimi spostamenti a New York (cosa aggiunge la scena, oltre a mostrare l’ottimo inglese della bilingue Felberbaum?) o in Russia (le solite donne facili, i soliti uomini d’affari difficili da convincere).
Più necessaria e decisamente riuscita l’impressionante serie di immagini pubblicitarie create ad hoc per il film, con tanto di true site of the fake Leda ( ).

Italian film of the month as the previous one ( Gianni and women) will have a hard time.
in Programming 130 SALE

VOTE: 7 -

Gallbladder Hair Loss

Nilla Pizzi

Today the news industry has announced the death of the Queen of Italian song Corriere della Sera and even speaks of Regina lyrics and nothing else. Which makes you smile when you consider that Nilla Pizzi (below, with Modugno and Dorelli) is best remembered for Poppies and ducks. But think alla signora Pizzi fa sorridere comunque. La sua era l’immagine di un’Italia che non c’è più, un’Italia che prima affrontò la guerra e poi le lotte fratricide tra fascisti e resistenti, ma che seppe essere ottimista nonostante tutto e pensare all’Unione.
L’Italia del boom economico, delle balere, delle sagre di paese, delle prime feste dell’Unità, della censura e di una grande voglia di libertà. L’Italia dei nostri nonni insomma. E Nilla Pizzi appare così lontana dai nostri tempi, con quella sua voce e quelle melodie così demodé e quel look da signora bene ingioiellata che non riesce però a nascondere una genuina aria da massaia padana.

And since this is a blog mainly cinema, as Nilla Pizzi forget the actress, even the star of Italian cinema of the late '50s?

And I bet that after reading his biography phantasmagoric, even you smile.

symbol of the Sanremo Festival, which was the first winner and which led to the edition of 1981, Negrini Adionilla Pizzi was born April 16, 1919 in Sant'Agata Bolognese. Before seamstress, then used the Ducati's Bologna, married in 1940 with a man who has the same surname, Drive Pizzi, who a few days after start after the war never to return.
Nilla promises never to marry again and will do so.

In 1942 he began performing on radio EIAR (now Rai), from which, however, is banished for his voice too sensual and exotic !

first winner of the Sanremo Festival in 1951 with With Flower , in the same edition is also positioned in second place with a duet. And as a singer at the time could compete with more songs, the following year Nilla took all 3 podium positions !
Prima arrivò Vola colomba, scelta per celebrare il ritorno di Trieste all’Italia. Al secondo posto il classico Papaveri e papere , oggi filastrocca per bambini, ma ai tempi audace testo ricco di doppi sensi sessuali e politici (i papaveri e le papere vennero scelti anche nei manfesti del PCI ). Il vinile vendette 75.000 copie e il testo venne tradotto in 40 lingue, ispirando pure il titolo di un film ( Lo sai che i papaveri , 1952, con Franca Rame e Walter Chiari). L’anno seguente è protagonista di  Ci troviamo in galleria  , film d’esordio di un regista poi important as Mauro Bolognini, which also appears Alberto Sordi and a seventeen year old Sophia Loren infancy.
Did you know then that is dedicated to her the first fan club in Italian history , born in 1957 in Turin? It was a lounge where admirers gathered to talk about their darling and exchange cartonille , postcards with pictures of the diva.

And now listen, listen, from '57 to '60, in less than 3 years , the national Nilla appeared in 16 films !

undisputed queen of Italian music, popular and beloved diva, officials also hope to turn it into a movie star, but beyond many musicals so much in vogue and some tear-jerking melodrama Nilla was never able to establish itself in the film with the same success. Of the more than 20 titles which appeared in are mentioned only for you Lucia, 1952, with Franca Valeri, Antonella Lualdi, passionate song of '54 which is a dark lady becoming an assassin for maternal love and above all The Mandrake , (photo opposite) directed by Alberto Lattuada, 1965, which marks his highly successful return to the screen, as well as his highest achievement in cinema. In the implementation of the work fun and sexy Macchiavelli, Nilla plays Sostrata, mother of a beautiful Rosanna Schiaffino (died in 2009). Do not miss worship and the scene where pizza and trying to convince Toto Schiaffino, dressed as a friar, the action hardly religious.

