Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Letter Of Proof For Community Service

succulent News: Madonna and Woody in Italy

Due news riguardo ai nuovi progetti di  Madonna e Woody Allen   (a lato insieme sul set di Ombre e nebbia , 1992).
Ieri Woody Allen ha annunciato a Repubblica che girerĂ  il suo prossimo film a ROMA !
Ebbene yes, after London, Barcelona and Paris (actually also had appeared in Venice Everyone Says I Love You), the dear old Woody make another film in his dear old Europe where someone still goes to the movies to see his films. We hope that you finally do honor to our wonderful capital city and our country, not just as many bad movies recent ( Eat, Pray, Love ; The American, Letters to Juliet, the Rite, The Tourist ) who described Italians simply as idiots.

Even Madonna arriving in Italy to present his second film as director, WE . It seems more and more founded in fact the voice that wants to Venice Film Festival, leaked yesterday and confirmed today by one of the actresses Abbie Cornish (former star of Bright Star), which also revealed that the star's first child, Lourdes , will play the character of Abbie as a child.
The film is the ideal result of the film that has touched the entire world (except me) and was coined by Oscar or The Speech of King , as it tells the love story that brought Edward VII of the abdication, but all told from a modern perspective.


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