Tuesday, June 30, 2009


God is within us

Selfishness, dissatisfaction, indifference to others.

Speaking of Socrates, of its "Know thyself" introduces us to a sensitive issue that still has to be addressed in order to understand the deeper mechanisms. Selfishness, dissatisfaction and indifference towards the next birth by lack of self-knowledge, for which there is a risk of finding themselves to act not for personal conviction, but only for a profit, which may manifest itself through the desire Power, money, success at the expense of others. It is not always the fault of those who suggests these negative values. It depends on us. If we are careful and we do not influenced by fashion or by the mass media, We have all the tools to build a personality that can look at himself as a "Being on the other." This happens if we take into account three fundamental dynamics that are an integral part of our human nature, which we ignored condemn itself to be perpetually dissatisfied.

In my opinion there are three basic steps:
1) Knowledge (We are made to know the reality at 360 degrees and evaluate it personally)
2) Awareness-ethics-positive (born from the knowledge of others and by 'acceptance of the things that unite us and those that never divide us. So spread the love)
3) Evolution of Consciousness in the well- (Love moving human nature to build a united world).

Knowledge, therefore, generate awareness, and the latter (which carries the ethical sense of existence, so we are led to love your neighbor as yourself) gives impetus to a leap forward in the evolution of consciousness to the social good.

Any form of religious dogmatism, unfortunately still present in our society, which brakes individual knowledge, it makes the ignorant man, it blocks the ethical awareness and delays his inner evolution, generating self-interest, dissatisfaction and indifference to everything related to the fate of humanity.

Ecco il motivo per cui spesso si ha a che fare con individui che, pur avendo magari alte cariche religiose-ecclesiastiche, sono rimaste nella “fase narcisistica dello sviluppo psichico”. Tutto ciĆ² che conoscono che, in questo caso, non chiamerei conoscenza vera ma solo una mera somma di informazioni ricevute, non li ha proiettati verso l'esterno, per cui non avendo sviluppato il senso della consapevolezza e men che meno il senso etico, se non quello egoistico del tornaconto personale (da qui la fase narcisistica perdurante nel tempo), non hanno avuto neanche un chiara evoluzione della coscienza verso il bene. Sono forse potenti? Certo ma pericolosi, in quanto ancora adolescenti nella psiche. Se, da essere potenti quali sono, proiettano their lives outside of this model, you run the risk of creating clones.
If we begin to understand they have a brain that can learn and reason without external influence of any kind, we have the antidote to this form of cloning psychic.



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