Another humorous review in which they participate and that of the Three Musketeers in which she plays Anne of Austria. His last participation in film is Meladrammore , the 1978 film by Maurizio Costanzo. And here he began his drift television: Costanzo, Limits, Baudo, his friends who are often invited her to their programs, making them take a picture but much trash that will help his agent, Lele Mora .

The singer who had performed around the world alongside the likes of Ella Fitzgerald and Frank Sinatra was soon swallowed up by the trash TV. In 2001 he recorded a rap version of Grace with flowers along with a boy band and in 2003 he released his last album and can not be said to close his career with a flourish, as it is an album containing duets with captive Valeria Marini, Platinette , Patrizia Rossetti and Maria Teresa Ruta . Practically a teleshopping sung.

Moreover Nilla has over 80 years and now only trusts his agent Lele Mora.

In 2002, Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, gives the appointment Grand Officer of the Italian Republic in 2009 and Nilla celebrates 90 years with a cruise tour in . He then joined friends for Abruzzo and continued to perform until it arrives any health problems that leave Unfortunately, some sign, as shown in his moving part in Sanremo last year, where Carmen sang a beautiful version of Thanks for the flowers.

Mina, its historic rival-friend (their famous duet to Milleluci '57) said: "I have learned much from his voice, and it is fair to admit it, finally."

Finally, here's the explanation the deep meaning of Poppies and Ducklings made by the same Nilla.

What to add? White Dove Fly, fly.

2002 Ap Biology Lab 1 Diffusion And Osmosis

outputs of the weekend and weather

Lots of outlets (too many, as usual) this weekend in nost cinema, of which 4 will most likely be part of the box office next week.

This should be the ranking of the weekend box office receipts, according to Italian dealers (source Stay to the public decree the average room.


1.Rango ;   380

2.Manuale d'amore  375

3.Il Rito                    333

4.Una Vita facile      314

5.The Fighter            276

6.Il Cigno nero         269

7. Il Discorso..         225

8.Tutti al mare        180

9.Goiellino             130

10. I ragazzi            120

Io credo  che la gente non si azzufferà per vedere Rango , tra l’altro anticipato da una campagna promozionale minore del solito per film animati di questo tipo. Eppure il film c’è in tantissime sale, quindi le famiglie e i giovani non avranno scelta , funziona così, in fondo, no?
Lo stesso vale per Manuale d’amore 3 , che però comincia a stancare seriamente e potrebbe vedersi superato perfino da un film innocuo come l'horror americano Il Rito o dall’altra commedia italiana Una vita facile , which in this weekend to play around, if held, could run for another Italian case of this amazing 2011, but frankly I doubt it.

more difficult to provide for the keeping of three films by Oscar despite The Fighter has a very strong program, I believe it can be easily overcome by The Black Swan, which can still enjoy the good word of mouth and aura of a cult movie that is being created around it. The same can not be said for The Sermon of the King, which has greatly benefited from the Oscar la settimana scorsa e credo che ormai abbia esaurito il suo appeal sul pubblico italiano, considerando che è uscito da un paio di mesi. Potrebbe perfino essere superato da un film che mi rifiuterei di vedere già leggendo il titolo, Tutti al mare , ma che potrebbe attrarre il pubblico affezionato ai cinepanettoni. Ma dico io: che senso ha fare uscire un titolo del genere in inverno? E che dire della partecipazioni dei nostri migliori attori (Di Rienzo, Germano, Bonaiuto, Degli Esposti) in un film che sembra venuto dalla filmografia vanziniana?

Il gioiellino rischia seriamente di uscire dalla Top 10 e sarebbe un grande peccato, come vi spiegherò meglio domani.

