Thursday, March 3, 2011

Rembrandtkit How To Not Gums

Rabbit Hole - one way polite to talk about pain and death should

USA, 2010

Becca and Howie are a couple forties, affluent, struggling with the ' mourning for the loss of their little son . Howie works, Becca instead spends his days alone in the vast and beautiful house, receiving occasionally visits his sister and his mother, both temperamentally opposed to her.
Their son was hit accidentally by a novice which Becca will be reviewed.
between the two comes an unusual friendship, so that Becca will be the first to receive a copy cartoon in which the guy is working, entitled Rabbit Hole.

The theme is not new, even the way it is told, but it is worth noting the passage of John Cameron Mitchell, author of controversial religious-themed films (homo and trans) sexual mainstream cinema. Or at least actors and mainstream style. Because if the director had expected an increase in the public, it was mistaken. His previous films, super niche, had grossed more than $ 3 million each, the latter, with a cast like that and a nomination ' to Oscar done by advertising, had to settle for half. So while on one hand the film has confirmed the return of Nicole Kidman a good film that has long been deserted, it has also demonstrated something that was obvious for years now, namely that the plaintiff alone is not a guarantee successful and is no longer a star in the film weight (which is already clear from the time of Fur or Margot at the Wedding)

For Kidman, the absolute protagonist and also producing this film, it is necessary added that the plastic surgery has limited expressiveness, but the beauty.
Al suo fianco ha un bravo Aaron Eckhart e nei panni della madre c’è un gradito ritorno della grandissima Diane Wiest , attrice secondaria di classici come Edward mani di forbice o Piume di struzzo , senza contare i due bellissimi film di Woody Allen per i quali vinse l’Oscar, Hanna e le sue sorelle e Pallottole su Broadway .

Le musiche di Anton Sanko assomigliano molto ad alcune degli Arvo Part ( Spiegel im Spiegel ), ma sono comunque appropriate e eleganti. Ecco l’aggettivo giusto: elegante . The Rabbit Hol e è un film composto in modo accurato, senza particolari guizzi, il che può essere un passo in avanti o un passo indietro per un regista indipendente finora assai eccentrico nello stile e nei contenuti. Ma siccome egli stesso ha dichiarato di voler firmare una regia invisibile, si può affermare che ci è riuscito, pur regalando, grazie a una buona fotografia, qualche ripresa originale.
Il merito più alto è quello di aver trattato un tema così delicato come l’elaborazione del lutto di un figlio senza indugiare su una certa ruffianeria sentimentale a cui il cinema mainstream purtroppo ci ha abituati.

The pain of the two protagonists is authentic and is ahead of us, no frills and without too many tears.

From a play by David Lindsay Abaire , the Pulitzer Prize in 2006, this writer.

He stayed in our rooms for as little as two weeks. On a similar theme, Incendiary (in it. Incendiary ) film also quietly released last year featuring a remarkable Michelle Williams. Both
be recovered.



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