Saturday, March 12, 2011

Gallbladder Hair Loss

Nilla Pizzi

Today the news industry has announced the death of the Queen of Italian song Corriere della Sera and even speaks of Regina lyrics and nothing else. Which makes you smile when you consider that Nilla Pizzi (below, with Modugno and Dorelli) is best remembered for Poppies and ducks. But think alla signora Pizzi fa sorridere comunque. La sua era l’immagine di un’Italia che non c’è più, un’Italia che prima affrontò la guerra e poi le lotte fratricide tra fascisti e resistenti, ma che seppe essere ottimista nonostante tutto e pensare all’Unione.
L’Italia del boom economico, delle balere, delle sagre di paese, delle prime feste dell’Unità, della censura e di una grande voglia di libertà. L’Italia dei nostri nonni insomma. E Nilla Pizzi appare così lontana dai nostri tempi, con quella sua voce e quelle melodie così demodé e quel look da signora bene ingioiellata che non riesce però a nascondere una genuina aria da massaia padana.

And since this is a blog mainly cinema, as Nilla Pizzi forget the actress, even the star of Italian cinema of the late '50s?

And I bet that after reading his biography phantasmagoric, even you smile.

symbol of the Sanremo Festival, which was the first winner and which led to the edition of 1981, Negrini Adionilla Pizzi was born April 16, 1919 in Sant'Agata Bolognese. Before seamstress, then used the Ducati's Bologna, married in 1940 with a man who has the same surname, Drive Pizzi, who a few days after start after the war never to return.
Nilla promises never to marry again and will do so.

In 1942 he began performing on radio EIAR (now Rai), from which, however, is banished for his voice too sensual and exotic !

first winner of the Sanremo Festival in 1951 with With Flower , in the same edition is also positioned in second place with a duet. And as a singer at the time could compete with more songs, the following year Nilla took all 3 podium positions !
Prima arrivò Vola colomba, scelta per celebrare il ritorno di Trieste all’Italia. Al secondo posto il classico Papaveri e papere , oggi filastrocca per bambini, ma ai tempi audace testo ricco di doppi sensi sessuali e politici (i papaveri e le papere vennero scelti anche nei manfesti del PCI ). Il vinile vendette 75.000 copie e il testo venne tradotto in 40 lingue, ispirando pure il titolo di un film ( Lo sai che i papaveri , 1952, con Franca Rame e Walter Chiari). L’anno seguente è protagonista di  Ci troviamo in galleria  , film d’esordio di un regista poi important as Mauro Bolognini, which also appears Alberto Sordi and a seventeen year old Sophia Loren infancy.
Did you know then that is dedicated to her the first fan club in Italian history , born in 1957 in Turin? It was a lounge where admirers gathered to talk about their darling and exchange cartonille , postcards with pictures of the diva.

And now listen, listen, from '57 to '60, in less than 3 years , the national Nilla appeared in 16 films !

undisputed queen of Italian music, popular and beloved diva, officials also hope to turn it into a movie star, but beyond many musicals so much in vogue and some tear-jerking melodrama Nilla was never able to establish itself in the film with the same success. Of the more than 20 titles which appeared in are mentioned only for you Lucia, 1952, with Franca Valeri, Antonella Lualdi, passionate song of '54 which is a dark lady becoming an assassin for maternal love and above all The Mandrake , (photo opposite) directed by Alberto Lattuada, 1965, which marks his highly successful return to the screen, as well as his highest achievement in cinema. In the implementation of the work fun and sexy Macchiavelli, Nilla plays Sostrata, mother of a beautiful Rosanna Schiaffino (died in 2009). Do not miss worship and the scene where pizza and trying to convince Toto Schiaffino, dressed as a friar, the action hardly religious.

Another humorous review in which they participate and that of the Three Musketeers in which she plays Anne of Austria. His last participation in film is Meladrammore , the 1978 film by Maurizio Costanzo. And here he began his drift television: Costanzo, Limits, Baudo, his friends who are often invited her to their programs, making them take a picture but much trash that will help his agent, Lele Mora .

The singer who had performed around the world alongside the likes of Ella Fitzgerald and Frank Sinatra was soon swallowed up by the trash TV. In 2001 he recorded a rap version of Grace with flowers along with a boy band and in 2003 he released his last album and can not be said to close his career with a flourish, as it is an album containing duets with captive Valeria Marini, Platinette , Patrizia Rossetti and Maria Teresa Ruta . Practically a teleshopping sung.

Moreover Nilla has over 80 years and now only trusts his agent Lele Mora.

In 2002, Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, gives the appointment Grand Officer of the Italian Republic in 2009 and Nilla celebrates 90 years with a cruise tour in . He then joined friends for Abruzzo and continued to perform until it arrives any health problems that leave Unfortunately, some sign, as shown in his moving part in Sanremo last year, where Carmen sang a beautiful version of Thanks for the flowers.

Mina, its historic rival-friend (their famous duet to Milleluci '57) said: "I have learned much from his voice, and it is fair to admit it, finally."

Finally, here's the explanation the deep meaning of Poppies and Ducklings made by the same Nilla.

What to add? White Dove Fly, fly.


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