Pochissima fiducia invece nell’anticipatissimo I ragazzi stanno bene che potrebbe essere superato perfino da Piranha 3D e non dico altro. Io però spero che possa superare anche Amore e altri rimedi ed entrare in Top 10.
Bisogna dedurre che il giornalista di cui ho parlato l’altro giorno abbia convinto gli esercenti. Io sono però fiducioso, anche perché il film può godere di molta più promozione di un Rango o di un Il Rito: il passaggio a Roma, gli Oscar e le interviste alla Bening e alla Moore su ogni rivista femminile stampata in Italia credo che will create one of the best medium for the room. Too optimistic?

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Pregnant Women With Black Forest Ham

Even Marilyn and other famous names (also deceased) and Vendola victim of conspiracy Communist

evening out in Italian cinemas one of the most anticipated films of the season, nominated for four Academy Awards, including one for best film of the year.

I'm talking about The boys are doing well , film about love and family, but in Italy, already in its presentation at the Rome Film Festival, angered some journalists ...

I do not know why in Italy there are some newspapers and journalists in particular that make me stop the brain for a few seconds to ask at what age and what country I go. The alienation is always followed by the same answer: Italy today. Yet it is impossible to rationally understand, because all the clues make us think about a time remote and distant, in which they live kings, princes, ogres and elves. Definitely belongs to this most rational world where dragons spit fire and witches make magic lord Camillo Langone which I feel compelled to name.

Free From the pages of this aspiring sorcerer (in the sense that says incomprehensible formulas) invites readers to boycott the theaters where it will be shown The kids are fine.

And by golly! A boycott! Wow! Must be your noble cause!

"While you credete di assistere a un innocuo spettacolo vi verranno somministrate forti dosi di propaganda; innanzitutto propaganda omosessualista, di quell'ideologia seconda la quale omosessuale è meglio ”.

e ancora:

E dai e dai, grazie a film del genere, Nichi Vendola è diventato la speranza della sinistra. Si sbaglia chi pensa che il catto-abortista pugliese sia stato lanciato da Cossutta e Bertinotti: sono stati Pedro Almodovar e Ferzan Ozpetek. Sappiatelo: se vi siete messi in fila per Tutto Su Mia Madre o per Le Fate Ignoranti, indipendentemente dal vostro voto avete contribuito alla causa vendoliana ”.

Che Vendola abbia così tanti sostenitori nascosti? Steps for Ozpetek who turned Loose Cannons vendoliana in Puglia, but Almodovar?

But then, they have also contributed to the cause vendoliana Pasolini and Visconti?

Well but if Langone Almodovar quotes, then you need to pull in other directors because gay friendly: Fassbinder and even Cukor and say that the two transvestites Some Like It Hot? Wow, even the poor Marilyn was subjugated by the evil ogre Vendola!

I've always suspected that those Hollywood directors of the '40s and '50s really did not think anything but that and a lot of film Vendola considered "high" (Visconti and Pasolini) actually had the only to show that homosexuals are superior beings who want to conquer the human race and wipe out any perceived trend eterossessuale!

But it means that when the French revolutionaries who rejected the proposals by Marie Antoinette croissants kindly contributed to the cause of McDonald's? When Nabokov wrote that famous book actually contributed to the cause of underage escort of the President Palace? When Baudelaire The Flowers of Evil published provoked such hatred towards any plant from being lead to the deforestation of our world? Can I continue?
The journalist, always very professional, railing against a bolus injection of interpreters, Julianne Moore , che presentò il film a Roma lo stesso giorno in cui il nostro Presidente pronunciò l’oramai celebre statement “è meglio andare con le belle ragazze che essere gay”. Quando venne chiesto all’attrice cosa pensasse di questa dichiarazione, ella rispose: “ Arcaic and idiot ”.

Profondamente offeso, il nostro giornalista dunque dice nella sua recensione:

Di sicuro, non accetto lezioni di vita da un'attrice, la Moore, che ha avuto non so più quanti mariti: avessi il suo curriculum, più da mantide che da donna, eviterei di presentarmi al mondo con il ditino alzato ”.

