Saturday, August 29, 2009

High, Soft Cervix, But No Egg White Mucus

Back to the Past (Series Magazine article No. 43) Magazine

continued the grueling search for the truth of the detectives in Philadelphia
di Andrea Cinalli

Non tutte le domande trovano una risposta. Alcuni enigmi sono destinati a rimanere tali per sempre. Solo con un intuito infallibile e una grande determinazione si può far luce sulla verità, quella a lungo taciuta, sepolta dal tempo. Lo sa bene Lilly Rush (Kathryn Morris), che da oltre cinque anni lavora ai casi freddi, mandando in gattabuia sadici killer il cui unico scopo è insabbiare la realtà dei fatti. Ora, a dieci mesi dal termine del quinto ciclo, la detective protagonista di Cold Case – Delitti Irrisolti torna a far capolino sugli schermi di RaiDue, a partire da sabato 12 settembre, in prima serata, con un’entusiasmante sesta stagione. Nella season premiere gli agenti del serial, dopo essere stati contattati da un amico di vecchia data di Will Jeffries (Thom Barry) col pallino per il calcio, riaprono il caso dell’omicidio di Mike McShane (Aaron Hill), affabile giocatore di football considerato dai suoi coetanei una vera e propria star. I protagonisti del telefilm ci trascinano con le loro meticolose indagini in un 1973 dove la passione
per lo sport e la lotta per il successo la fanno da padrone. Ci si interroga, dunque, sul movente che ha spinto l’assassino a far fuori un ragazzo onesto come pochi, che non si faceva vanto dei privilegi ricevuti in cambio delle performance in campo. Nella puntata seguente, i detective
di Philadelphia cercano di venire a capo del mistero che grava sul brutale omicidio di Laura McKinney (Cassidy Freeman), giovane e impacciata docente ventiduenne, il cui cadavere è stato rinvenuto nel ’91 in una pozza di sangue, accanto all’auto regalatale dal padre. Ma delle chiavi della vettura nessuna traccia e il mistero s’infittisce. Al centro del terzo episodio c’è l’intricato caso della morte di Miriam Forrester (Alexandra Lydon), una donna apparentemente fragile che celava dentro di sé una grandissima forza d’animo. Forza che l’ha portata ad adoperarsi nella strenua lotta contro il razzismo. Difatti, la vittima, poco prima di venire assassinata, nel 1964, aveva preso part in Wednesday's Women, an association of only women who undertook to give practical help to the persecuted minorities of the South to solve the case Detective Vera (Jeremy Ratchford), along with Kat Miller (Tracie Thoms), makes even a trip to Mississippi. The fourth episode, Roller Girl, it's all focused on the mysterious death of Missy Gallavan (Holland Roden), a fifteen with a passion for skating, other than a frivolous young girls whose interests range from designer clothes to show off the tricks in public. In '78 her body was found lifeless at the bottom of a precipice and has never been established who was the author of the crime. The episode Shore Leave it opens with the discovery of human remains in some cans abandoned in Philadelphia. Scotty (Danny Pino), there is also a tattered military uniform that belonged to Jimmy Tully (Wilson Bethel), a marine who fled the day before embarking for Korea in 1951. Investigating, the Cold Case team discovers that the boy died to save a close friend, who also enlisted in the U.S. Army. In The Dealer, Lilly and Valens with the help of other members of the team investigates the murder of Donna D'Amico (Frankie Ingrassia), an attractive single mother who was trying to make ends meet working at a car dealership. And cold has been an ex-boyfriend jealous? Or maybe tired a colleague of his brusque? Rush will judge the detective! Box: THE CHARACTER OF THE MONTH NICK Vera (Jeremy Ratchford) will be printed for that sly smile perpetually on her lips, her face to be fat or thin for the sarcasm that characterizes his jokes. The fact is that Nick Vera is the nicest part of the team. In the first season we saw him groped in every way to save your marriage. Unable to have children, even tried to persuade his wife to adopt a child. But there was nothing to do. During the fourth season, Vera began to live in a cramped basement, next the house of a woman with whom he had an affair. In the episode "A glow in the night" we learned that Vera is a big fan of "Rocky Horror Picture Show" and in the eighth episode of the season we will discover novel that has an excellent command of Russian.

CURIOSITY '. At the end of the fifth season, has introduced a new character, Eddie Saccardo (Bobby Cannavale, known for his role as guest starring in the sitcom Will & Grace), which should be the love interest of our beloved Lilly Rush in this thrilling sixth season.
Kathryn Morris was born in 1969 in Cincinnati, Ohio. In '91 he got his first real role in the drama Long Road Home aired in the States on the peacock network, NBC. In 1999 she took part as a guest star in two episodes of the fourth season of Xena - Warrior Princess, where he played the intrepid Najara. Among his appearances on television, we must mention the role of Charlotte in Richmond show The Magnificent Seven, a remake of the movie of the year 60, and the role of Molly, who played Morris in an episode series "Providence." Finally we should mention "Cold Case - Unsolved Crimes," the show that made her famous overseas in the role of Lilly Rush, who plays the role since 2003.
Lilly Rush is the undisputed star of "Cold Case", the procedural drama of the U.S. network CBS. In the series, we see the intricate conduct investigations of cases, investigations that only a mind as his is in excellent position to take. Lilly is a strong woman, but sensitive. Sometimes you take leaves a bit 'too much from his cold cases: at the end of some episodes, in fact, the detective has a vision of the victims of killings which indagato. A causa del suo lavoro, la detective Rush ha rischiato spesso di morire: come dimenticare la puntata conclusiva del secondo ciclo, “Il bosco”, e l’epilogo della quarta serie, in cui noi poveri telespettatori pensavamo che Lilly non ce l’avrebbe fatta? Invece ci siamo dovuti ricredere, perché la Rush è un’investigatrice dalle mille risorse. E, fidatevi, ci stupirà ancora…


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