Monday, November 2, 2009

How Long And Colon Infection

Cases warm (from Series Magazine n ° 45 )

One of the best seasons of Without a Trace. The smell of Malone in these episodes not denied
Andrea Cinalli
S u Mamma Rai continue the investigation of the most popular detectives of the small screen, those of "Without a Trace" detective della CBS che per sette lunghi anni ha narrato le vicissitudini di persone scomparse. Storie assurde, commoventi, a volte terrificanti, che hanno tenuto incollati al televisore milioni e milioni di telespettatori, alcuni dei quali non si danno ancora per vinti e non si rassegnano alla chiusura del telefilm. Già, “Senza Traccia” ha chiuso i battenti al termine del settimo ciclo, spiazzando i fan e il cast artistico della serie, che mai si sarebbe aspettato di venire accantonato per far posto a una nuova stagione di “Cold Case – Delitti Irrisolti” (i due serial venivano mandati in onda sullo stesso network, ndr).
Fortunatamente non è ancora giunto il tempo degli addii per i telespettatori del Belpaese, che questo mese are preparing to follow the remaining episodes of the sixth season, given by the same creator, Hank Steinberg, one of the best. So once again the detective Malone (Anthony LaPaglia), Spade (Poppy Montgomery), Johnson (Marianne Jean-Baptiste), Taylor (Enrique Murciano), Fitzgerald (Eric Close) and Delgado (Roselyn Sanchez) will be called to investigate the mysterious disappearances occurred in New York City area, and once again will get their teeth victims with a dark past that troubles hiding shameful secrets, reluctant witnesses to talk. And in each episode, the truth will always be there, around the corner, ready to be revealed, however uncomfortable it may seem. Why agents FBI Missing Persons Division are equipped with skills not common, a good guessing that, in the worst cases (murders, kidnappings ...), will lead them straight to a fault. So unusual for this point we can expect the same winning mix of yellow and black humor that made the series a quality product, worthy of being followed and appreciated by all lovers of the genre. But now we come to the juiciest news of the season. Samantha Spade is pregnant and in the episode aired in November, we will first address the problems due to unexpected pregnancy. Worry, though: the detective will not abandon all your teammates, will remain in place, ready to show off his skills as a detective. On the guest star we should instead announce a welcome return. James Marsters (Spike in the Buffy The Vampire Slayer unforgettable and the supervillain Brainiac in Smallville) will return to play as Detective Grant Mars in the ninth episode, "One Wrong Move", in which agents protagonists of the serial will be involved in the search for Lindsay Bynum (Catherine Dent, familiar face of Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles), a very caring mother who, while paying their debts, go back to selling drugs in the city, regardless of the needs of children. The story has an epilogue unexpected. In this sequel, "Claus and Effect", Malone & Co. will be on the trail of Glen Beckett (Josh Heine), a brilliant university student who dreams of a different life less hectic. His unselfishness will bring you to lend a hand to the neediest, but will be hampered by a mother who wants a future for him only certainties. While in the "4G" The team will be looking for Scott Lucas (Danny Nucci), a private detective with a heart of gold who will defend a high school student by a bunch of thugs and then suddenly disappear. What will become of him? In the twelfth episode, you will then have to solve the riddle of the disappearance of Laura Richards (Erin Chambers), taking place health worker recently taken to a hospital for soldiers. Everyone knew her, ma nessuno, in verità, aveva un buon rapporto con lei.
Adesso non resta che chiedersi se i nostri beniamini saranno ancora in grado di trovare una traccia...

BOX: Jekyll & Hide
Nel 1989, l'attore ha conseguito una laurea in comunicazione presso la University of Southern California, dove ha preso parte alla confraternita Sigma Chi. Nel '95 è convolato a nozze con l'attuale moglie Keri, da cui ha avuto ben due figlie, Katie ed Ella. La sua più grande passione – come potete intuire – è la recitazione. Il suo primo vero ruolo gli fu affidato nel lontano 1992, nel lungometraggio “American Me – Rabbia di Vivere”. Dodichè iniziò working on several television series that met with some success around the globe: Santa Barbara (soap that allowed Leonardo Di Caprio to take the first steps in acting), Sisters (aired from '95 to '96), Dark Skies - Manor, The Incredible Michael, The Magnificent Seven and Taken (only ten episodes of the serial created by wizards that Steven Spielberg). MARTIN FITZGERALD Join the team in the pilot episode of the show. At first it is frowned upon by Danny Taylor as the son of a senior federal police in New York. But gradually wins the confidence of his colleagues show friendly and willing to do anything to accomplish le indagini dei casi intricati a cui lavora. La sua competenza e la sua affabilità conquistano subito la fascinosa detective Spade, che, dopo una burrascosa relazione con Jack Malone nella first season (a causa della quale moglie e figlie lo abbandonano), decide di tornare in gioco e di lasciarsi andare proprio con il bel Martin. La storia d'amore, però, non ha un lieto fine e termina nella diciannovesima puntata del terzo ciclo, “Oltre lo sguardo”, andata in onda da noi nel 2006. Della sua vita privata sappiamo ben poco, ma è noto che tra lui e il padre non scorra buon sangue, nonostante gli abbia affidato un lavoro di tutto rispetto nella sede newyorkese dell'FBI. I fan sfegatati del telefilm, inoltre, ricorderanno vividamente the accident of the fourth set in which Fitzgerald has seriously threatened to leave the skin. BOX: THE CHARACTER OF THE MONTH VIVIAN "VIV" JOHNSON (MARIANNE JEAN-BAPTISTE) E 'agent a formidable place to better his position, never complains about anything and it's always nice to everyone (and guilty not). The touch and the ability to listen to whoever is nearby also make a good friend. During the third series, has had serious heart problems, of which only Samantha initially knew.


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