Gli rispondo io: l’attrice è al terzo matrimonio, ha dunque alle spalle due matrimoni, proprio come l’idolo-padrone del giornalista. Ma anche se ne avesse avuti 380, avrebbe comunque avuto il diritto di esprimere un'idea, che francamente, corrisponde al pensiero di qualsiasi persona sana di mente.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Letter Of Proof For Community Service

succulent News: Madonna and Woody in Italy

Due news riguardo ai nuovi progetti di  Madonna e Woody Allen   (a lato insieme sul set di Ombre e nebbia , 1992).
Ieri Woody Allen ha annunciato a Repubblica che girerà il suo prossimo film a ROMA !
Ebbene yes, after London, Barcelona and Paris (actually also had appeared in Venice Everyone Says I Love You), the dear old Woody make another film in his dear old Europe where someone still goes to the movies to see his films. We hope that you finally do honor to our wonderful capital city and our country, not just as many bad movies recent ( Eat, Pray, Love ; The American, Letters to Juliet, the Rite, The Tourist ) who described Italians simply as idiots.

Even Madonna arriving in Italy to present his second film as director, WE . It seems more and more founded in fact the voice that wants to Venice Film Festival, leaked yesterday and confirmed today by one of the actresses Abbie Cornish (former star of Bright Star), which also revealed that the star's first child, Lourdes , will play the character of Abbie as a child.
The film is the ideal result of the film that has touched the entire world (except me) and was coined by Oscar or The Speech of King , as it tells the love story that brought Edward VII of the abdication, but all told from a modern perspective.

Ho Much Xanax Should You Take

Black Swan beats colossal

After the sadness for the Italian box office data yesterday, good news arrives from the States with regard to collections.
ensure that these are good news.
Sometimes the quality wins again, sometimes
David over Goliath wins again.

Black swan has passed the third installment of The Chronicles of Narnia .
We are talking about an internal battle at 20th Century Fox.

The fact is that it has cost $ 13 million, the second 155, ovvero 11 volte di più.

Al box office statunitense sono a quota 105 il primo e 103 il secondo, e la corsa del film di Aronofsky non è ancora finita.

Il primo è uscito per la Fox Searchlight’s, ovvero la parte della Fox specializzata in film indipendenti, mentre l’altro è uscito per la 20th Century Fox vera e propria, specializzata in blockbuster.

Zero fiducia nel lavoro di Aronoksky, nonostante il Leone d’oro per The Wrestler , tanto che la Fox non ha nemmeno coperto le spese per l’assicurazione sanitaria e quando Natalie Portman si è bruised ribs, had to cancel the trailer ..

favolone other hand, the fantasy has had a marketing and merchandising incredible.
To beat a record, however, and become the biggest commercial success of Fox Searchlight Black Swan very far exceed the threshold of 143 million Juno, other movies that I love with another memorable character, the fantastic Ellen Page .
And since today is International Women's Day, I think its fair to say that these two actresses in Black Swan and Juno have given my opinion the most beautiful portraits of women seen at the cinema in the last five years.
One is the image of the strength of a woman who learns from their mistakes and become responsible, the other shows how much society can affect and ruin a girl and a human being in general.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Pain Under Rib After Eating

