Saturday, March 12, 2011

South Park Xepisodes On Iphone

Italian film of the month: Farewell to the gem

the gem
Andrea Molaioli,
ITALY, 2011

Leda is an Italian dairy that enjoys an international success and witnessed his rise to fame began in 1992. Ten years later the owner, Rastelli (Remo Girone), sends his niece (Sarah Felberbaum) in the office of chief financial crabby Botta (Toni Servillo). For the company, is a time of great crisis ...

Second round as director after the interesting and successful The Girl by the Lake Andrea Molaioli, discovered by Sorrentino, which among other uses much technical part of the cast (including the great cinematographer Luca Bigazzi, used here, however, below their potential).

After the unexpected success of the film's debut, the Indigo Films has spared no expense for the second round of this promise of the new Italian cinema that one can not describe ambitious. Promises kept, because the film is a solid example of a film of inquiry and complaint superpartes that targets the arrogance and shallowness human summarized in Figure spregevolissima Eng. Botta, that others would not be that Fausto Tonna, which comes out a really unforgiving portrait. The owner of the company, Rastelli, embodies a specific character (Tanzi) and a concept, that of superficiality, no less severe and misanthropy dell’ arroganza del suo braccio destro. La sua debolezza e la leggerezza nell’accettare illegali e gravissimi giochetti trasforma il suo ottimismo in una noncuranza pericolosissima, la stessa di tanti magnati e politici attuali che sotto l’ostentato ottimismo e battutine e atteggiamenti apparentemente leggeri e banali nascondo situazioni ben più gravi.

Spesso però chi è al potere non si rende conto della gravità delle sue azioni, delle sue bugie.

La superficialità con cui i due uomini si imbarcano in quest’avventura criminale è disarmante, ma non inverosimile: non siamo in fondo tutti molto più superficiali oggi? Pur senza commettere crimes, we often use too much superficiality in the choices we make, the compromises in the betrayal?

The film, however, also linked to another important issue: the disastrous fall of bags (see the good and underrated Wall Street: Money never sleeps ) at the end of a mali worst of capitalism has been the proliferation of titles in which unsuspecting overestimated shareholders invest their resources.

An international film then that could easily aspire to a world wide distribution because for once we are faced with an Italian job free of provincialism and winks to Italian average. The events presented here are not unique to the Italians: the collapse of Parmalat is unfortunately no different to other terrible disasters and crimes of capitalism.

Backed by a trio of valuable players (Toni Servillo in a truly thankless role, and almost inhuman, Girone rich patron in the ambiguity of humanity and the surprise Felberbaum, which embodies a rampant youth without scruples), the film has also a compelling musical score by Teho Teardo.

The direction is precise, with no authorial impulses that would make the movie jump to a higher category. Maybe he is guilty of a screenplay che non sa bene come raccontare la storia e che in alcuni punti non si capisce bene che direzione voglia prendere. La parentesi sessuale (perché non si può definire sentimentale) sinceramente non aggiunge nulla al film, oltre che all’inevitabile bella attrice di turno, qui addirittura brava.

Così come non aggiungono nulla i costosissimi spostamenti a New York (cosa aggiunge la scena, oltre a mostrare l’ottimo inglese della bilingue Felberbaum?) o in Russia (le solite donne facili, i soliti uomini d’affari difficili da convincere).
Più necessaria e decisamente riuscita l’impressionante serie di immagini pubblicitarie create ad hoc per il film, con tanto di true site of the fake Leda ( ).

Italian film of the month as the previous one ( Gianni and women) will have a hard time.
in Programming 130 SALE

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