Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Lansinoh Compatible With Avent

pedophilia ...

La chiesa violenta
L'azione violenta della chiesa sta nel dare risposte prima ancora che uno si ponga le domande. La Conoscenza ha un itinerario ben preciso: Prima ci si pone le domande e poi si cerca di dare risposta anche con l'aiuto dei genitori in primis ... ma anche di amici fidati. Ma se una persona non si pone alcuna domanda e da bambini credo che bisogna solo giocare, significa che non รจ il momento per porsele. La Individual conscience knows when it's time to ask questions and does so through the same life situations that appear before always new and always different. 'S where you have to give answers to themselves. The church does what? Bypasses all this that is an integral part of human nature and gives answers dogmatic when one is already a child without the child has done the same questions. This is a crime against the evolution of consciousness, because when the boy starts to ask questions, feel in itself answers that came in through the catechism and have suggested that fears no end and that can never be tailored to the questions that the boy you are paying when it comes into contact with new realities. These responses dogmariche that he will condition the bears in full, making it impossible to give, at the right time, the answers that would give only his consciousness. This practice is not only plagiarism, but violence is a crime against humanity, a humanity still be like that of children.
No psichiara or psychologist denounces this violence inherent in the doctrine of the Catholic Church. Similarly, no court, at least openly, has never taken action on it. This is my gripe.


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