Box office: the Italian comedy triumphs again

Despite the Oscar, just a very exciting weekend in the Italian cinema with a film only able to collect more than € 1 million, the third chapter of Manual love in two weeks has grossed half of what was collected in the previous week, a sign that despite the publicity tam tam and the presence of De Niro in Italia a Sanremo il pubblico questa volta sembra meno convinto dell'ennesima operazione commerciale. Lo stesso si potrebbe dire per Femmine contro maschi , che chiude la Top 10 con pochissime possibilità di poter uguagliare il suo "prequel" gemello.
Eppure la commedia italiana resta ancora trionfante, con una ottima e inaspettata new entry dritta al numero 2, Una vita facile , ritono di Stefano Accorsi. Sull'ultimo gradino del podio Il Cigno nero che perde una posizione ma mantiene una buona media, rendendo così più che sicura la meta dei 5 milioni di euro. Prevedibile The ascent of Speech Re at number 4. Good also the entry of The Fighter in 5th place. Disappointing, but predictable and understandable but the poor performance of 127 hours already at position 15, while the thud of the blue de The Grit, a real case in the U.S. and we are already out of the TOP10 with even 3 million collected.
's new film on the collapse of Parmalat Moiali, The jewel , ovviemente had to settle for a measly 9 th place.
To stay on the subject of Italian products, known sottolinerare this week it finally come out from the top 20 Any and Abbott and women, which grossed respectively 15 million and 760,000 €. The last 15 rooms in the damage yet, so if you have not seen, and I repeat to recommend it!

Rank In the U.S., voiced by Johnny Depp debuted in first place with takings of less than € 40 million, followed by Guardians of the night, the new film with the indefatigable Matt Damon.
To signal the presence of Alex Pettyfer in twenty two of the top 10 films, the new entry Beastly 4th and I'm number 4 on the 9th , while Natalie Portman with Black Swan is still in 15th place and e. Lovers and Friends. to 20 °.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Soft Air Gold Desert Eagle

127 hours: excellent return of Danny Boyle

USA/GB, 2010
Vera storia di Aron Ralston (sotto, con James Franco ), giovane esaltato con l’hobby di arrampicarsi sui massi del canyon . Un bel giorno però, una mano gli rimane bloccata sotto un macigno e per sopravvivere deve amputarsela da solo con un coltellino di pessima fattura.

Nothing else happens, but Boyle was able to make a movie by inserting flashbacks into the past of the protagonist, dreams, delusions and hallucinations (see the improvised talk show with questions and responses).

sensational photography and editing, a great player and a great script make 127 hours one of Boyle's best film and certainly a step forward for a director who likes to take risks and to the resounding success of the previous and feel-good and Slumdog , Academy Award in 2009, responds with a movie opposite, not at all suited to the general public will find it boring, and too agonizing splatter (the rest of the scene is central to amputation).
paced and fun at first, then becomes serious, agonizing, slow, mixing comedy, drama, action and why not yellow. In the end, past the magnificent first 20 minutes, the audience buzzed overhead one question: will it survive or not?
But the credit Boyle's more is that it has turned into an action movie, dynamic, the story of a man immobilized for 127 hours ...

Among the six Oscar nominations lacking one, basic, for outstanding photography.

After Black Swan, another film full of tension at times unbearable. A great film, but fail those impressionable ...


In programmazione in 125 sale (già che c'erano potevano fare 127)..
Incasso USA: 17 milioni $
Incasso italiano: 330.000 euro

 Sopra, James Franco. A lato la copertina dell'autobiografia di Ralston da cui è stato tratto il film.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Is Vicodin A Strong Painkiller

exclusive clip from The Social Network and 127 hours

Due clip esclusive per due dei film candidati agli Oscar, The Social Network e 127 hours.
Nella prima clip, pubblicata su Badtaste , we are told has been implemented as the crazy idea of \u200b\u200bFincher's use of a single actor, Armie Hammer , to interpret the Winklevoss twins. Virtually
his face was cut out and copied it to that of his stand-in Josh Pence, who initially was the favorite part ...

The second clip instead offers 14 minutes of unedited 127 Hours , films currently in the room. Nothing overwhelming, but interesting for those who loved the film.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Rembrandtkit How To Not Gums

Rabbit Hole - one way polite to talk about pain and death should

USA, 2010

Becca and Howie are a couple forties, affluent, struggling with the ' mourning for the loss of their little son . Howie works, Becca instead spends his days alone in the vast and beautiful house, receiving occasionally visits his sister and his mother, both temperamentally opposed to her.
Their son was hit accidentally by a novice which Becca will be reviewed.
between the two comes an unusual friendship, so that Becca will be the first to receive a copy cartoon in which the guy is working, entitled Rabbit Hole.

