Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Broken Capillaries From Crying

Hypocrisy Unlimited

feel that beautiful and moving without words. Obviously these publicly before the press that he now osannerĂ  gesture.

has learned its lessons well from his predecessor John Paul II, a true media star who enjoyed being in the back by the cameras. If these words were not spoken by Jesus who rebuked the silence on the filth of priests and bishops and that now, since the phenomenon of vast proportions, began to be afraid and spring up the ass trying to regain some sort of credibility in front of the hypocritical world, swear words that are spoken by a true prophet of justice. But I must point out with pain yet another outlet for a ride in the victims of clerical pedophilia. Ratzinger does not perceive to be bad to unbelievably pathetic than that? Hypocrite ... Wolf in sheep's clothing!

Vatican City, March 20 (AP) - The pedophilia scandal is not only Ireland only nor the Church, Benedict XVI says in his letter today revealed to the Irish Catholics, but at the same time the Pope uses harsh words for priests guilty of abuse nimori: "You betrayed the trust placed in you by innocent young people and their parents. must answer for it before God Almighty, as well as before properly constituted courts. " Hence the warning to cooperate fully with the courts. "Dear brothers and sisters in the Church Ireland, it is with great concern that I write as a pastor of the universal Church. Like you, I was deeply disturbed by the news appeared about the abuse of children and vulnerable young people by members of the Church in Ireland, particularly by priests and religious, "is how you open the letter submitted today by the Holy See press office . Conscious of the wave of cases detected in Europe in recent months, Pope said that "in reality, as many in your country have pointed out, the problem of child abuse is not specific to either Ireland or the Church." It promises, Benedict XVI, two things in Ireland will send an "apostolic visitation in some dioceses, as well as seminaries and congregations religious. "Not only that, you invest yourself" On several occasions since my election to the See of Peter, I met with victims of sexual abuse, as they are ready to do in the future. I have sat with them, I listened to their stories, I took note of their suffering, I prayed with and for them. "And so the statement given to victims of facing the most horrible abuse as well: silence." I know nothing can undo the evil you have endured. It 'been betrayed your trust, and your dignity has been violated. Many of you have experienced that when you were courageous enough to talk about what happened to you, no one would listen. "

Hai anche la sfrontatezza di parlare ai bambini violentati? Tu che, nel documento Sex Crimen sollicitationis vaticanum, firmato da te, proprio da te, hai intimato la scomunica per chi avrebbe parlato e hai persino chiesto alle diocesi di risarcire con vile denaro una violenza umana, mantenendo il segreto? Di nuovo ti dico: Ipocrita...Falso profeta…Demonio!



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