Saturday, March 5, 2011

Soft Air Gold Desert Eagle

127 hours: excellent return of Danny Boyle

USA/GB, 2010
Vera storia di Aron Ralston (sotto, con James Franco ), giovane esaltato con l’hobby di arrampicarsi sui massi del canyon . Un bel giorno però, una mano gli rimane bloccata sotto un macigno e per sopravvivere deve amputarsela da solo con un coltellino di pessima fattura.

Nothing else happens, but Boyle was able to make a movie by inserting flashbacks into the past of the protagonist, dreams, delusions and hallucinations (see the improvised talk show with questions and responses).

sensational photography and editing, a great player and a great script make 127 hours one of Boyle's best film and certainly a step forward for a director who likes to take risks and to the resounding success of the previous and feel-good and Slumdog , Academy Award in 2009, responds with a movie opposite, not at all suited to the general public will find it boring, and too agonizing splatter (the rest of the scene is central to amputation).
paced and fun at first, then becomes serious, agonizing, slow, mixing comedy, drama, action and why not yellow. In the end, past the magnificent first 20 minutes, the audience buzzed overhead one question: will it survive or not?
But the credit Boyle's more is that it has turned into an action movie, dynamic, the story of a man immobilized for 127 hours ...

Among the six Oscar nominations lacking one, basic, for outstanding photography.

After Black Swan, another film full of tension at times unbearable. A great film, but fail those impressionable ...


In programmazione in 125 sale (già che c'erano potevano fare 127)..
Incasso USA: 17 milioni $
Incasso italiano: 330.000 euro

 Sopra, James Franco. A lato la copertina dell'autobiografia di Ralston da cui è stato tratto il film.


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