Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Sonic Care Vs Water Pik

example through chat conversation I had with a woman who had problems with self-esteem.

from MSN Messenger

what you do evolutionary spiritual counseling?
I help people who ask me how to understand the inner dynamics in the growth in the relationship with society and the church
did not know there was such a thing I
many people feel oppressed by dogmatic teachings of the church and I want to get rid
many people have a terrible fear of hell and the devil and unable to live at peace with themselves

propose peace spiritual paths for believers based on the positive messages of liberation from fear
fears instilled by the church to have mastery over the consciences
but this thing is beautiful
I already for me it's nice to see people get the smile when they realize that they have lived for years of virtually non-existent fears
what are the pos mess?
22:12 I
hell does not exist in the texts of the Gospels in the original Greek
the devil idem
translations were falsified to gain power over the minds
22:14 I
Jesus' message does not contain any incitement convictions but only the pursuit of happiness

22:15 eh??
fact I've always loved Christ. the rest a little less I
u book I published in this regard by demonstrating the falsity of translation
will read the title?
22:16 I
God who preaches the church does not exist. God is quite different according to the revelation of Jesus of Nazareth
indeed it'll give to my mother
I is not in the library because I have to re-edit
if I will have to meet you I'll give you
thanks very kind
22:18 I
when the Catholic or the believer in general realizes that he believed the lies found inner peace
the fault of the church is serious about things
lead fears
invented fight to be a part of the church and have seen unspeakable things inside
terrified children from the catechism
children forced to go to mass to peck only threats of punishment and punishment without
talk of pedophilia, horrendous crime
I also lectures on
these issues in short this is my job, but rewarding because it really quite rewarding to help people regain the smile of life
but what kind of person turns to a spiritual advisor?
22:24 I
a person who has the same problems as those who go to a psychologist, but in addition there is the spiritual support as I said

eco understand why you said that there saremm if I could see every morning at 22:25 I put

I have long studied the issue and came to the conclusion that those who go to the psychologist is brought in a matter of nature spiritual, the fear instilled by the church from an early age I
almost all those who go to a psychologist who often have these deep fears, however, the psychologist did not guess why he might think that the catechism, for example because you ruin the consciousness gives the frightening vision of God
I went to a psychologist, but I do not enter anything il catechismo
ti posso fare un esempio?
una persona va dallo psicologo ,perché non riesce ad essere vincente, gli va tutto male ok?
si deprime sempre più
più o meno
lo psicologo riesce a ritornare indietro nella vita di questa persona
e si viene a scoprire che quando era bambina questa persona era stata rimproverata dalla madre o dal padre che le dicevano che nella vita non avrebbe mai fatto nulla di buono ok?
per cui questa disistima nei confronti di se stessa l'aveva portata a non riuscire nella vita ok?

22:33 I know what it does well
gives this person the tools to regain self-esteem
if this person came to me I would say that in baptism he received a terrible Lord this child free from original sin
22:36 I
This message washes up in the unconscious memory of the child's unconscious will believe in that because he was born in sin does not combine any good. As you can see a mental block has a root found further upstream

of a spiritual nature to understand these things is spiritual counseling evolutionary
ma si è piccolissimi quando si riceve il battesimo
la memoria assorbe lo stesso ecco perchè il danno è maggiore , perché il bambino non capisce a livello razionale e assorbe tutto nell'inconscio
eh si incredibile eppure reale
la chiesa battezza i bambini perchè sa che se lo facesse con gli adulti non avrebbe lo stesso effetto plagiante
il plagio è qualcosa che prescinde dalla razionalità
si chiama messaggio subliminale
ne avrai sentito parlare
scusa devo assentarmi un attimo
22:42??? Ok I

I am
told myself that my lack of auotostima I always blamed my father, but it's the fault of the baptism
I've been raped that day, as all of us and this, human nature and you can not stand
it reappears as an account payable
oh God raped?
I inwardly
all we have been
22:54?? cm
you understand the word is strong
22:54 I
violence is to crack
we have violated someone intimately
wrote in our conscience, a message of negativity



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