Friday, June 6, 2008

Balck And White Comforters

Tina Modotti Tina Modotti

Tina Modotti, P. Cossi (Ed. Library image)
multifaceted character, surrounded by great passions, Tina Modotti has followed in his eventful life, the star of freedom, love of art and existence. Emigrant workers, actress and photographer. Activist of the international communist movement, fascism, and Garibaldi exiled in Spain. He knew and met Robert Capa and Gerda Taro, Antonio Machado, Dolores Ibarruri, Rafael Alberti, Malraux, Norman Bethune, Hemingway and Pablo Neruda.Friulana of origin, born in Udine in 1896, emigrated with his family in the United States where he is interested in music and poetry, painting and meeting with liberal intellectuals. In 1920, in Hollywood to play The Tiger's Coat of Roy Clement. Then in Mexico, politics and photography. The life, loves and impulses are being investigated by Tina Modotti da questa bella biografia a fumetti in cui il giovane Paolo Cossi, promettente matita friulana, mette a fuoco la fascinosa Tina.Cossi possiede una scrittura fumettisticamente accattivante, dove si alternano diverse tecniche narrative e dove il gradevole tratto, sempre in bilico tra realismo e deformazione umoristica, ben si accompagna alla narrazione. Qua e là si scopre la suggestione che l’arte fotografica praticata da Tina ha su Cossi: Tina Modotti ha utilizzato la fotografica come strumento di indagine e di denuncia sociale, Paolo Cossi usa il fumetto come strumento di indagine nella memoria del Novecento, indagine che ci fa incontrare il grande fotografo Edwar Weston, la pittrice Frida Kahlo e mille altri personaggi che hanno incrociato la loro strada con to Tina. Among the major who is passionate to shape Modotti also are Pablo Neruda, who offered his respects to the tomb of Tina: "... the jewel of your body asleep again extends the pen and the bloody soul as if you could, sister, bounce back and smile over the mud. " A pleasant biography fumetti.Per the biography of the "revolutionary" Modotti on the back cover it resurrects a slogan of a few decades ago: "Neither saint nor a bitch only woman, a woman who left a deep impression, and that this biography comic book helps you to remember.


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