Friday, June 6, 2008

Denise Milani At Mediafire


Frida. Life of Frida Kahlo, H. Herrera (The Turtle)
But who really was Frida Kahlo and why we talk so much about her? Of herself she said: "They thought I was a Surrealist, but I was not. I never painted dreams. I painted my own reality." The reality of a woman with a magnetic and strange beauty, small and fair. Born in Mexico in 1907 on the eve of the revolution and affected by an accident at eighteen that makes his life an ordeal of physical suffering. But a novel of political passion, love, di sofferta ricerca artistica. Sposata al grande muralista Diego Rivera, ammirata da Breton e da Picasso, che diceva a Rivera: "Né tu né io sappiamo dipingere una testa come Frida Kahlo". Ha dipinto ossessivamente autoritratti e nature morte sensuali.


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