Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Loose Large Couch Pillows

Because I believe that the church will implode in a short time ... ... ..

Summary analysis.
analyzing the history of the church and, correspondingly, changes in the world, you can track trends on the future fate of the Roman church. It 's so for all reality and in every field of human experience.
For example, a climatologist, retracing the steps of changes in climate, from the moment they begin to make measurements up to now, can develop a trend and so do future projections about climate change, with minimum margins error.
Similarly, the destiny of the Catholic Church, we can make predictions by analyzing, a grandi linee, la sua storia.

Fase post-apostolica:
Si sviluppano due linee parallele di comprensione e di attuazione del messaggio evangelico originario. Ci interessa il nocciolo originario del messaggio evangelico e non le aggiunte posteriori che sono state operate dalla chiesa stessa a partire dalla sua costituzione in stato piramidale e che fanno del messaggio evangelico una somma di regole religiose da rispettare. Il nocciolo originario è rappresentato dal messaggio di amore universale, di fratellanza e di pace.
a)   C’è una linea apostolica che si fonda proprio sul messaggio amore-fratellanza-pace ( così almeno risulta dal testo greco).
 b)   La linea paolina: Nasce dalla rifariseizzazione dello stesso messaggio evangelico originario.


Paul is a Pharisee converted. Founding the first Christian communities, giving them a moralistic connotations and ritual, introducing the practice of penance and the separation of non-evangelical good-bad, starting from the formulation of an alleged original sin invented to justify the redemptive work of Christ. In this regard introduces baptism, taking the tradition of John the Baptist. Paul introduces himself in community life, the list of sinners (the sin of homosexuality, for example, is a creation of Pauline) and makes them the recipients of the wrath of God. Yet Paul begins to elect bishops and priests as controllers of moral behavior comunità cristiane da lui fondate.
Gli apostoli si oppongono a Paolo, predicando la gioia della vita, l’amore, la bontà costituzionale dell’uomo (infatti la dottrina del peccato originale non compare nei vangeli).
Questo dualismo convive fino al 325 quando nel concilio di Nicea viene stabilita da Costantino la fede dell’ecclesia, erigendo una simbolica piramide dove i vescovi e i preti fungono da padroni del comportamento dei cristiani. Nel frattempo i rappresentanti della linea apostolica, morti già da tempo e che avevano scritto molto riguardo a Gesù, cominciano ad essere tacciati di eresia.
Nel 381 a Costantinopoli, viene stabilita definitivamente la la dottrina cattolica-apostolica- romana. The term "apostolic" is actually false because it refers to the Apostle Paul, who was not but that he had declared himself such.
Until now, the church has maintained this doctrine.

The falsity of this doctrine has been constantly brought to light, albeit with weak signs of aversion, however, have gradually developed and enlarged first with men and women who were opposed to it from inside the church, then, gradually, through sensational breaks.
1) 1054 Eastern Schism (irrelevant for us)
2) Luther's Schism, 1517. This is the event that starts the decline Roman Catholic, and although it has always tried to appear strong on the outside, from start to decline and the awakening of the masses
3) Renaissance, the beginning of the exaltation of reason and events of human potential.
4) Enlightenment, Marxism, all striking manifestations of human reason to defend the man from the depersonalization effected by religion and especially by the Catholic Church and enhance strength.
the denial of God, man finds his life force of self-determination and freedom of a god tyrant and oppressor, which limits the exercise of propria libertà.
L’uomo e la donna cominciano a credere sempre più nelle proprie potenzialità e nasce l’ateismo sistematico e di massa come attenzione all’uomo. Gli stessi Stati iniziano a costituirsi come Entità laiche a favore dello sviluppo umano.
Inevitabilmente questo risveglio dell’uomo-donna dal torpore della narcosi cattolica, rende visibile all’esterno i crimini della chiesa contro l’umanità. In effetti, a partire dal 1870, quando il papa si autoproclama infallibile (questa è già una forma di difesa dal mondo e non una proclamazione di potenza da parte del papa) cominciano a manifestarsi gli orrori della chiesa e l’uomo prende sempre più coscienza del that the church is a criminal.
This knowledge, which increases with the help of the media, opens the door to the creation of charitable institutions in the service and protection of human subjects from abuse (Charter of Human Rights, UN, UNICEF, etc.). And that make no reference to religion. Now, as these institutions grow and they become more obvious crimes of the church. Today we are witnessing a growth of these institutions and not only the conscience of man-woman, hand in hand, is open to the news that you can live without God and begins to judge the Catholic church as it truly is. E 'own knowledge to undermine the church. The presence
knowledge of clerical pedophilia, which has always practiced but always cleverly hidden, has destabilized the church so that it now has no loopholes or excuses to hide. Crimes against children have experienced the worst crimes of the church and, on one hand the atheists, the laity, agnostics, etc.. see established their reasons for refusal of God and religion in general, on the other believers too tied to the church, inexorably leave to return to the gospel roots of their beliefs (a belief that invests only his own conscience and not a member of no institution).
crime against children is the maximum vergogna della chiesa. E’ l’ultimo baluardo. L’evoluzione inesorabile dell’uomo-donna e la sua aumentata conoscenza hanno fatto apparire all’esterno ciò che la chiesa ha sempre nascosto abilmente fin dai primordi.
Alla luce di tutto ciò credo sia facile elaborare una proiezione degli eventi riguardo un futuro prossimo. La domanda è: Quando potremo vedere finalmente la fine della chiesa?Considerando che la chiesa ha manifestato al mondo il suo peggior crimine (pedofilia)

Considerando che la sua predicazione non ha più valore, agli occhi del mondo perché nell’impatto con questo crimine accresce ancora più la sua manifesta ipocrisia

Considerando che in ogni Catholics around the world, en masse, are abandoning the churches

Considering that the UAAR were born, the desire to sbattezzo in mass and, last of all, politically, the party Democracy Atea that for the first time in history directly attacks the church in its outrageous ties with the secular state

Finally, considering that these realities are growing exponentially.
allow up to two years for the fall of the Roman Catholic Church and its hierarchy.



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