Saturday, August 1, 2009

Parthenon Parts Labeled

Raves (2nd part)

Marco Travaglini si svegliò di soprassalto con la fronte madida di sudore. Si volse in direzione del comodino di fianco a lui e accese l’abat-jour. Capì che non era stato l’irritante trillo della sveglia a destarlo, ma una strana melodia che proveniva dal suo cellulare, che agguantò con un movimento meccanico della mano destra e si portò all’orecchio. Pigiò a button and activated the call. "Who the hell is it?" Articulated thickly. "Travaglini, and must put an immediate Via Money." Commissioner Marks was one of the most honest police officers that he had ever known. Her voice was imperious, obviously needed a hand. "Has something happened?" Said Marco, snorting and ruffled his thick black hair with one hand. The commissioner had a moment's hesitation. After a moment he decided to speak. "A woman was taken out with a dagger. I'll tell you all the details when you're here, okay? ". At these words the agent gasped and pulled down. A shiver creeps down my spine. "O ... okay," he stammered. Then he stopped calling. When Louis opened the front door, the imposing figure of a man is the first parried. The gaze of the teacher paused for a long time on that fat face, then paused on those expressionless eyes. "Who are you?" He asked, his voice breaking with tears and her eyes clouded by bitter tears. The big man leaned his head on his chest and fish from the back pocket of his faded jeans a card that gave him. Louis took it, looked quickly and returned it to him. "So she's an agent. I guess it is here for my daughter. " "Exactly," he began the policeman. With a kind of grin painted on his lips, the man went to him and grabbed him by the lapels of his sports jacket he wore. "Please, I beg you: take me to the scene of the crime, I want to see it." The agent shook his head with a unique, imperceptible nod and exhaled a deep breath. "I'm sorry, I'm not allowed to accompany her." At that point Louis was unable to restrain the tears began to gush copious from his eyes. "At least tell me what happened exactly. Tell me about the way she was murdered. Do you have any suspicions? "Burst out. The policeman gave a nod to more denial and raised his hand in the air, intimandogli di tacere. “Signore, sono qui solo per mostrarle una cosa”.
Detto questo, si mise a frugare nella tracolla che aveva con sé e dopo un lasso di tempo ne estrasse un sacchetto di plastica trasparente che conteneva un pugnale insanguinato. Glielo mostrò.
E con aria interrogativa gli fece: “L’ha mai visto in precedenza?”.


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