Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Milena Velba Rub My Boob

The television and newspapers do not report anything, but still hail the pope

Cerco un giornalista che racconti la verità sulla pedofilia della chiesa...ahimé...non ne trovo.
Non perde tempo il Ratz, anche in Gran Bretagna, a condannare, tardi, troppo tardi, la pedofilia clericale. Proprio lui che ha nascosto gli scandali with the document Crimen Sollecitationis Vaticanum. RAI 1 in E stain to tell the heroic deeds of this impostor dressed in carnival.
E 'a blatant plug for a ride, only to regain credibility after the uproar that has raised throughout the world the BBC film, broadcast on RAI no less than in May two years ago, during the broadcast on Annozero pedophile priests and bishops, and since then, the dissatisfaction with the church has grown dramatically. At first, the church defended itself by saying that the cases were isolated. In the movie you spoke of the involvement of the then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger through the above-mentioned document that demanded that the American bishops silence on pain of excommunication, not for the pedophile priests who, in fact, were only moved from one parish to another but for the speaker (only a perverted mind can make such an order). There was also an order by a Texas court, in Boston, who had already prepared a subpoena against Ratzinger for aiding and abetting child abuse. We all know that the latter's election as pope (extraordinary coincidence of timing) to spare them the shame of a conviction for immunity Vatican took over as Head of State. In the latter period or Ratzinger has become truly and felt he had committed crimes or are playing the part knowing the newspapers, the servants of the Vatican, and widen the scope praising the pope's words that day is celebrated in all the TV for his words of condemnation of pedophilia, forgetting that they have long been hidden. If it were truly converted recognizing its reprehensible behavior and conspiratorial, it will cost for a long time psychological imbalance of thousands of children, the least that should have attitude would be to publicly ask for forgiveness of his sins, as do public good in report today, what he himself has caused, but without reference to its responsibilities. And then there is no need to be exalted psychologists to understand that the Ratz condanna la pedofilia solo per riguadagnare credibilità e non perché ne sia pentito. Questa la dice lunga sulle buone intenzioni della chiesa che era è e resta la vergogna dell’Umanità. Che cosa ci si aspettava dalla gerarchia? Che facesse il mea culpa? Che cosa ci si aspettava da mons. Fisichella, quando prese parte alla trasmissione Annozero? Che parlasse a favore delle vittime e rispettive famiglie? O che dicesse: “Grazie per aver sollevato il problema; d'ora in poi saremo severissimi con chi si macchia del delitto di pedofilia” ? La sua unica risposta fu:< >. Era stato invitato proprio lui per fare da contraddittorio ma forse non se n’è accorto.
Ringraziare? The Roman Catholic Church has never done. Have you ever seen the hierarchy to make amends for the sins committed? Or have you not, rather, since, even when John Paul II asked forgiveness for the crimes committed by men of the church, he never dreamed of asking forgiveness for the crimes that the hierarchy, under his reign and even now, continues to work within their institution, not guaranteeing the rights of conscience to express themselves freely? But perhaps just as much attention then they put on that Thursday evening, for a response that Msgr. Fisichella gave into his painful and honeyed speech. Meanwhile, his answer revealed pacatissima diplomatic style hierarchy that is indignant at nothing that is not just something that tends to undermine its interests alone. The hierarchy to only affect children catechized well. Maybe if there is to defend the embryos, the bishops thunder to no end. For children it's different. Violentateli well, just do not know anything is not to discredit the honor of the holy church of God Well, the only thing I could say the monsignor was discovered that priests are pedophiles "reduced" to the lay state. Yes, yes, you read right: defrocked. Did you know that, with respect to the hierarchy, lay people are considered "low"? This was stated by canon law. And no one has raised mai questa polemica lo si deduce dal fatto che, tempo addietro, durante la trasmissione di RAI 3, Linea Notte (tra l’altro anche RAI 3 ha cominciato a invitare dei preti in trasmissione e questo preoccupa), il prete lì presente ha ripetuto che i preti colpevoli di pedofilia saranno “ridotti” allo stato laicale. Come dire che i preti sono superiori a noi poveri comuni mortali; sono la razza eletta. E come pensate che i gerarchi si abbassino a parlare nelle trasmissioni laiche come quelle di Santoro, alla pari con i laici? Ecco perché mi preoccupa la presenza dei preti in TV, perché essi, coscienti della loro superiorità rispetto ai morituri, non dialogano ma pontificano. E i giornalisti annuiscono senza mai porre questions "embarrassing." Now you hear them pontificate in the halls of Bruno Vespa (most of all clerical and lick). You hear them talk about where there are several Messori, immondiziologo, Andreotti, always present, like parsley. You hear them talk about where there is a journalist with the "balls" that puts them in a crisis and I know very little, In fact most are controlled by the power and lamented himself, Msgr. Fisichella, because that movie Annozero had not heard. But in front of witnesses that bring the sick, which would be contradictory? Recriminated he, when we see daily on TV, priests, bishops, pope speaking to freewheel. Often, in order not to give too much attention, invite some secular opusdeista, neocatecumenale, CL, Legionnaires of Christ, or the ever-present Community of St. Egidio Catholic or politicians. Virtually all subservient to the church, along with journalists who do not inform but they tell only nonsense, how to write, for example, that: "The Pope today, many children have cherished." Please, do not, henceforth, to give the news. A few mischievous might like to comment that priests rape children and the pope caresses them. So, if the laity are reduced, we are fresh dialogue with the hierarchy in television. I am convinced that not even the same my lord, in that broadcast, he realized that he said talking about the monstrosity of reduction to the lay state, as well as the priest at Night Line. This way of talking a lot about them that is in their DNA a diplomat contempt for the laity. Their respectability hypocritical holy men, is undisputed. When even the language betrays and reveals the thinking of these powerful, then it means that there is no dialogue, we are on two different planes and parallel. Let us remember that everyone who claims to be infallible truth in your pocket will never fall to the level of "low". These are the most dangerous and there is not to spend time to talk, because the priests and bishops in TV have only one wish, among other things suggested by headquarters: to proselytize. Then the attitude to have towards them is to be hard as possible and report in no uncertain terms, publicly, their filth.



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