Thursday, September 24, 2009

Bebe The Cheapest Outlet


The logical response to the dogma of eternal hell (part III)
Preaching by the Catholic institution, urgent and systematic, the presence of an eternal hell, now for centuries, has become one of the pillars of Catholic doctrine and, even more disconcerting, has filled the minds of generations of men and women, inculcating them with the fear of life itself. This distorted view of faith in Christ has been and will, if not immediately corrected, the source of many forms of obsessive compulsive neurosis. Just consider the repetitive gestures liturgical formulas di preghiera da recitarsi pena il peccato mortale, le giaculatorie ossessive e tutte quelle forme di devozione da ripetersi per aggraziarsi Dio. Dio non si merita per le cose ripetitive che facciamo per lui ma Dio si ama come Egli ci ama. La fede è una risposta all’Amore di Dio e si esprime amando e non facendo gesti ossessionanti fino a crearsi scrupoli a non finire se quei gesti, per i più svariati motivi, dovessero essere disattesi.
Bene. Certa predicazione, avendo svalutato in pieno la figura del Padre, che lavorerebbe a braccetto con il demonio, di cui si serve per mettere alla prova gli uomini, avendo svalutato la stessa figura del Figlio, che obbedendo al Padre ne fa un giudice severo che ricalca le orme del Padre, ha generato un attaccamento morbid to some alleged Marian apparitions, where the lady would encourage men to trust her (see the incessant pressures of Radio Maria in relation to this matter.) Do not take the tasks that do not belong. If we do this what sense the gospel? In the Gospel, Mary is great because it is a few words. With the passage of time has reached the point of projecting the protective mother figure, of which every man needs to the Mother of God, which alone can "stop the arm of her Son" angry with humanity. In certain alleged apparitions (especially the much-vaunted Medjugorje, even in this Radio Maria is a teacher), the lady would say just this nonsense. One might ask: But the good lady is more of God the Father and the Son? Can a creature as big as Maria, the most good of his Creator? The questions we asked are also responsible to make us cry once and for all: NO MORE! What we have learned to deal with the constant questions that rational logic suggests the human spirit. The awareness of what we just thinking logically, without consulting the Holy Scriptures. Another mistake was made by Jerome in translating the Greek word "Hades", it has been translated from the Hebrew "Sheol," the Latin word "hell". The "Sheol" for the Jews was the symbolic realm of the dead, as was the 'Hades' for the Greeks. Now, Jerome translated "hell" instead of "hell" and this was the last consideration of the dead in Latin. Not only that, but gives the word "hell" that negative characteristic of the place where he was, inevitably, that Lucifer invented by relegating him to gross errors of translation. It must be borne in mind, however, that in the Gospels speak of "hell" but only in Italian. As we have already stated, the greek text speaks of "Hades." Many say that Jesus spoke of hell in molti suoi discorsi. Qui entra in gioco un’altra questione importante: Gesù, quando parla della condanna di chi non agisce bene in questo mondo, usa la parola “Geenna” e non “Ade”. La Geenna è il luogo dove si bruciavano i rifiuti di Gerusalemme; Gesù introduce questo termine, nei suoi discorsi, a puro scopo pedagogico. L’Incarnazione presuppone un’identificazione anche linguistica, da parte di Gesù, con la cultura del tempo. E’ inevitabile, quindi, che Gesù usi il linguaggio del suo tempo anche riguardo a questo spinoso argomento, seppure in pochissime occasioni, ma lo fa soprattutto a scopo educativo. Per Gesù c’è il rischio reale che l’uomo possa fail in his relationship with God, if you insist on hating, despite the pressing invitation to love one another. In this instance, Jesus provides for the "possibility" of a total failure of the person which, while created to love and despite having the knowledge, persists to hate. In this instance, Jesus speaks of hell and it's like saying, "If you persist in doing evil to your neighbor, your life has no meaning, you get stuck in the drive towards life and your existence is turned off slowly. At your death you will be cast into hell for not having given to your consciousness can evolve into the well, were you just "flesh and your flesh, death, decomposition and your existence will vanish in the total destruction, as happens in hell when you burn the garbage. " E 'the total annihilation. It is not hell, it is only a possibility of failure with regard to the salvation of the person after death, for the simple fact that this person has not experienced any positive development towards the good. But, again, is only a possibility, Jesus speaks of the possibility of failure, but it is said that to happen, and surely the divine Trinity is doing everything to avoid this from happening, continually stimulating the consciousness of the Man-Woman at the Well. I think that is it enough that I have given, at least to understand our contemporary Christians that the Christian revelation is not much more than the result of translation errors being passed to the truths of faith but, more importantly, to the Christians say it's time to open our eyes and ears for reason according to their conscience that, as the Second Vatican Council, is the most important human Shrine, where dwells the DIVINITY 'itself and that no one has the right to break in, because that's where God speaks to every man-woman-creature, without any human intermediary.


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