The theme is not new, even the way it is told, but it is worth noting the passage of John Cameron Mitchell, author of controversial religious-themed films (homo and trans) sexual mainstream cinema. Or at least actors and mainstream style. Because if the director had expected an increase in the public, it was mistaken. His previous films, super niche, had grossed more than $ 3 million each, the latter, with a cast like that and a nomination ' to Oscar done by advertising, had to settle for half. So while on one hand the film has confirmed the return of Nicole Kidman a good film that has long been deserted, it has also demonstrated something that was obvious for years now, namely that the plaintiff alone is not a guarantee successful and is no longer a star in the film weight (which is already clear from the time of Fur or Margot at the Wedding)

For Kidman, the absolute protagonist and also producing this film, it is necessary added that the plastic surgery has limited expressiveness, but the beauty.
Al suo fianco ha un bravo Aaron Eckhart e nei panni della madre c’è un gradito ritorno della grandissima Diane Wiest , attrice secondaria di classici come Edward mani di forbice o Piume di struzzo , senza contare i due bellissimi film di Woody Allen per i quali vinse l’Oscar, Hanna e le sue sorelle e Pallottole su Broadway .

Le musiche di Anton Sanko assomigliano molto ad alcune degli Arvo Part ( Spiegel im Spiegel ), ma sono comunque appropriate e eleganti. Ecco l’aggettivo giusto: elegante . The Rabbit Hol e è un film composto in modo accurato, senza particolari guizzi, il che può essere un passo in avanti o un passo indietro per un regista indipendente finora assai eccentrico nello stile e nei contenuti. Ma siccome egli stesso ha dichiarato di voler firmare una regia invisibile, si può affermare che ci è riuscito, pur regalando, grazie a una buona fotografia, qualche ripresa originale.
Il merito più alto è quello di aver trattato un tema così delicato come l’elaborazione del lutto di un figlio senza indugiare su una certa ruffianeria sentimentale a cui il cinema mainstream purtroppo ci ha abituati.

The pain of the two protagonists is authentic and is ahead of us, no frills and without too many tears.

From a play by David Lindsay Abaire , the Pulitzer Prize in 2006, this writer.

He stayed in our rooms for as little as two weeks. On a similar theme, Incendiary (in it. Incendiary ) film also quietly released last year featuring a remarkable Michelle Williams. Both
be recovered.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Pretty Little Liars Sayings


A little 'light weight because the media does not want ... just give us respite
So why not go back to talking about the Oscars, even the post-Oscar and the most frivolous and glamorous party of the year rightly held by Vanity Fair.

True Vanity Fair in which, as usual, marched several celebrities from the world of entertainment that were added to the protagonists of the ceremony.
There was in fact the most beautiful couple of the evening, Portman-Millepied, and the two actors in the respective Network Justin Timberlake and Andrew Garfield achieved by their girlfriends,
appointments Amy Adams (The Fighter), Hailee Steinfeld (The Grit) and Michelle Williams, who seems more intimate than usual with that which has disappeared since Heath has become his usual companion, which is the former co-star of Dawson's Creek Busy Philipps .

But above all there were a lot of singers, dall'ultracentenario Elton John at thirteen Justin Bieber , accompanied by his playmate Selena Gomez (do not ask who he is, I do not even know Bieber but I know that America has an incredible crowd of fans and has even made a 3D movie that has dug out the box office).

Molti cantanti si sono portati dietro i rispettivi figli o genitori, come Kelly Osbourne, Steve Tyler con l’ancora bellissima figlia Liv che un tempo era anche attrice e Madonna, che dopo aver passato gli ultimi 423 mesi in una camera iperbarica durante il giorno e aver succhiato sangue di giovani vergini di notte, si è mostrata ai riflettori che da secoli agognavano la sua presenza e, ringiovanita di almeno 197 anni è tornata a fare quello che sa fare meglio: spogliarsi.

While Lady Gaga has spent the past two years to build a career tribute and copying more or less blatantly, her teacher has seen fit to rest before the tam tam with which the media will be welcomed his new film as a director.
What better start to the promotion than to show the world that she is still the coolest and most controversial?
We got far less got far less pearls that back in 2009, but this time he definitely knew how to attract the attention of the guests due to the fact that she forgot her skirt at home, it seems to fault of her daughter Lourdes , 14 year old dragged to a party at which minors were full of rest, between Steinfeld, Bieber and Gomes.
The next day which of them went to school?

Dear Mick Jagger, please tell me that you made this picture just because you did ask for this kind bambinodall'aria or some photographers. Tell me you do not really know.

Finally marpione that Jude Law is that if the merry between Cameron Diaz and Gwyneth Paltrow.

ok to come back tomorrow with the very serious review of a very serious and very sad film. Prepare tissues.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Tom Delonge Wrist Tattoo


Derek Cianfrance,
USA, 2010
(no distribution Italian)

A man, a woman and a child between them. It would appear the image of a perfect family, but you can tell right away that the tragedy is just around the corner. The dog is gone and you look for in vain. It is only the prelude to the final drama.
Mentre fanno colazione, Cindy ( Michelle Williams ) dice al marito ( Ryan Gosling ), che non vuole avere due bambini: egli infatti si comporta come un coetaneo della piccola figlia, trasformando sempre tutto in gioco e mettendo in difficoltà la compagna che invece cerca di educare. 
Il problema è proprio qua, solo accennato: l’uomo non ha un vero lavoro, inizia a bere a colazione e passa le giornate a giocare con la bambina. La donna è invece medico.
Possono due persone così diverse per carattere, estrazione e istruzione andare d’accordo?
Fino a che punto gli opposti si attraggono?
La loro storia inizia un po’ per caso, in modo assai poetico. Molto meno romantico è il modo e in cui si sposano e soprattutto il motivo che li porta al grande passo. La loro storia viene raccontata seguendo due piani temporali: quello del passato , prima che Cindy restasse incinta e quello del presente , con la figlia di circa cinque anni e la loro storia irrimediabilmente in crisi . Fino allo splendido finale in cui si mescolano le lacrime di gioia del loro matrimonio a quelle di rancore e disperazione dell’addio. Cos’è successo nel mezzo, come si è arrivati alla crisi? Questo non è dato saperlo, ma scopriamo at the end that one of the triggers was what initially kept them together.
Second scene seemingly mundane but critical: Cindy meets in a former supermarket, still handsome and brash, just like in college. She is instead abbruttita, neglected, just as his companion.
To what extent can the two lovers change and influence each other? How can love turn into hate? How far love can hurt?
Michelle Williams and Ryan Gosling beautifully interpret these two lovers who come to dislike, even to tell the truth is the wife who hates the partner e decide di lasciarlo dopo una scenata sfociata in violenza.
Premurosa nei confronti dell’anziana nonna malata, determinata negli studi e nel lavoro, dolce e disincantata, infine distaccata, rigida e irremovibile. La metamorfosi del personaggio è resa superbamente da una Michelle Williams giustamente candidata al Premio Oscar come attrice protagonista. Al suo fianco un brillante Ryan Gosling, inizialmente romantico e buffo e patetico in seguito.

Decisamente un buon esempio di cinema indipendente yankee , un ottimo successo commerciale (costato 3 milioni di dollari has received 10 so far) and a more than promising debut Derek Cianfrance, which for years has tried to make a film producer with discreet screenplay, written with two collaborators. He found in Williams and Gosling in his executive producer, as well as memorable performances that have contributed greatly to the success of a film is not easy, to which the thin script is forgiven thanks to the excellent photography and the wonderful music signed by Grizzly Bear. Here I put a personal note: Twelve years ago I fell in love Secret Smile Semisonic of endlessly covering a scene with Michelle Williams Dawson's Creek in , today I am left to kidnap Shift Grizzly Bear watching and covering this scene .

Ps do not miss the crackling and beautiful end credits